Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Aviation Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Aviation Business - Assignment Example Let us estimate the business cost for this charter company to run Cessna 172 twice a month as mentioned earlier is as follows: Total business cost includes fixed cost, running costs or operational costs and landing and overnight tie down costs. Cost of running the aircraft: Fuel required for running this charter flight is its main component: $ 1500 per one hour 2 Total flying hours in a month: For southern side: (2+3) x 2 = 10 hours For northern side : (2+2+2) x 2 = 12 hours Total flying hours = 10 + 12 = 22 hours Additional flying hours to be considered / month = 10 hours Total flying hours = 12 + 22 + 10 = 44 hours Therefore the total cost accounts to $66000 / month. The total cost per one year = $792000 (Fig 1) Lease costs for aircraft : Aircraft was purchased with 25 % residual cost of flight ($259,500) for 5 years: $64750 Lease cost for one year = $12950 Lease cost for one month = $ 1079 Fixed costs (This is the daily cost of running a business ie. Rent, ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: Jagson Airlines. 2009. Charter services. Charter rules, terms and conditions. Rates : flying hours. http://www.jagsonairline.com/charter_services.htm. employee wages: It includes the charges for the pilot : Chief pilot is the only one person employed here. His salary component (including the benefit of super annuation) is $60,000 (Fig 2). For additional assisting staff (including the benefit of super annuation) : $25,000 Costs incurred on equipment, insurance, Air operators certificate, test approvals, Pilots annual checks and renewals = $ 10,000. Lease for the office building : $60,000 (Fig 3) Landing and overnight tie down charges for the airfield per year : $24,000 (Fig 4) Detailed description of... The charter aircraft will fly from Groote Eylandt (NT) to southern side in one fortnight and will return to Groote Eylandt (NT) and again from the same place it flies to northern side. Therefore in a month, it has to travel once in southern direction i.e. from Groote Eylandt to: Each time, it has to carry two medical staff and 40 kg medical accessories. All the basic principles of aviation including weather preparedness have to be kept in mind while planning the route plan (Parma, 1999). The net profit calculated by the company is $ 705650 which has been added to all the costs of running aircraft and accordingly annual tender amount of $ 1689600 per year and $140800 per month has been finalized. For successful flying with out any legal complications and for ensuring security norms of the respective nation, Cessna aircraft has to follow the aviation rules and regulations very strictly (Bruckert and Roud, 2007). The federal aviation regulations have to be followed very strictly while carrying out the aviation. The congestion management of aircrafts is essential along with the implementation of emission standards of aircrafts according to the federal regulations3.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Managing Financial Resources Decision Making Finance Essay
Managing Financial Resources Decision Making Finance Essay Preface I have written this assignment mainly to complete course requirement of HND 1st semester. My assignment is related to the subject named as Managing Financial Resources and Decision Making. I collected most information for this assignment from internet, my course book and mostly from the notes that I had collected from class lectures. Though I suffered bit difficulties in completing this assignment but it was pretty interesting and full of experience. I hope my work will be esteemed. Scenario: Mr. Javed wants to invest 5 million in a business project in Pakistan. Some of his friends are willing to invest their capital with Mr. Javed but Mr. Javed does not want to have partnership with someone. My advice: There are three types of businesses available for Mr. Javed which includes sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation. Sole proprietorship: (one owner) It is a form of business which is run and managed by single person. Explanation: It does not mean that sole proprietorship type of business will not have workers or assistants; it may have workers or assistants. In partnership profit or loss belongs to the owner. In such type of business the owner of the business is taxed not the business. Advantages: Such type of business is less expensive. Usually this type of business does not require a lot of legal formalities. Disadvantages: liabilities are unlimited that is personal assets can be claimed. Owner cannot leave business for long time that you cannot go for holidays etc because the business is totally dependent to the owner. Life of the business depends upon the life of the owner. Partnership: (two or more owners) As its name indicates it is such type of business in which two or more owners are involved. Explanation: partnership is basically an agreement, this can be written or verbal there is not rule from the government that agreement of partnership should be written but mostly owners prefer written agreement. In partnership business profit and loss and distributed among partners according to the agreement. In such type of business the owners of the business are taxed not the business. Advantages: It does not require a lot of legal formalities. Life of the business can be certain that it depends upon the agreement and partners. Less amount of capital is required to run such business. Disadvantage: Decision making is difficult in such type of business. Too many conflicts may rise in such type of business. Liabilities are unlimited which means that personal assets can be claimed. Corporation: (company) It is such type of business in two or more than two owners are involved, it is an artificial person, companys ownership is different from management. Explanation: In such type of business owner is called as shareholder and shareholder provide capital for running this business. The business is run by managers which are selected by Board of Directors and Managers. Profit and loss is distributed among shareholders, which is called as dividend. In corporation type of business, business is taxed not the owners. Advantages: Owner is can be easily transfer by selling shares. Life of the business does not depend upon the life of the owner. Liabilities are limited, personal assets cannot be claimed. Disadvantages: So many legal formalities are required to run this business. Formation of this business is very difficult. Large amount of capital is required to run this business. Due to retain earning shareholders confidence may loss because shareholders want more dividends. Business which I have selected for Mr. Javed: Keeping in mind that Mr. Javed does not want to have partnership business. So I prefer Mr. Javed to start a business of sole proprietor because as I mentioned above it is easy to start, no legal formalities are required and less amount of capital is required. So I have come up with an idea of opening an educational institute, which should provide HND (Business) and HND (Computing) in Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa Pakistan, because number competitors are less and demand is getting higher day by day. HNDs studying formation is different and interesting as compared to the education system of Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa. Mr. Javed will need more amount of 3 million for this project. There are some factors which will ensure success of this project which are discussed below. Factors which are important for the profitability: There are different factors which clearly show that this project is worth to start and is profitable. Some factors are given below. Advertisement: Advertisement plays great role in the success of any project before starting this projects people should be informed about this institute by advertising through T.V and billboards and through flyers etc. Special events of institute like parties and funfair etc should also be advertised by various methods. Choosing location: Choosing an appropriate location is the key to the success of this project. The building should be good. Location for this project should not be in such place where reaching for student is hard. Class rooms of institute: Classes should be well equipped with modern technologies that is should have good quality multi-media, well furniture for the students etc which will satisfy and increase interest of students. Staff: The main thing in this project is the selecting of the staff. Mr. Javed should hire well qualified teachers. Because it teacher who run an intuition. Staff on institute should visit each class regularly, because absentees will disappoint students. Reasonable fees: This institute should have reasonable fee. At the beginning institute must have as low fee as possible in order to compete competitors. Fee prices shouldnt be so high that people avoid this institute. Institute can increase fee with the passage of time. Scholarships: Institute should issue scholarship to the bright students this will attract more students toward institute and there should be extra curriculum activities in institute. Sports and Library: Institute should be limited to studies only there should be proper arrangement for the sports activities for the student so that they dont feel institute boring and there should well standard library in the institute which should have all the related course books and other books as well. Other facilities: Institute must have canteen in institute which should sell neat and clean foods and beverages, there should be internet facility in institute so that students face no problem in new researches. Different parties should be arranged by the institute because parties and different seminars attract students. Task for P1: Sources of finance defined: Basically there are two main sources of finance internal sources of finance and external sources of finance .Sources of finance means from where to make capital (money) in order to run business. There are different sources of finance which are explained below. Internal sources of finance: Definitely before starting business the owner will have some capital (money), it is not really mean cash but it also include building, machinery etc which is called as internal source. The more you have internal source less will be the burden of loan on the owner. (GCSE business studies Finance and Accounting) External sources of finance: It involves sources which are not owned by the owner like bank, government grant, and loan from friends, leasing, factoring etc. (GCSE business studies Finance and Accounting) Sources of finance available for Mr. Javed: There are different sources of finance available for Mr. Javed which is discussed below. Loan from Banks: Banks are external sources of finance. Banks in return takes interest on loan. Bank will provide you loan on the basis of four factors. Character: Bank will analyze your previous record like how have you been in returning loan of taken before. You character is checked. Collateral: Banks ask security for loan that is if tomorrow you are not capable of returning loan the will take that particular thing which you provided for loan security. Example bank will take legal document of land, building etc. Conditions: While taking loan from bank they might impost some legal condition of borrower like if you take loan from our bank you will not take loan from another bank till our loan is returned. Commitment: The bank checks