Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay about Categorical Imperative - 1517 Words
Kant thinks that the basic moral principles of our society come from people’s rationality, and people must follow these principles unconditionally. These moral principles are the Categorical Imperative. Meanwhile, its common rules have different directions in society. To conclude these directions, it can be reflected from three different formulations. Among the three formulations, the first formulation of universal law has standout features in the maxim and the constraints about people’s behaviors. With combined analysis of examples, the drawbacks of universal law also appear out. For evaluating and explaining to prove the flaws of the universal law, the specific understanding about the meaning of maxim is essential because it is the†¦show more content†¦It states that â€Å"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time [rationally] will that it become a universal law†(Bergeron and Tramel 239). In this definition, the maxim is the ob jective principle. People need to act in accordance to the objective maxim, and the maxim has become the universal law through the judgments of will. The key point of this formulation is whether the maxim is universalizable or not. If the maxim is universalizable, it is the objective principle. People need to act and obey this objective maxim in moral life. Otherwise, the maxim is only the subjective principle, and people should not apply their subjective maxims into the moral life. People will betray the universal law only by means of their subjective maxims, and this behavior is not allowed in Categorical Imperative. The formulation of universal law is the basis of Categorical Imperative. However, everything has advantages and disadvantages, even the formulation of universal law. The outstanding point of universal law stresses that people’s moral behaviors should have objectivity. Whether the maxim could be universalizable depends on if the subjective maxim could become an objective maxim. Thus, when the subjective maxim could pass the standard of the objective maxim, it will be the moral maxim indeed. People need to act in accordance with universal law, or people will make moral mistakes. As for the weak points, there are two perspectives. ThisShow MoreRelatedcategorical imperative2232 Words  | 9 Pagesï » ¿Explain with examples, Kant s theory of the Categorical Imperative Kant believed that there is an objective moral law this meant, he did not depend on a point of view. If there is a moral law there is a duty to obey this law. To act morally, it is necessary to have a good will for example to help someone just because it would be the right thing to do in the certain situation. Morality is made up of categorical imperatives meaning that you should do something simply because they are theRead MoreCategorical Imperative2266 Words  | 10 Pagescategorical imperative n. In the ethical system of Immanuel Kant, an unconditional moral law that applies to all rational beings and is independent of any personal motive or desire QUICK FACTS * NAME: Immanuel Kant * OCCUPATION: Philosopher * BIRTH DATE: April 22, 1724 * DEATH DATE: February 12, 1804 * PLACE OF BIRTH: Kaliningrad (now Konigsburg), Russia * PLACE OF DEATH: Kaliningrad (now Konigsburg), Russia Profile Immanuel Kant was born on April 22, 1724, in KaliningradRead MoreKant And The Categorical Imperative1177 Words  | 5 Pagescontent of what they believed, they had latched onto a great need to promote ethical behavior, a need which still remained. It was in this context that Kant came up with the idea he called categorical imperative, which are commands you must follow, regardless of your desires. In Kant’s view, the categorical imperative is the voice of our rational selves, it’s what we all truly believe when we’re thinking sensibly, it’s the rule of our own intelligence gives us. We will discuss two of Kant’s formulations;Read MoreThe Ethics On Categorical Imperatives1999 Words  | 8 Pages KANTIANT ETHICS ON CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVES Nicole Vang Philosophy 3360: Business Ethics Ryan S. Hellmers June 8, 2015â€Æ' Immanuel Kant is one of the most important and hardest philosophers in history. Kant’s thinking of philosophy is based on human autonomy, the understanding of human and their reasons. An action of moral worth is not the aftermath by the action, but the motive behind it. He argues that the only motives for these reasons are from universal principles, leading to his famousRead More Kant’s Categorical Imperatives Essay978 Words  | 4 Pagesevaluate whether one’s actions are moral, we use many moral dilemmas. One of them is Kant’s categorical imperative. This essay presents Kant’s project of categorical imperative. Then, I will explain that rulers should appeal to Kant’s categorical imperative when making foreign policy decision. In order to support my point of view, I will give importance to the reasons of why rulers appeal to categorical imperative when making foreign policy, so I have two reasons for this. One of them is that states depend Read More Kant and the Categorical Imperative Essay897 Words  | 4 PagesKant and the Categorical Imperative Kant tried to develop a theory of ethics which relied on reason rather than emotion. While he was not anti-religious, he wanted an ethical system which was not clouded by religion, emotion or personal interpretation. He placed emphasis on motives behind an action rather than, like the Utilitarians, the consequences of an action. He believed that consequences were no guide to whether an action was moral or not. His theory is known asRead MoreThe Categorical Imperative And The Utilitarian Perspective935 Words  | 4 Pages1. Given these query results, do you have an ethical responsibility to do something? Consider both the categorical imperative and the utilitarian perspective. The query results clearly indicate the inequality, the most of the employees born in cites like California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas are getting fewer salaries than their job salary range. In this situation, we are ethically responsible for doing something about it, but it is not easy to know the decision we are making is right or wrongRead MoreCategorical Imperative By Immanuel Kant946 Words  | 4 Pagesable to choose the right moral path based on intellect regardless of religion or belief in a God. Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative, arguably what he is best known for can be summed up for an argument for making the right moral decision, as if they applied to everyone equally. This can be done using a person’s sense of reason, and consideration for others. Likewise these imperatives are the moral obligations you need to follow, despite your desires. While applying this to religions, Kant believedRead More Kants Categorical Imperative Essay1537 Words  | 7 PagesKants Categorical Imperative Deontology is the ethical view that some actions are morally forbidden or permitted regardless of consequences. One of the most influential deontological philosophers in history is Immanuel Kant who developed the idea of the Categorical Imperative. Kant believed that the only thing of intrinsic moral worth is a good will. Kant says in his work Morality and Rationality â€Å"The good will is not good because of what it affects or accomplishes or because of it’s adequacyRead MoreCategorical Vs. Categorical Imperative1929 Words  | 8 Pages An imperative can be described as either a requirement or an order such as an assistant manager being told to take inventory or being told by a personal trainer to do fifty squats. All imperatives, no matter what it is, can either be hypothetical or categorical. A hypothetical imperative would be defining an action to be good if there is â€Å"a means to do something else†. (Landau-Kant 93) An example of a hypothetical imperative would be to do an action in order to achieve a specific result. On the
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Organ Donation - 2109 Words
Donate Life Did you know that seventeen people will die today? They will not die because they were in a car wreck, involved in a shooting, or because it was simply that their time had come. Seventeen people will die because they couldnt get an organ transplant in time. Moneys not the issue here. Neither is scarcity. There are potential donors who pass away every day who could meet the needs of people on the waiting list. The problem is the potential donors die without leaving instructions that they wish to be an organ donor. Each donor could enhance the lives of up to fifty people. Everyone should sign up to be an organ donor because the greatest gift you can give is the gift of life. According to the United Network of Organ†¦show more content†¦A common misconception among families facing the question about organ donation is that it will mutilate their loved ones body. According to UNOS, Donated organs are removed surgically, in a routine operation similar to gall bladder or appendix removal. Donation doesnt disfigure the body or change the way it looks in a casket (Top 10 Myths). This makes it possible to donate the organs of your loved one, while still having an open casket at their funeral. Being able to have an open casket is a very important step in the grieving process; it gives closure to an individual to see their loved one lying in the casket. Many times an argument heard against organ donation is that someones religion does not support donation. This is usually a myth and individuals should research their religions beliefs. Most major religions support donation, and it is generally held that donation for the benefit of others is a demonstration of faith and love for ones fellow man. Any one with questions about their faiths position on donation should consult with their clergy or spiritual advisor (Author). I would have to say that the biggest and most important myth on organ donation is that you dont need to tell your family about your desire to be an organ donor because it will be written down in your will. But, By the time your will is read, it will be too late to recover your organs. Telling your family now that you want to beShow MoreRelated Organ Donation Essay740 Words  | 3 PagesOrgan Donation Organ donation is a topic which contains many conflicting views. To some of the public population organ donation is a genuine way of saving the life of another, to some it is mistrusted and to others it is not fully understood. There are some techniques that can be used to increase donation. Of these techniques the most crucial would be being educated. If the life threatening and the critical shortage of organs was fully understood by the public, organ donation wouldRead MoreOrgan Donation : Organ Donations Essay1323 Words  | 6 PagesPreviously organ donation has encountered organ donors and organ supply rejections. Organ donation challenges and demands decreased as the organ shortages increase over the years. Organ donation mission is to save many terminally ill recipients at the end stages of their lives, the significance of the organ donation is to give back to restore one’s quality of life. The ongoing issues may present an idealistic portrait of how these issues may be resolved. As a result organ donation mission is toRead MoreOrgan Donation. â€Å"Organ Donation Is Not A Tragedy, But It1112 Words  | 5 PagesOrgan Donation â€Å"Organ donation is not a tragedy, but it can be a beautiful light, in the midst of one†(Unknown). There has been many disbeliefs about donating your organs over the years. The organ demand drastically exceeds the available supply, which is why more people need to be organ donors. People should become organ donors because of the limited availability of organs and the chance to save many lives. Although many people think that if you are an organ donor doctors won’t try as hard toRead MoreOrgan Donation2096 Words  | 9 Pages stat! After applying yourself to be a recipient for a donation, you will be added to the waiting list for that organ. This can take months, if not years. Receiving an organ can be sudden whenever an organ match has been found for you. We should reevaluate organ donation due to someone’s personal religion, inability to benefit the poor, numerous hospital visits, and potential endangerment to their own well being. Therefore, in 2009, organ transplants became a demand everywhere so abruptly thatRead MoreOrgan Donation And Organ Organs Essay1308 Words  | 6 PagesOrgan donations have encountered organ donor and organ supply rejections. Organ donation challenges and demands increase as the organ shortages increase over the years. Organ donation’s mission is to save many terminally ill recipients at the end stages of their lives. The significance of the organ donation is to give back to restore one’s quality of life. The ongoing issues may present an idealistic portrait of how these issues may be resolved. As a result, the mission of organ donations are toRead MoreOrgan Donation : Organ Organs1054 Words  | 5 PagesOrgan Donation Organ donation occurs when a failing or damaged organ, is replaced with a new organ, through a surgical operation. The two sources of organs for donation come from a deceased person and a living person. The organs that are received from a deceased person are called cadaveric organs. A person can indicate on his or her driver’s license if they want to be an organ donor after they die. There are some states that allow for family consent for organ removal, regardless if the deceasedRead MoreIs Organ Donation Or Not?1486 Words  | 6 Pageswill happen if they ever donate their organ/s or tissue’s. Most look upon people who donate organ/s as generous. Others even applaud them for being a lifesaver. The question that lingers on many: Is it proper to charge for the organ donations or not? According to the Mayo Clinic, in United States alone, over 100,000 individuals are in the offing for an organ donation. Regrettably, several individuals may at no time procure the bid that a fit benefactor of an organ matches his or her one more wagerRead MoreOrgan Donation1163 Words  | 5 PagesBut by becoming an organ donor, you can be able to say â€Å"I will save a life.†Organ donation is a selfless way to give back to others, and to be able to make a huge difference by giving another person a second chance at life. Unfortunately, the number of patients waiting for organs far exceeds the number of people who have registered to become organ donors. Patients are forced to wait months, even years for a match, and far too many die before they are provided with a suitable organ. There are many shamesRead Moreorgan donation1007 Words  | 5 Pagesyou would help someone after you have passed on. Organ and tissue donation is a topic that does not get enough attent ion. Ninety-five percent of Americans say that they support donation yet the number of registered donors is much smaller ( Anyone can sign up to be a donor. After death you can donate your organs. Each day 18 people will die waiting on organs. Tissues are also able to be donated. The age of donation do not matter. Some mothers donate the blood of theRead MoreOrgan Donation1237 Words  | 5 PagesSpecific Purpose: To persuade my audience to donate their organs and tissues when they die and to act upon their decision to donate. Thesis Statement: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you die. I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention material/Credibility Material: How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn’t live without? Well, my cousin was five years old when
Monday, December 9, 2019
How to buy a used car Essay Example For Students
How to buy a used car Essay There are many successful steps a person can take when buying a used car so that the car will last as long as it is expected to, without having to put thousands of dollars into it to keep it running and maintained. The last thing that a person wants is a car not worth what was paid for it. A problem for many people who rush into buying the first good looking car or truck on the lot, without taking the proper steps to make sure the car is in The first order of business when buying a used car is to have a price range figured out before getting to the lot. Have a set amount in dollars that can be spent on the car and if something seen grabs the eye, it can be easily decided if it is affordable or not. Also have the maximum amount of money figured out, in case there is a beautiful car that is a couple of thousand dollars out of the price range. Because there is always something nicer than the next, so if one car does exceed the range it can easily be distinguished if it is in the price r ange that has been drawn up. Another thing to remember is to bring a used car value book to look up the prices of cars of interest. Last but not least, look for cars under the set price range because there will be many cars sold for cheaper than expected and overlooking these could be a bad mistake. The next thing to do once a car has caught some attention is to check the interior and exterior. But the thing to remember is that this is a used car and it will not be perfect, so if a scratch is seen being too picky may make it very hard to find a car. When checking the interior check for holes and stains in the upholstery and carpet. Next make sure all the buttons and levers are all working. If there are power windows in the car make sure it works and if a sunroof is there make sure it retracts correctly. Checking the exterior of the car is a little easier considering all that is needed is a brief check. Look for chips, scratches, dents, or anything that just doesnt look right or if s omething doesnt look right just get a second opinion and see what someone else thinks. If everything seems to be in order than the next The third step is to have the engine checked for problems. The last thing anybody wants to do is buy a car with a faulty engine or parts. To pay all that money for a car and then having to invest more in the engine would be insane. It is always good to take the car to a local mechanic, so a good inspection by someone not paid by the lot can be done on the car. Many times a good mechanic will find something that needs to be fixed and the dealer will fix it free of charge if the car will be bought pending the repair of the car. Or if, the dealer offers a deal on a car with an engine problem at a really good price, get the problem estimated and if the price to fix and buy this car is still a low cost , then this could be a good investment even if at first the car looks like a hassle. Finally, the last and best part of used car searching is the test dri ve. Be sure that it is comfortable to the liking to he or she when driving. Also, one should be at ease driving the car and if it is a big car and one is not at ease because of size, maybe a smaller car should be looked at and could prove to have been a wise decision. If it is a fast car, think, can I handle the steering and acceleration of a sports car. And if after these steps the car still twinkles in the buyers eye, to the negotiation table to work out the price. .