the purpose of the loan. Banks will not give you loan for running illegal businesses. Banks overdraft: Short loan for a short period of time from loan is called as bank over drafting. The banks do charge you some interest on it and bank may impose some of their policies. Borrowing from individual: It involves taking loan from your colleagues, friends or relative which is called as borrowing from individuals. Individual in return takes interest. Individuals may provide you loan on below factors. Loan will returned within sound time. They charge interest. Franchising: When a successful business gives it patent and slogan to new business. This is called as franchising. There are two parties involved in franchising which is explained below. Franchisee: Franchisee is a party who uses patent and slogan. Franchiser: Franchiser is a party which provides patent and slogan. Leasing: Leasing is another source of finance. It is basically a contract between two persons, lessor and the lessee. Lessor: Lessor is the owner of the asset. Lessee: A person who uses asset is called as lessee. Explanation: It is used in such conditions when the person needs asset for some time and the agreement is established by lessor and lessee. There are two types of leasing. Operating lease: It is that type of lease which is for short period of time. Finance lease: Leasing for long period of time is called as finance leasing. Lessee is supposed to be the owner of the asset till the leasing agreement. Grants: When government provides asset, capital etc to our business this is called as grants. Government provides us grants when our business is helpful to society like providing employment for society etc. Factoring: It is that source of finance in which third is involved. This is called as factor organization. Basically it provides money against the security of invoices (client debtors). Factor organization provides you capital (money) up to 80% of the invoice value. Factor organization takes control of managing invoices. Example: A orders goods from B on credit. When B needs money, it will consult factor organization. So B will give its invoice to factor organization. After this B will be given 80% of the invoice then factor organization will take control of invoice. Invoice discounting: Concept of invoice discounting is as same as factoring but the only difference in factoring and invoice discounting is that in invoice discounting it does not have control of managing clients invoices. Hire purchase: (HP) It is also source of finance. When an individual or businesses buy goods on credit and pay money on installments is called as hire purchase. It is also consist of three parties which are. Finance manager Hire purchaser Supplier Hire purchase is similar to leasing, the only difference in leasing and hire purchase is that after completing installments of hire purchase you become owner of that good etc, while in leasing you do not become owner of that good etc after paying complete money. Debt securities: Securities are general term used for a promise to repay the debts. The company which provides security over debts is called as debentures. They are basically like a company takes loan from an individual. The company will repay the debt with interest in a certain time in the future. Both individuals and investors can use debt securities. Task for P2: Advantages and disadvantages of the sources of finance: There are different advantages and disadvantages of different sources of finance which are discussed below. Load from bank: Advantages: Banks may provide good amount of loan on the basis of your project. Banks also provide loans for long time. If borrower pays loaned amount before due date, banks may provide borrower with discount like decrease in interest rate etc. Disadvantages: Too much paper work is required to take loan from bank. Borrower must provide security for loan. Security provided for the loan can be taken as banks property if loaned amount is not paid. If loan borrower fails to payback loan on time interest rate may be increased by the bank. Loan from individuals: Advantages: It is simple and easily acquirable. Borrower does not need to provide security on taking loan. Lender may extend due date of paying back loan by negotiation of borrower. Personal assets can be claimed if loaned amount is not paid. Loan must be paid on time. Clashed may arise on late payment. Debt securities: Advantages: Company gains a lot of profit. Investors get profit by taking interests. In debt securities there a benefits of tax as well. Disadvantages: The investor will have to be given interest whether the company is in loss or in profit. Investor will be given their money on the time which is fixed in agreement. Banks overdrafts: Advantages: Too much paper work is not required by taking overdrafts from bank. Bank overdraft is good for short period of time. You dont need to give bank security while taking overdrafts from bank. Disadvantages: You can only take specific amount of overdraft which is provided by the bank. The bank may implement some of their policies like interest rate or specific time to give back over drafted amount. Bank might charge you on providing facility of overdraft. Hire Purchase: Advantages: Purchaser becomes owner of the asset after completing installments. After installments purchaser become owner of the asset. Disadvantages: Usually price of goods or assets are higher as compared to original price in hire purchase. Purchaser is not supposed to be the owner of the goods or assets till the completion of complete payment. If payment is not given lender can retake goods or assets back from hire purchaser. Leasing: Advantages: Lessee is supposed to be owner of the leased asset or good till the leasing agreement. Lessee gets the required asset or good without paying complete amount at a time. Inflation does not affect leasing because agreement once done cannot be changed until agreement date is finished. Disadvantages: Lessee does not become owner of the leased asset or good after paying complete amount as said in agreement. Leasing rates may vary after agreement is finished. Lessor does not have the right to change or to finish agreement before its finished date. Grants: Advantages: Grants are free. Grants do not require to be paid back. Disadvantages: Grants not given without proper rules and regulations. Difficult to achieve grants because they have tough competitors. Factoring: Advantages: Large amount of capital (money) is gained in short time. Factor organization takes control of clients invoices. This system helps in controlling cash flow problems and helps in maintaining good business Disadvantages: Clients usually do not like this source because factor organization will take payments from them. Factor organization charges interest and fees on providing services. Privacy becomes nil because clients invoices becomes invoices of factor organization. Franchising: Advantages: Franchisee does not need to spend money on advertisement and promotion. Franchisers cannot make another franchisee, where one franchisee is situated. Franchisee does not need to worry about customers because franchiser already has customers. Disadvantages: It is quite expensive. Franchisee will run business as guided by the franchisors. Franchisor might stop doing business in the future. Task for P3: Sources of finance which are viable for Mr. Javed: Mr. Javed will need finance of rupees 3 million more because in order to make this project successful Mr. Javed must have good amount of capital. .Plus Mr. Javed will need to take a building for institute will cost too much money. There are different sources of finance available for Mr. Javed, but most feasible sources for this project are Bank loan: Mr. Javed will need more amount of 3 million so the best source can be bank. Because banks offer loan for long time. Leasing: Leasing is important for Mr. Javed because for this project land (building) is important so buying building will cost Mr. Javed a lot so instead of buying building its better to lease building. Task for M1: Justifications and implications of advised sources: Bank Loan: Bank provides loan of large capital (Money). Loan can be taken from bank for long period of time. If the project earns profit by giving loan back to bank before due date Mr. Javed can get discount as well. Once you start relationship with bank, bank can further help you with more amount of money. Bank might offer Mr. Javed for partnership which will take place by will of Mr. Javed. Bank also provides discount in interest rate by paying loaned amount before due time. Leasing: It will be cheaper as compared to buy building for the project. Leasing is easily accessible. Building for leasing can be found everywhere Mr. Javed wants. If Mr. Javed earns profit if he wants to buy the leased building he can but this will take place after the will of lessor. Instead of buying building leasing is better because if Mr. Javed wants to shift his institute to somewhere else he would easily do that without having tension of selling bought building.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Asthma :: essays research papers fc
Asthma is a respiratory disorder marked by breathing difficulty caused by temporary narrowing of the bronchi, the airways branching from the trachea to the lungs. Attacks usually are brought on by allergic reaction to ANTIGENS such as grass and tree pollens, mold spores, fungi, animal dander, and certain foods but may also be caused by chemical irritants in the atmosphere or by infections of the respiratory tract. Susceptibility to an asthma attack is based on hyperactivity of the bronchial muscles, which constrict on exposure to one or another of these agents. Episodes of asthma vary widely in severity and may last from a few minutes to several days. They may begin at any age but usually occur in childhood. In children, asthma often is associated with eczema, a skin inflammation that may reflect the tendency of the child to develop hypersensitivity reactions. The attacks usually become less frequent and less severe over the years and disappear in about half of all affected children before adulthood. In one form of asthma, called intrinsic asthma, however, the attacks become less frequent and less severe, but recovery between them is less complete. The bronchi in such patients become chronically narrowed, causing a progressive loss of capacity for physical exertion. The prevalence of asthma is only about 1 or 2 percent worldwide but varies greatly from country to country. In the United States, asthma affects about 6.9 percent of children. Typically, an asthma attack begins within minutes after exposure to a triggering agent. Symptoms include a sensation of tightness in the chest, coughing and wheezing, and difficulty in breathing. Persons having attacks usually find it more difficult to exhale then inhale, which causes overinflation of the chest and impaired lung functions. The breathing difficulty is alleviated somewhat by leaning forward and supporting the trunk with the arms on some object. Attacks that last several hours or more, even several days, despite treatment are called status asthmaticus. Patients with this condition develop a rapid pulse as the heart attempts to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the blood by beating faster. They also develop signs of exhaustion and dehydration. On a long-term basis, asthma usually is managed by determining the agent responsible for the attacks so that the patient can avoid it. When avoidance of allergens is not feasible, patients can sometimes be
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Excerpt from Ignor Stravinsky Essay
In this passage, Stravinsky discusses orchestra conductors, making observations and conclusions concerning their true necessity. He seemingly has carefully studied conductors’ behavior and effectively conveys his view to the reader. To present his point of view clearly, Stravinsky makes use of diction, satirical statements, and comparisons. Stravinsky manipulates his diction throughout the passage. He often uses quotations to place emphasis on certain words. His placement of quotes around the words â€Å"great†and â€Å"style†encourage the reader to look into the word for added meaning. Throughout, Stravinsky’s overall diction and statements seem rather rash and bold. He does not hesitate to present his feelings about the subject. For instance, he boldly states that â€Å"the incidence of ego disease is naturally high to begin with.†In doing so he presents the reader with the feeling of confidence. In turn, the reader doesn’t question Stravinsky’s overall knowledge of the subject matter. Also this creates a sense of informality. Throughout the passage, it seems as though Stravinsky is simply conversing with his audience. He uses parentheses and dashes within statements to create somewhat of an aside with the reader as in lines 9 and 31-34. Using this technique makes the reade r feel more comfortable and therefore better relate to the ideas being presented. Stravinsky also employs satire to attack the necessity of conductors in orchestras. Opening, Stravinsky states that conductors’ careers are not dependant on music ability, â€Å"but on the society women (including critics).†Through this statement, Stravinsky communicates that a career dependent on the ideas of women contradicts a career in music. Continuing, he speaks of ego as a natural trait in all men, and as an uncontrollable disease. In this, Stravinsky attacks how the conductors are merely concerned with their status rather than the quality of the music they render. The quotations around the words â€Å"great†and â€Å"style†also serve to create a satirical emphasis on the words’ accompanying connotations. For instance, conductors are often revered as great but for various reasons. According to Stravinsky, this status is not acquired through the creation of â€Å"great†music, but through making the former seem to be true. Also the conductor’s â€Å"style,† according to Stravinsky, is not a genuine technique in conducting, but merely a series of fabricated gestures that make them unique from other conductors. Several comparisons to conducting also serve to express Stravinsky’s overall point of view and desired message. First, he relates conducting directly to politics. He regards conducting as â€Å"more for the making of careers and exploiting personalities.†Conductors must manipulate people just as politicians do; they must be a â€Å"complete angler.†Through the manifestation of the relationship between politics and conducting, Stravinsky depicts conducting as a dishonest and manipulative affair. Stravinsky then speaks of conductors’ ego and relates it to a disease, a â€Å"disease that grows like a tropical weed under the sun of a pandering public.†This comparison demonstrates how conductors’ egos control their actions and provide the social faà §ade of â€Å"greatness.†Stravinsky relates conductors to actors as well. He mentions that conductors must play a role to appear great. Also expressed in the passage is that most audiences know very little about the music being performed, therefore allowing the conductor to merely show the audience how to feel and react. In conclusion, Stravinsky attacks the actual necessity and overall role of orchestra conductors. Throughout he effectively uses distinct rhetorical devices and language and, in turn, successfully conveys his inclusive perception of them.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Linguistic imperialism Essay
Linguistic imperialism can be defined as the enforcement or imposition of one language onto another; it tends to be a key tool of the colonialist seeking to mend the ‘backward’ societies that they find, generally to their own purpose. Thus, writers such as Friel and Achebe have sought to rectify the still ever present colonialist perceptions of the west by attacking the use of language in their societies, for example, Hiberno-English in Translations. Furthermore, it is necessary to analyse the form and structure of the primary texts, for instance, how Achebe and Friel both manage to structure their texts in such a way that it gives a distinctly ‘foreign’ aesthetic, whilst still creating a subtly intelligent and critical narrative. Also, it is important to look at the literary techniques and devices that are used within Translations and Things Fall Apart, for example, dramatic irony (e. g. the reference to the potato famine in Translations) or symbols like Mr. Brown in Things Fall Apart, who represent a could-have-been harmonious presence between two vastly different cultures. In addition, it is necessary to contrast and compare the primary texts with secondary texts such as Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s ‘The Language of African Literature’, and analyse how relevant or constructive Things Fall Apart and Translations are in their underlying criticism of linguistic imperialism. Overall, it is a crucial to explore these various threads of investigation to come to an overall conclusion in terms of how Friel and Achebe present the issue of linguistic imperialism and how successful they are. George Steiner, in After Babel, writes that â€Å"Translation exists because men speak different languages†(1998, p. 51). He goes on to question it, by asking â€Å"Why should human beings speak thousands of different, mutually incomprehensible tongues? †(1998, p. 51), that homo sapiens are basically biologically the same; why have we not evolved to speak one common language? Steiner’s study of language and communication concludes that with the death of a language comes the dissolution of cultures and identities: â€Å"Each takes with it a storehouse of consciousness†(1998, p.56). This was of consequential influence to Brian Friel and Translations, notable throughout the play. For instance, the various ways in which Friel portrays translation – the cartographers; Owen’s â€Å"not-completely-correct†translation of Lancey; Maire and Yolland’s romantic tryst and so forth – create the notion that the English language is not compatible with Irish culture. This is an overarching idea that reaches its crescendo with the Donnelly twins, Friel’s representation of the Provision IRA within the play i. e. the violent end of Yolland, inferred by the actions of the Donnelly twins, is an echo of 1980s era conflicts. These conflicts were created by tensions still remaining today, by Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland; the Catholics calling for the reunification of Ireland, and Protestants wishing to remain separated – realistically, these tensions would have not necessarily existed had there been no British colonising of Ireland, and Translations has been identified as echoing Friel’s political interest in the matters. The reader or audience of Translations are bound by Friel to a highly complex idea of translation and the place of language in a culture; similarly, we are made aware of this in Things Fall Apart. One of the most accessible passages that exemplify this goes as follows: â€Å"When they had all gathered the white man began to speak to them. He spoke through an interpreter who was an Ibo man, though his dialect was different and harsh to the ears of Mbanta. Many people laughed at his dialect and the way he used words strangely. Instead of saying ‘myself’ he always said ‘my buttocks’. †(Things Fall Apart, p. 136) Subtly, Achebe feeds the reader linguistic perspective alien to most Western culture – that Africa was not, and is not, a land full of savages who cannot communicate as well as the Europeans, and instead a variety of different tongues that is not necessarily exactly recognisable from one clan to another. In regards to Translations, Friel has been left relatively unscathed by those in Ireland who may have felt abandoned by Friel’s artistic decision to employ Hiberno-English as opposed to contemporary Gaelic, whilst both authors have clearly chosen English as a medium to address linguistic imperialism (using the tool of colonialism against the colonialists). Achebe has been highly criticised for writing in English. Ngugi wa Thiong’o criticised African authors who chose English over their native tongue to write in. He asked â€Å"How did we arrive at this acceptance of ‘the fatalistic logic of the unassailable position of English in our literature’, in our culture, and in our politics?†¦ †(1995, p. 287) Thiong’o goes on to say that as the bullet is to physical subjugation, â€Å"language was the means of spiritual subjugation†(1995, p. 287). To understand Thiong’o’s logic, the reader needs to take into context a passage further on in the essay, which refers to his experiences at a colonial school and the use of his mother tongue, Gikuyu: â€Å"Thus one of the most humiliating experiences was to be caught speaking Gikuyu in the vicinity of the school. The culprit was given corporal punishment – three to five strokes of the cane on bare buttocks – or was made to carry a metal plate around the neck with inscriptions such as I AM STUPID or I AM A DONKEY †¦ †(1995, p. 288) Thiong’o is asserting that the use of English was imposed upon many of the African tribes and with it the enforcement of superiority and supposed civilisation†¦ to use Gikuyu was to be made to feel inferior and stupid, and to speak English fluently would be the height of education achievement. A further statement by Thiong’o states â€Å"Literary education was now determined by the dominant language while also reinforcing that dominance. Orature in Kenyan languages stopped. †(1995, p. 288). The loss of such orature and its replacement by the English written word was heavily destructive, according to Thiong’o – he concludes the essay be acknowledging that human society and culture is formed by the interactions and communication of people, that complex systems of ethics and experience, these systems creating one distinctive society from another. If the means of communication that has developed such a community is, like Tobair Vree in Translations â€Å"something is being eroded†(p. 53), or destroyed, then, much like Steiner, that society is lost. To Thiong’o, Achebe’s use of English over his native tongue is, rather than delicate manipulation for the anti-colonialist purpose, actually conducive in destroying that particular culture forever. However, despite Thiong’o’s clear dissatisfaction at Achebe’s use of the English language as a general point, this point could be considered moot. Early on in the essay, Thiong’o quotes Achebe as saying: â€Å"Is it right that a man should abandon his mother tongue for someone else’s? IT looks like a dreadful betrayal and produces a guilty feeling. But for me there is no other choice. I have been given the language and intend to use it. †(1995, p. 285 citing 1975, p. 62) This is evident in the careful construction and consideration of Things Fall Apart. Achebe has written a novel in which the reader could easily imagine themselves around a blazing fire with an elder of a Nigerian clan, with the story being meticulously recited to them. The rhythm of the novel is manipulated in such a way that it becomes less like an English-written novel and more a native piece of orature. For example, Achebe makes good use of drums in the novel, to create the rhythm of the traditional narrative: â€Å"Just then the distant beating of drums began to reach them†¦ the drums beat the unmistakable wrestling dance – quick, light and gay, and it came floating on the wind. †(Things Fall Apart, p. 41) A further use of language to create an ‘African English’ is the utilisation of proverbs, which play a central part in emphasising the Ibo culture, as â€Å"proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten†. In addition, Achebe ‘peppers’ Things Fall Apart with Ibo words – this digression is an act of defiance to the colonists who felt they could just translate Ibo culture (religion, education and so forth). By this, Achebe means to illustrate the barriers of translation, in that there is no suitable word for, as an example, ogbanje, â€Å"one of those wicked children who, when they died, entered their mother’s womb to be born again†. Similarly, Achebe’s conquest to turn the Colonialist’s language back in on itself, Achebe wrote an essay called ‘An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness’. Achebe analyses Western views of Africa (such as those of â€Å"that erudite British Historian Regius Professor of Oxford, Hugh Trevor Roper†(Achebe, 1961)) in stinging rhetoric which delivers the idea of that prolific early ‘anti-colonialist’ novelists like Conrad were, maybe unwittingly, racist in themselves. Achebe writes: â€Å"Conrad was born in 1857†¦ it was certainly not his fault that he lived†¦ [in a] time when the reputation of the black man was at a particularly low level. But†¦ there remains still in Conrad’s attitude a residue of antipathy to black people†¦ Certainly, Conrad had a problem with niggers. His inordinate love of that word itself should be of interest to psychoanalysts. Sometimes his fixation on blackness is equally interesting as when he gives us this brief description [of a black person]: A black figure stood up, strong long black legs, waving long black arms†¦ as though we might expect them to†¦ wave white arms! †(Achebe, 1961) In this short except, it is noticeable how Achebe associates Conrad’s conduplicatio of ‘black’ as sinister, and potentially in itself, a form of linguistic imperialism – in this, it is the fact that the word black (and nigger) has previously been held to have negative connotations or was created for a negative purpose, but both create a â€Å"‘reputation of the black man†¦ at a particularly low level†(Achebe, 1961). Achebe also goes on to say that these psychoanalysts who have already written at length about Conrad fail to recognise his attitude to black people, even in discussion over anti-Semitic values, â€Å"which only leads one to surmise that Western psychoanalysts must regard the kind of racism displayed by Conrad as absolutely normal†(Achebe, 1961) and that this same book of â€Å"vulgar fashion prejudices insults from which a section of mankind has suffered untold agonies†(Achebe, 1961) has been â€Å"described by a serious scholar as ‘among the half dozen greatest short novels in the English language†(Achebe, 1961). From this, the audience of this essay can understand that Achebe, in as short a summary as possible, suggests that one of the most famous – or in this case infamous – novellas to be written on the subject of Africa by a European stranger epitomises how the English language has been used as Thiong’o’s subjugation of the soul – even if Conrad’s intentions in writing it were not consciously racist, in trying to purvey a certain message he colonised the African peoples by associating them with pejoratives and otherwise negative descriptors. Friel and Achebe are both influential authors for similar reasons; they attack subversive, modern perceptions of ‘lost’ worlds that have in recent years movements like African National Congress in South Africa and the IRA in Ireland sought to revert nation-states to their ‘natural’, pre-colonial state. In this, they have both similar and not so similar approaches to literature, and have incorporated techniques to manipulate ideas incorporated in their book. For example, both authors make use of particular styles of writing to mimic the native language whilst writing in the colonial language (i. e. English). In Friel’s case, this is Hiberno-English, which is a form of Irish that retains its Gaelic lexical structure whilst being spoken in English, for instance, when Doalty says to Manus â€Å"Hi, Manus, there’s two bucks down the road there asking for you†(Translations, p. 46) – in strict grammatical terms, Doalty’s syntax does not make sense in proper English, demonstrating inherent intimacy and deitis. Friel is applying the idea of Continual Presence of Gaelic to the English language. This application is also a theatrical device – or conceit – whereby Hugh is usually portrayed with an English accent, as he does not use Hiberno-English. Similarly, Achebe put simply, â€Å"both in vocabulary and sentence structure, he opts for the straightforward instead of the obtuse†(Easthope, 1988) and in doing so imitates traditional Ibo storytelling. Another literary device used by Friel and Achebe in their respective texts is their use of symbolism. In Things Fall Apart, Achebe uses locusts to symbolise the invading colonialists: â€Å"And then the locusts came†¦ the elders said locusts came once in a generation, reappeared every year for seven years and then disappeared for another lifetime. They went back to their caves in a distant land, where they were guarded by a race of stunted men. †(Things Fall Apart, p. 51) The above quote inferences that the locusts are the colonialists, by Achebe carefully alluding to the ‘race of stunted men’ that lives in a ‘distant land’. Achebe goes on: â€Å"Then quite suddenly a shadow fell on the world†¦ At first, a fairly small swarm came. They were harbingers sent to survey the land. And then appeared on the horizon a slowly moving mass like a boundless sheet of black cloud drifting towards Umuofia. †(Things Fall Apart, p. 52) In this, Achebe’s symbolism is clear – those like Mr. Brown and initial missionaries were assigned only to convert those ‘African savages’ into morally correct Christians, and to some extent allowed their cultures to live as congruently as possible. It is only with the materialisation of the District Commissioner who declares the Ibo people to be â€Å"in the dominion of our queen, the most powerful ruler in the world†that this comes to a head. Achebe foreshadows the ‘jumping ship’ of characters like Nwoye, by referencing the consumption of the locusts – such members of the community have consumed the colonialist culture, in all its forms, including language. Unlike Achebe’s extended metaphor of the locusts, Friel uses a passing, but nonetheless poignant, subtle symbolic reference to the potato famine. Bridget proclaims â€Å"†They say that’s the way it snakes in, don’t they? First they smell; and then one morning the stalks are all black and limp†(Translations, p. 18) with Maire exclaiming: â€Å"Sweet smell! Sweet smell! Every year at this time somebody comes back with stories of the sweet smell. Sweet God, did the potatoes ever fail in Baile Beag?†¦ There was never a blight here†¦ but we’re all sniffing about for†¦ a disaster. †(Translations, p. 18) This is symbolic of the rotting Irish culture, and failing language as contextually the potato was the staple foodstuff. The potato famine was not only symbolic, but also highly ironic – when Maire says â€Å"did the potatoes ever fail in Baile Beag? †the audience knows fully well that they would. This device, more specifically referred to as ‘dramatic irony’, is used often by Friel in Translations, and serves to foreshadow eventual destruction too. Another use of it is Hugh’s recital of The Aeneid: â€Å"†¦ Such was – such was the course – such was the course ordained – ordained by fate †¦ What the hell’s wrong with me? Sure I know it back ways, I’ll begin again. Urbs antiqua fuit†¦ †(Translations, pp. 90-91) This is doubly ironic, as on the one hand, Hugh cannot seem to fully remember it – Latin and Greek are often referenced throughout the play by Jimmy Jack and Hugh, both of them themselves being dead languages and cultures. Perhaps in further reference to After Babel by George Steiner, the fact that Hugh cannot remember it is a reflection of Gaelic – even intelligent scholars like him will eventually lose a tongue they have worked so hard to protect. A further projection of irony in Hugh’s recital is the content of Virgil’s The Aeneid. The Aeneid is a parallel between the destruction of Carthage, a city on the North African coast, by the Romans and the destruction of Baile Beag by the English. What is highly ironic about The Aeneid, and almost makes this piece of dramatic irony self-parodying, is that The Aeneid was written in the language of those that destroyed Carthage (the Romans). Again, irony is quite prevalent in Things Fall Apart with the most pertinent example falling, like Translations, at the end of the novel. This is the District Commissioner’s reaction to Okonkwo’s suicide: â€Å"Everyday brought him new material. The story of this man who had killed a messenger and hanged himself would make interesting reading. One could almost write a whole chapter on him. Perhaps not a whole chapter but a reasonable paragraph, at any rate. †(Things Fall Apart, p. 197) This is ironic because after the lengthy and tumultuous tale of Okonkwo and his struggles to not be like his father, the complex hierarchy of elders and the intricacy of Okonkwo and his struggles to not be like his father, the complex hierarchy of elders and the intricacy of their traditions and religion, the District Commissioner feels it can only ‘almost’ be written about in one chapter, and designates to only a paragraph. This is highly representative of the failure of the white man to ‘translate’ the Ibo culture and ability into being a highly complex culture, and instead treats the colonisation of the Ibo people as â€Å"The Pacification of the Primitive Tribes of the Lower Niger†(Things Fall Apart, p. 197). In conclusion, both Achebe and Friel carefully construct stories using literary devices that serve to recreate their personal heritage of a realistic and pitiful community who fall victim to unrepentant imperialism. In this, they have been able to repudiate colonial superiority in particular in regards to language and colonial ideas of ‘progression’. Whilst both portray three dimensional characters in that they are atomistic – for example, in Translations, Hugh’s view of the English is different to Owen’s which is in turn separate from Manus’s – and provides a highly explorative analysis of linguistic imperialism and its effect on individuals and the community. To summarise, all of the text referred to in this essay, in their own ways, are deeply critical of the effects of linguistic imperialism, particularly in the context of colonialism and so-called ‘progression’.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Professor and the Madman essays