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540 , .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540 .postImageUrl , .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540 , .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540:hover , .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540:visited , .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540:active { border:0!important; } .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540:active , .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540 .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6e942f179a64a50c2e709a25b5764540:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Renaissance Food Essay Buying a used car can be a hassle, but if there is a set price range with a high limit and low that should help. Along with the exterior and interior check and everything is in working order. The engine runs with no major problems, besides a new set of spark plugs. The test drive is like driving a Porsche down the road. This car will likely be the used car that will last as long as it was expected to just like a new car would have done. If the step here are followed buying a pre-owned car will be easy and a load off the wallet, when instead of buying a brand new car, I saved thousands by buying the same model car, just two years older. Bibliography:
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Birthing Crisis free essay sample
Essay prompt: The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? The gentle, coaxing fingers seized a pair of shining scissors, rushing its blades deftly through a veil of muscle and skin, releasing a trail of glistening red in their wake. Screams, commands, and moans melded in a symphony of chaos, climaxing, then fading into blackness. I awoke to a collection of concerned faces hovering over me: â€Å"Are you okay?†I was not okay. The feeling of nausea paled in comparison to my emotional distress. In one moment, all my dreams were shattered. This was the moment of triumph I had waited so long for. I had envisioned the envy of my peers, the congratulations of my parents, and my bragging rights for all eternity. I had finally witnessed a live birth. We will write a custom essay sample on The Birthing Crisis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Yet, instead of identifying with the OB/GYN doctor in the room, I was more like the wailing newborn – exposed, raw, and utterly confused about my place in the world. My path to becoming a baby doctor was set in motion before I was born. In a town of 25,000 at the foot of Appalachia, my grandfather was the sole OB/GYN specialist, delivering 21,000 babies in his 30-year career. Numerous local children were named after him. Families who had moved across the country came back to have their babies delivered by him. Relatives visiting town were pardoned for speeding tickets upon mentioning his name. For my grandfather, delivering babies was more a passion than a job; each delivery was a celebration of life itself. Hence, I grew up believing that delivering babies was the most joyful profession in the world. I was the family hope to continue the profession. I had shown a natural predisposition toward being a baby doctor: I was a popular babysitter in my town, was known to be observant and patient, had excelled in science and math, and when one of my pet rabbits deposited a mess of placenta and fetus at the foot of her cage, I resuscitated the cold bodies and nursed seven cuddly creatures to life. I eagerly waited to be old enough to volunteer in the obstetrics department at the local hospital. For over a year, I rushed samples to the lab, sorted through patient records, answered phone calls, and transported stirring pink and blue bundles between mothers and the nursery every Tuesday night. The moment I was waiting for, the chance to participate in a live birth, finally arrived. What was meant to be my reward for persistence, reliability, and dedication instead became a meeting with the cold delivery room floor. After this disastrous incident, I consoled myself with my other favorite activities – classes, music, and a few gallons of ice cream. Yet, a void had been left by the departure of my long-held aspiration. A new door opened four months later. I was offered a research opportunity by a computer science professor at the local university where I take college classes. This interdisciplinary project bordering between computer science and life science quickly captured my imagination. I am now creating software that will help discover patterns of repetitive DNA, to reveal humans’ connections with other life forms and identify contributors to illnesses beyond our current ability to cure, such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, and muscle dystrophy. Next spring, I hope to deliver a presentation at an international conference about this â€Å"baby†tool I’ve helped bring into the world. And, I hope that I will be able to carry out my grandfather’s legacy – not as an OB/GYN, but as a scientist dissecting medicine down to its fundamentals and discovering means to improve the quality of life, while finding great passion in bettering the world and serving mankind.
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