The Professor and the Madman essays The Professor and the Madman, written by Simon Winchester, is a biography about the making of the Oxford English Dictionary. Winchester, who is an author, journalist, broadcaster and foreign correspondent, has written for many magazines and newspapers distributed worldwide. In an interview between Winchester and a host of C-SPAN, Winchester was asked where the idea for the book came, he replies Well, it came to me in a rather bizarre way. I was reading a book on lexicography in the bath one morning, as one does, I suppose, just before breakfast, and it was a booka wonderful book called "Chasing The Sun" by a man called Jonathan Green. And it had a referenceit said, `Readers will be familiar with the extraordinary story of Dr. W.C. Minor, an American lunatic murderer, who was a prodigiously energetic contributor to the OED.' And I remember sitting up in the bath, Archimedeslike, dripping and saying, `Well, I know nothing about this.' Winchesters main foundation for this book is to clarify the tale of the making of the Oxford English Dictionary The formation of the Oxford English Dictionary began in 1857 and took seventy years to finish. Tens of thousands of individuals organized the expansive language into 414,825 exact definitions. The story begins with the grisly murder of George Merrett, by William Chester Minor the former U.S. Army officer and qualified surgeon. On February 17th of 1872 in the early morning William Minor had been sleeping, when he awoke to some noises of someone in his flat. He sat up and saw someone standing at the foot of his bed. He proceeded to chase the individual into the street, and shot at the person as they attempted to flee. He ended up shooting the first person that came into view apparently, and this person was George Merrett. Merrett had never met W.C Minor and had been heading home after a long day at work. W.C Minor was arrested. While in pri...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Library Learning Activities BIO 107 (ANATOMY PHYSIOLOGY) Coursework
Library Learning Activities BIO 107 (ANATOMY PHYSIOLOGY) Coursework Library Learning Activities BIO 107 (ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY) – Coursework Example Library Learning Activities BIO 107 (ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY) Sarpe, V., & Jacob, C. . Simulating the decentralized processes of the human immune system in a virtual anatomy model. BMC Bioinformatics, 14(Suppl 6), 1-18. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-14-S6-S2Problem statement: the article discusses simulations that take place in decentralization of processes of the human immune system as to be in a virtual anatomy model. Processes in the human biological system can be explained using models of large systems. The research focuses on the physical perspectives of the immune processes of human beings. Complexity of the immune system has always been a challenge to explain without referring to spatial distribution of organs that relate to it. The research has incorporated different prototypes into one simulation of immune processes (Sarpe & Jacob, 2013). It has presented methodologies and modeling to depict a simulation system that is agent-based. The agents in the model include viruses, cytokines, an d immune cells. In this case, the system interacts with its components in two different ways which include inside a lymph node and within the tissue.The variables in the research are factors that make up the immune system. There is a clear description of how agents of the system interact. The research finds that agent-based simulations relate to the current simulations on human body immunity. The research has proved that the model can be used demonstrate how connected simulations occur (Sarpe & Jacob, 2013). The situation can be presented by the use of a network of computers. The research will have a positive impact on my profession. The model can be used as a tuning techniques on the study of immune system to help in understanding the processes. It would help in advancing by understanding on the immune system of the human body.ReferenceSarpe, V., & Jacob, C. (2013). Simulating the decentralized processes of the human immune system in a virtual anatomy model. BMC Bioinformatics, 14( Suppl 6), 1-18. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-14-S6-S2
Sunday, October 20, 2019
11 Synonyms for Tres Bon to Say Great in French
11 Synonyms for Tres Bon to Say Great in French French has many ways to say great. Many students use trà ¨s bon (very good), but bon in French is really just a basic adjective. It means good and can seem a bit weak, just like very good or great would be in English. Using a synonym, instead, will make your French sound much more eloquent. As we examine the various synonyms for trà ¨s bon, we will look at two sentences. The first will use the appropriate French great and the second will include the synonym. This will allow you to really see the impact it has on your meaning. Agrà ©able (Nice, Pleasant) This is a very good synonym for bon since agrà ©able essentially has the same strength as bon. Nous avons passà © une trà ¨s bonne soirà ©e. We had a very good evening.Nous avons passà © une soirà ©e trà ¨s agrà ©able. We had a very pleasant evening. Chouette (Cool, Pleasant, Friendly, Nice) Chouette is common slang. It has the same masculine and feminine. Cette fille est trà ¨s sympathique. This girl is very nice, is great.Cette fille est trà ¨s chouette. This girl is awesome. No Trà ¨s Here Now we will look at adjectives that are already at the highest degree of their meaning. This means that you cannot use trà ¨s (very) with them. You could, however, use vraiment (really) which is extremely popular, though it may be a bit overused at times. Excellent (Excellent) When something is really, really good, the word good simply cannot express that. This is why we have a word like excellent in both French and English. Ce repas à ©tait vraiment trà ¨s bon. This meal was really very good.Ce repas à ©tait vraiment excellent. This meal was really excellent. Formidable (Wonderful) Watch out for the word formidable as it is a false cognate. Formidable is positive in French, it does not mean terrible as formidable does in English. Nous avons vu un trà ¨s bon spectacle. We saw a very good show.Nous avons vu un spectacle formidable. We saw a wonderful show. Extraordinaire / Exceptionnel (Exceptional) In English, extraordinary doesnt necessarily mean great as it can also mean out of the ordinary. In French, we would say hors de lordinaire or, more frequently, trà ¨s diffà ©rent for that meaning. Nous avons bu un trà ¨s bon vin. We drank a very good wine.Nous avons bu un vin extraordinaire/ exceptionnel. We drank an exceptional wine Fantastique (Amazing) When youre traveling, you will come across many eye-catching places. Yet, are they really just pretty or are they amazing? Fantastique is a perfect word for such a scenario. Nous avons visità © des endroits trà ¨s beaux. We visited very pretty places.Nous avons visità © des endroits fantastiques. We visited amazing places. Merveilleux (Marvelous) Merveilleux is much like fantastique in that it takes a mediocre description and adds pizzazz. Ce massage à ©tait vraiment trà ¨s bon. This massage was really great.Ce massage à ©tait vraiment merveilleux. This massage was really marvelous. Remarquable (Remarkable) You should have no problem with the French remarquable because it bears a remarkable resemblance to the English. Son travail est trà ¨s bon. His work is great.Son travail est remarquable. His work is remarkable. Gà ©nial (Brilliant) There are great ideas and there are brilliant ideas. When you want to distinguish the two, turn to gà ©niale. Il a eu une trà ¨s bonne idà ©e. He had a great idea.Il a eu une idà ©e gà ©niale. He had a brilliant idea. Super (Terrific) Super may be a bit old-fashioned in English, but it is used often in French. Its also invariable, meaning it doesnt change with number and gender. Mes vacances à ©taient trà ¨s bonnes. My vacation was great.Mes vacances à ©taient super. My vacation was terrific. Note that les vacances is plural feminine in French. Top Cool (Really Cool) The phrase top cool is popular among a really young French crowd. Dont use it if you are over, say, 20! Je kiffe trop cette meuf. Elle est top cool. I dig this girl. Shes really awesome.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Negative Impacts of Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
Negative Impacts of Technology - Research Paper Example However, the negative elements of technology have long being ignored yet they are associated with remarkably immense negative outcomes. Three negative aspects of technology discussed here are cyber bullying, identity theft and negative health impacts resulting from cell phone use. The paper reveals that cyber bullying is one of the leading causes of suicide amongst young people given their higher access and use. The victims of cyber bullying always have an underlying problem that is used by bullies to humiliate, ridicule and hurt. Parents should be careful in identifying instances of aggression among young people. Identity theft results to impersonation, whereby a person’s information is obtained online from other website or using fraud websites and later used for offensive purposes. Identity theft results into impersonation that is not immediately identified until after some time. The paper also reveals that the use of cell phones is responsible for a significant number of ca ncer cases, infertility in men and other health problems in newborns. Introduction The invention of technology was an enormous achievement for humankind in the world. In appreciation, numerous people today praise technology and technological devices used in their everyday lives. Besides its invention, technology has a fast rate of evolution. This evolution has resulted to the realization of some things that, years ago, were never thought. One such device is the cell phone. Today, cell phones have made communication remarkably easy as people who are distances apart can relay information without having to travel and engage in face-to-face communication. Technological devices have taken the world by storm such that people do not imagine the nature of life without them. In addition, life seems impossible without the internet, chat elements and emails among others. Other technological evolutions include Television, video games and movies. With these advancements, human beings have been p resented with new and varying possibilities and choices. For instance, people have access to TVs with about 300 channels from all over the world thereby being exposed to beneficial information. From these examples of technological devices, it is clear that in the veins of the society, technology can be felt. In addition, technology fuels lives since it is an indispensable part of them. The nature of human life today is enough evidence that technology has introduced ultimate solution to ancient impediments of time and space. For instance, automation has enabled preservation of human efforts and time. In addition, automation in airplanes and trains has brought distant places closer while simplifying access to information. For both adults and children, technology has brought about fast, easy and reliable ways of doing things. The main positive impacts of technology are on communication, entertainment and advertisement, management of data and retrieval of information, transportation, an d automation in the household and industry (Oak para2). Despite making the world a smaller place to live in, technology causes distractions. While people celebrate the positive impacts of technology, the negative impacts technology has on people’s health should not be sidelined. Some of the most common negative impacts include obesity, poor academic performance, promoting laziness, violence in children exposed to video games, and general impact on family life. The use of mobile phones, internet and social
Friday, October 18, 2019
Which ethnic groups claimed to have discovered the new world Essay
Which ethnic groups claimed to have discovered the new world - Essay Example Columbus is given credit probably because it was a well-communicated, planned and documented voyage. These may not have been possible for the earlier explorers. There are not enough records that add substance to their claim and except the Phoenicians who documented their travels in useful inscriptions; very few left any written records for their efforts. In 1872, on a plantation in Brazil, a stone, covered with strange carvings, was found in a field. The carvings were later identified as Phoenician writing, telling of a ship blown off course and landing in a strange, new land, some 2500 years earlier, after returning from a trip to the Middle East. The Phoenicians were well known as enthusiastic sailors and were one of the foremost to document their travels. They have been known to travel around the coast of Africa to the Arab lands. Also, historians agree that, in 1872, of Phoenician writing was not of a state to which the stone could have been a fake. The term Phoenician refers to the inhabitants of the ancient cities of Tyre and Sidon and also included the Israelite tribes of Dan, Asher and Zebulon who resided near these cities along the east Mediterranean shore. These people also traded frequently along the northern African and Spanish coasts as well as the British Isles and navigated the Straits of Gibraltar called the "Pillars of Hercules". Diodorus of Sicily wrote, in the first century BCE, that the Phoenicians, while sailing along the west coast of Africa, were blown off course into the ocean by a "furious storm" and after many days being blown about, "arrived at the island and so they were the first to discover it." The only places, west of Europe that has navigable rivers are Cuba, Haiti and North and South America. (Pohl, 21). Also the early explorers tended to call even extremely large landmasses islands. (Boland, 28). As long ago as 1913, author T. C. Johnston in his book "Did The Phoenicians Discover America" claimed that the American continent was discovered and settled by Phoenicians and Hebrews who kept in contact with the Middle East for some three hundred years. He claimed that North America was the Biblical Ophir, visited by the fleets of King Solomon, and he outlined some twenty-six points of comparison between the civilization of the Eastern Mediterranean homelands of the Phoenicians and Hebrews and the Mayan, Inca and Aztec civilizations in the New World. More research by Professor Barry Fells points to Punic or Phoenician inscriptions found in New England, Ohio and West Virginia, and also the discovery of coinage and trade goods in the United States which had come from the Phoenician city of Carthage in North Africa. Numerous archaeological vestiges of Phoenician settlement have been found all the way down the Atlantic coast of Morocco dating back 3,000 years. A tablet found in New Mexico is inscribed in what appears to be early Hebrew in a Phoenician alphabet of a form used about 1000 B.C.E. in the eastern Mediterranea
International Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
International Financial Management - Essay Example The basic types of exchange rate regimes are the fixed exchange rate and the floating exchange rate. In the latter case the market decides the movements of the exchange rate. Exchange rate volatility is a common denominator of a country's exposure to international risk through foreign transactions, whether international trade or investment (Madura, 2009). The higher the degree of exposure the higher the degree of risk associated with such exposure. Thus the exchange rate can be considered as an important indicator in monetary policy and it mainly depends on the monetary policy framework of a particular country. Exchange rate can be identified as a target for particular government's policy and that it can actively manage with the other components of a monetary policy such as inflation, balance of payments and so on. For instance the changes in exchange rate in a short term can impact on the real economy and the balance of payments and in the long term those effects can be adjusted with the exchange rate movements. Therefore developing countries that depend on commodity exports to a greater extent are more likely to face a greater degree of risk due to the fact that commodity prices in international markets are subject to huge fluctuations. As a result their currencies against those of advanced industrialized economies are weaker. Even the well developed countries especially UK has been faced with this reality but their ability to manipulate exchange rates in international markets is considerably higher when compared to those developing countries (Wheele, 1995). 2. Literature ReviewCurrently available literature on the subject of exchange rate regime and related price stabilization policy in a modern economy has both a theoretical approach and a broader empirical approach. Price stabilization policy refers to a government macroeconomic strategy designed and executed by the central bank to ensure stable economic growth based primarily on stable prices and lower unemployment levels. This is a contingency macroeconomic model that presupposes a smoothing out effect on erratic fluctuations in aggregate supply. Alogoskoufis (1992) shows that the broader policy level approach includes monitoring and adjusting cyclical growth process and interest rates so that aggregate demand can be managed to achieve broader macroeconomic policy goals.This
Emergency Management (School Violence) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Emergency Management (School Violence) - Essay Example 00 students.†(When Kids Kill) Schools are supposed to be the mould where young generations are undergoing vigorous socially acceptable shaping processes. Though family plays a vital role in the shaping, because of the immense influences of peer group and teachers, schools contribute majority to the personality development. In olden days, schools were considered as a sacred place where the teachers were considered as the priests and the students as believers. But the modern trends showed that the sacredness of schools has been lost and violence like, social evils slowly establishing its roots in schools also. Gun battles in schools, harassment in buses, internet crimes, etc has increased a lot in the current century. A lot of psychological factors such as improper care from parents, child abusing, etc contributed to the increased rate of school crimes. The modern world has failed to give proper care to young generations at home and schools. Most of the parents have heavy workloads both at home and work places and hence they were getting little time for caring their children properly. Even from the infancy stages when the kids needed the mother’s love and care mostly, they are brought up under the control of Nannies. Compared to older generation, the modern parents are more self focused or selfish. They are not ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of their children. Thus the parent-children relationships have been damaged severely in the modern century. ‘Children who have been severely and repeatedly abused often become extremely aggressive. The mental world of these young killers is "all about me" Johnston says.†Theyre frustrated, angry, in some pain, not getting everything they want. They feel like victims. They have no concern about others -- they dont think about others. Its all about who they are and wha t they want." (What causes school killings?) Controlling of guns seems to be difficult in American social life. Just like smoking, everybody knows
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Fast Food Franchise Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fast Food Franchise - Coursework Example Both Pizza Hut and Arby’s usually have gift cards offered to loyal customers of the franchise. Arby’s gift is normally a packet of freshly sliced meat (â€Å"Arby’s†). Pizza Hut offers gifts to its customers but unlike Arby’s; it has a variety of gifts that the client chooses. Some of the most common gifts from Pizza Hut to its loyal clients include e-gifts and traditional gifts that normally comprise of pizza, pasta, wings and much more (â€Å"Pizza Hut†). The two companies also have various promotional methods. This is normally in a move to create more awareness of their products to the people in a bid to attract more clients. Apart from television, Arby’s promotional method comprises of use of mascots while Pizza Hut normally relies on offering gifts. The layouts could be an advantage or hindrance to productivity. Gifts cards are the most used forms of luring clients into becoming loyal to the company. This is because once one receives a gift card; he or she becomes a loyal client. Continuous purchasing of food from the company by using the gift card normally results to one getting points, which are usually redeemed for a free meal. Gift cards can also result to a drop in productivity. This is because, once many people have gift cards, the company would start giving out more free food in the form of gifts. Promotional methods used by these companies can be advantageous yet at the same time can be a hindrance to the company’s productivity. The use of television advertisement is a better promotion method. This is because it normally reaches many people at a rather short period. The methods can also be a hindrance to productivity. This is because not many people watch television and this might result to low response from the television promotions hence resulting to decline in a firm’s productivity. The use of mascots as a promotional method is normally beneficial to a company. One reason why mascots enhance productivity in a company is that
Human Resources in internship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Human Resources in internship - Essay Example After understanding these, I can then have a better chance in developing the various skills that I aim to improve. Meeting with the manager is a critical step for it assists in getting to know them further, their strengths and their views regarding various issues that go on in the organization. The supervising manager that I had the privilege of meeting is the assistant operations director for the organization. The manager was resourceful in that he helped me to understand the operating procedures of the organization. Moreover, comprehending the aspects that he dislikes kept me in a position to know what to avoid in the internship that may make him angry and thus make my internship go wrongly. I asked the manager the procedure that he goes through in covering the hiring process. The manager told me that for them to hire in the organization, the candidates had to have come from a respectable institution failure to which the application is immediately rejected. This information was helpful in that it instilled confidence in me regarding the manner in which people operate in the organization. Moreover, I understood that the institution that I was representing was respected by the organization and thus I was in a position to get permanent employment in the organization once I was through with the internship. The advertising of the openings is through print media where they are on newspapers. The interview procedure involves a rapid five-minute questioning where the potential employee has the responsibility of offering direct answers. After this, there is the questioning of less direct questions where the potentials have the responsibility of answering in detail to show the management their knowledge of the organization. The next issue that I discussed with the manager is regarding the training process that they take their employees through once hired by the organization. The process was quite tasking and the manager told me that
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Fast Food Franchise Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fast Food Franchise - Coursework Example Both Pizza Hut and Arby’s usually have gift cards offered to loyal customers of the franchise. Arby’s gift is normally a packet of freshly sliced meat (â€Å"Arby’s†). Pizza Hut offers gifts to its customers but unlike Arby’s; it has a variety of gifts that the client chooses. Some of the most common gifts from Pizza Hut to its loyal clients include e-gifts and traditional gifts that normally comprise of pizza, pasta, wings and much more (â€Å"Pizza Hut†). The two companies also have various promotional methods. This is normally in a move to create more awareness of their products to the people in a bid to attract more clients. Apart from television, Arby’s promotional method comprises of use of mascots while Pizza Hut normally relies on offering gifts. The layouts could be an advantage or hindrance to productivity. Gifts cards are the most used forms of luring clients into becoming loyal to the company. This is because once one receives a gift card; he or she becomes a loyal client. Continuous purchasing of food from the company by using the gift card normally results to one getting points, which are usually redeemed for a free meal. Gift cards can also result to a drop in productivity. This is because, once many people have gift cards, the company would start giving out more free food in the form of gifts. Promotional methods used by these companies can be advantageous yet at the same time can be a hindrance to the company’s productivity. The use of television advertisement is a better promotion method. This is because it normally reaches many people at a rather short period. The methods can also be a hindrance to productivity. This is because not many people watch television and this might result to low response from the television promotions hence resulting to decline in a firm’s productivity. The use of mascots as a promotional method is normally beneficial to a company. One reason why mascots enhance productivity in a company is that
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Why I would be successful on Independent Studies ( Home Studies) Essay
Why I would be successful on Independent Studies ( Home Studies) - Essay Example Independent, or home study, requires a person who is able to rely on self-motivation to complete the process. A lazy or defiant person would have difficulty meeting deadlines and completing assignments from home. Knowing the responsibility placed upon me to do my assignments, to take the initiative and to develop my independence as a learner would all combine to make me highly motivated to prove to myself and others that I can complete all work assignments from home, and outside the more structured and controlled classroom. Organization and punctuality are also important in independent study. My skills at organizing, prioritizing, and meeting deadlines would allow me to be successful with independent work. I am aware of deadlines and dates, and work throughout the process to make sure each step is accomplished before the deadline, breaking a larger project down into smaller, more manageable steps along the way. The chief motivator to do this is a passion I would have for developing my skill set in organizing large amounts of information, assignments, readings, and products into my work day, and completing each step or small goal I would have made for myself relative to each assignment. This skill set is essential for success in independent studies, and I have those skills necessary for success. Lastly, structuring a schedule to best fit my daily routine is essential to success in independent study. Procrastination and avoidance would not be an option, as I would make a schedule that best reflects my ability to complete assignments, and would open up the work day to a greater ability to meet independent study deadlines along with family and personal responsibilities I may have. Sticking to that schedule, and even changing it if I see a conflict would help develop in me a habit of seeing a project through to completion, no matter what it takes. Knowing that independent study requires organization, motivation and dedication, I would be highly motivated
Monday, October 14, 2019
Dark Tourism Within The Tourism Industry Tourism Essay
Dark Tourism Within The Tourism Industry Tourism Essay The topic of this essay will discuss dark tourism within the tourism industry and what motivates tourists to visit this place Introduction The aim of this essay is to discuss the relevance and appropriateness of different approaches of research in the researchers chosen subject area (dark tourism) and what motivates tourist or visitors to visit this place. There is different research method. In other words, the researcher will be using different approaches to evaluate and analyse them. In addition, the essay will discuss and critically evaluate the available resource in the subject area example by using qualitative research or quantitative research, primary and secondary research, inductive and deductive approach, positivist or phenomenological approach and ethnography. Furthermore, the researcher will justify why this approach has been taken this into consideration or chosen and not the other approaches. Firstly, the literature of this essay will define research, qualitative research, and quantitative research. Secondly, this essay will define dark tourism and validity. And finally, conclusion will be summarised. There are different definitions for research methods, quantitative research and qualitative research. According to Sekaran (1994, p. 4) quoted in Finn et al (2000, p.2) he defines research as a systematic and organised effort to investigate a specific problem that needs solution. Whilst Elias (1986, p.20) cited in Veal (2006, p. 2) argues it as The aim, as far as I can see, is the same in all science. Put simple and cursorily, the aim is to make known something previously unknown to human beings. It is to advance human knowledge, to make it more certain or better fitting The aim is discovery. Veal also Define quantitative approach as to research involves statistical analysis. It relies on numerical evidence to draw conclusions or to test hypotheses. To be sure of the reliability of the results it is often necessary to study relatively large numbers of people and to use computers to analyse the data. The data may be derived from questionnaire surveys, from observation involving counts, or from secondary sources. Adding to that, Veal also defines the qualitative approach as research is generally not concern with numbers. It involves gathering a great deal of information about a small number of people rather than a limited amount of information about large number of people. As the researcher said earlier, there are different definitions for quantitative and qualitative research, here are some other definitions form another author. Brent and Goeldner (2003, p, 487) define qualitative research as the foundation on which strong, reliable research programs are based. It is most often the first step in a research program the step designed to uncover motivation, reasons, impression, perception, and ideas that relevant individuals have about a subject of interests. Unlike more quantitative methods of research, qualitative research involves talking in depth and detail with few individuals. The goal is to develop extensive information from a few people. The author also defines quantitative as a type of research; the goal is to develop important-but limited- information from each individual and to talk with a sizable number of individuals in order to draw inferences about the population at large. The characteristic of qualitative research, on the other hand, inc ludes small samples, extensive information from each other respondent, and a search for meaning, ideas and relevant issues to quantify in later steps of the research program. Dark tourism is a different type of tourist attraction. It is the act of travel and visitation to sites of death, disaster and the seemingly macabre. Tourists flock to experience sites of past terror that offer up grim and disturbing tragedies (www.citypaper). Howie (2003, p. 325) argues that dark tourism can be define as a term coined by Lennon and Foley(2000) for tourism motivated by a desire to visit places associated with death and catastrophe such as famous assassination sites, for example where president Kennedy was shot in Dallas, Texas, or the concentration camps in Europe and Holocaust memorial in Israel. Dark tourism has been very important because is the time people remember their loves ones who has been dead through war. Tourist or visitors intend to visit the darker side of tourism from all over the world and for different reasons for example because of curiosity and maybe something they have heard before. Dark tourism includes some of the most famous places in the world to visit. It is obvious that most tourists travel because they are very interested in seeing the dark side of tourism such as the death and disaster which occurred in countries such as country France, Belgium and Germany where soldiers died in the wars. This dark tourism issue has caused a lot of discussion as to why people do this in among academics. Research in the field of dark tourism has not been very important until the early nineteen seventies; it began to spread only since that time. Marketing research is a broad concept including various techniques, but a main distinction should be made between quantitative and qualitative research methods. As said early Quantitative techniques describe variables by assigning a number representing an attitude, opinion or motivation- which can be statistically analysed. In contrast, qualitative research focuses on attitudes, opinions and motivations in the words of each respondent, but without quantifying it. Quantitative methods have always dominated in tourism, as it often appears as more reliable, since it is based on facts that can be observed, and then analysed. This paper will focus on the quantitative correlation study method used in survey based researches. Social research is a collection of methods people use to systematically combine theories and ideas to produce knowledge. Because of its complexity, researchers must be able to carefully select a method or methods that will best suit their study objectives. Quantitative research methods consist of: experiment, content analysis, existing statistics (correlation), and survey. The correlation and survey will be the two main methods that will be emphasized. In a survey research, people are asked questions either through the use of questionnaires or during an interview. Unlike the experiment approach, the condition and situation in a survey requires no manipulation. All the subjects have to do is to answer questions. Good quantitative research is determined by validity and reliability of the research method used. Quantitative research is a technique for comparing relationship between time, weight, size and performance. The purpose of quantitative market research is to have an increased understanding of the product First Fruit. This research is numerically oriented and requires attention of consumers as well. For example an insurance company may ask its customers to rate its overall service as excellent, good, poor, very poor. Quantitative data consist of numbers representing counts or measurements (e.g., height, weights, salaries, etc.). Quantitative data can be further divided into discrete data or continuous data. Discrete data result from either a finite number of possible values or a countable number of possible values. Continuous data result from infinitely many possible values that can be associated with points on a continuous scale in such a way that there are no gaps are interruptions. However, qualitative techniques have become to be more commonly used for the last decade. Each technique has obviously specific advantages and drawbacks; that is why it is necessary to examine both in different contexts, especially in tourism research. As Alf H. Walle reported in his report called Quantitative versus Qualitative Research in Tourism, plurality of equally valid research strategies exist within tourism. Choice must be thus determined according to the situation in which the research takes place. Grounded Theory is still very relevant today as it is the main form of rigorous and rule-governed qualitative methods. Even if it attempts to maintain positivist rigor, a high degree of Modernism can be reached through this technique. As both quantitative and qualitative research methods have advantages and drawbacks. To evaluate this problem and overcome the limitations, the principal solution appears to be the use of both methods in the same time, according to the situation. As Miller and Crabtree pointed out, different levels of intensity can be reached in tourism research, this intensity being defined as the degree to which qualitative methods are associated with quantitative methods. The canonical correlation analysis is based on the same principle, but it uses multiple dependent variables, thus enlarging the scope of research. However, both methods have the same limitations: omitted variables may be correlated with existing ones, and the environmental conditions are likely to change. On the other hand, factor analysis and collecting analysis are two other important quantitative techniques that can be useful for tourism research methods. Factor analysiss goal is to identify the underlying dimension in data and to reduce the number of variables by eliminating redundancy. Validity also helps produce the desire result the researcher is looking for. Validity can define as the extent to which the information collected by the researcher truly reflects the phenomenon being studied veal (2006, p.41). In tourism research there are different approaches targeting the audience when researching. The primary sources of these methods have largely come from sociology and anthrop ology. Since that time, qualitative techniques have developed, but the sharpest rise in qualitative publications has really occurred in the nineteen eighties, the main reason for that being that figures cant explain all the situations, especially in a field such as tourism. Besides, decision behaviours are always depending on two main elements that should not be forgotten: firstly, task factors include the number of alternative and attributes, time pressure, response mode and information format. Secondly, Context factors refer to the similarity of the options in a choice, the quality of the choice set, as well as reference points and framing. This report also considers qualitative techniques as inadequate because of the extra time, effort and skill required; besides the model tested may in this case be incompletely or inadequately specified. Most researchers use different approaches of researching as has been said before, for example a focus group. Using a focus group also help analyse what the research is about and also gives broad ideas of another audience. Additionally, it also helps identify what people want and love to do in a tourism organisation. Researchers conduct focus group so that they can know the perception of their opinion, attitude or be haviours towards something. Focus group is a unique method of qualitative research in discussing issues with group of people. According to lia (2003, p.1) a focus group is defined as a small structured group with selected participant, normally led by a moderator. They are set up in other groups to explore specific topic, and individual views and experiences through group interaction a focus group is intended to be a collection of data from audience and also having individual interviews for example face to face interviews. On the other hand, a focus group has a limitation of analysing a topic. A Focus group can very be difficult in terms of gathering all the information taken from a target audience. As Monique (2007, p. 10) argues that despite popular belief, focus group research is not a cheap and quick exercise; it requires a great of preparation, organisation, and time to collect, manage and analyse and the data. The sample size is usually small, and there is a large use of non-pr obability sampling methods, meaning that results cant be generalized to the whole population, they are just reliable for the sample concerned. Descriptive methods summarize some aspects of the environment, they only describe but without looking for the cause and effect of relationships. Surveys with questionnaires are the main way to collect data, they can be achieved face-to-face or by indirect means such as mail, phone, fax or the Internet. This usually takes a long time, but a large sample can be used easily. Finally, causal research establishes a cause-effect link between variables. In each case, the main strength of projective techniques is that respondents are more willing to give answers that they wouldnt have given if they knew the purpose of the study, especially when the subject is personal or difficult. Whats more, it can reveal motivations or attitudes at a subconscious level. Yet, these methods require highly trained interviewers and skilled interpreters, as they are open ended techniques that can thus be difficult to interpret. Finally, other qualitative methods can be used to explain the reasons and motivations underlying in peoples decisions. Moreover, there are different ways of research in terms of academic working. Researcher mostly use the following ways, referencing usually when we paraphrase or summarize someone else opinion. Books, journals, video, personal interview, emails and many more are some of the sources that researchers use. Qualitative research can be used to enhance quantitative work. Finally, in qualitative research it can lead to theological sampling. As quoted from (Manson 1996:93-4) in Long (2007, p.42) said, theoretical sampling means selecting groups or categories to study on the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦basis of their relevance to your question , your theoretical positionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and most importantly the explanation or account which you are developingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦[using] criteria which help to develop and test your theory and explanation. The researcher is going to identify some side effect or complication of secondary research. According to veal (2006, p.148) he argues that are advantage and disadv antage of using secondary data to analyse research. Some of the advantages can be, timing- data maybe instantly available, cost of collecting new data avoided and disadvantages can be secondary data that has been designed for another purpose so it may be not be ideal for the current project. A clear link with this essay summarise up the importance of why visitors or tourist visit the darker side of tourism. It has now become clear that, tourists have their own interest and what motivates them to visit this place which there is no doubt for that. Additionally, the researcher focuses on different approaches of research and picked one approach to research the dark tourism.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
If you knocked someone’s tooth out, do you think it’s fair for that person to hit your tooth out? If so, you agree with a law written by King Hammurabi which states "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." Hammurabi was one of the best known Mesopotamian kings, and ruled the Babylon Empire from 1792-50 B.C.E. As his kingdom grew he knew he had to bring together the groups he controlled. He combined all these laws from different places into one big code. Hammurabi was one of the first people to write laws about taxes. The difference between Hammurabi and all these people he took the ideas from, is that Hammurabi’s taxes were not like taxes you know today, he did tax the people for money but he also asked for grain and oils as payment. Hammurabi’s idea was to write laws to bring justice in the land, abolish the bad people, and protect the weak. Hammurabi was convinced that the gods selected him to bring truth and structure to his people, and he took this task very passionately. Shortly after rising to power, he created his Code, 282 laws written to explain all relationships a...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Holy Zion A Study of Ethiopianism in Rastafarianism with a Focus on the
Holy Zion A Study of Ethiopianism in Rastafarianism with a Focus on the Concept Of Ethiopia as Zion Open your eyes and look within Are you satisfied with the life you're living? We know where we're going; We know where we're from We're leaving Babylon, we're going to our fatherland (Marley "Exodus" 5). In 1977, Bob Marley's lyrics reflected the ideology of Rastafarianism, defined by the New Dictionary of Religions as, "A variety of dynamic movements in Jamaica . . . since the 1930s among the poor landless men, inspired by Marcus Garvey’s Back to Africa movement and the accession of Ras Tafari as emperor of Ethiopia" (Rastafarian). But the Rastafarians are much more than "poor landless men". They are an oppressed people who in the1930s found themselves in a hopeless situation. It was this hopeless situation that readied the minds and hearts of the Rastafarians to look beyond their lives in Jamaica. They began to look to a new life and a new world by the name of Ethiopia. The concept of Ethiopia as Zion, a destined homeland for all Black people, soon took hold of the Rastafarians so much so that it became the basis for their religion, Ethiopianism. According to one source, "It is the Rastafari movements, with its origins in Jamaica, that Ethiopianism has been most consistently elaborated for nearly seven decades" (Dread History). Ethiopianism, and specifically the belief in Ethiopia as Zion, was so accepted by the Rastafarians because it offered a sense of dignity and hope in an otherwise hopeless economic and social climate. Jamaica 1930 was not the picture of peaceful jungles and calm sunsets that we see in travel agents’ brochures. Jamaica 1930 was a time of economic, social, and natural disaster. As L... ...ove. http://www.webcom.com/nattyreb/rastafari/everlasting.html Jamaicans Of Ethiopian Origin And The Rastafarian Faith. http://web.syr.edu/~affellem/napti.html. Marley, Bob. Exodus. 1977. ---. Survival. 1979. Mutabaruka. Check It. 1983. ---. Outcry. 1984. ---. The Ultimate Collection. 1996. Mutabaruka Web Site. http://www.ireggae.com/muta.htm. The Rastafarian Religion. http://www.aspects.net/~nick/religion.htm Rastafarian. http://ucl.broward.cc.fl.us/pathfinders/rastafa.htm. Rastafarianism. http://www.ritesofpassage.org/g-rasta.htm Redington, Norman. A Sketch Of Rastafari History. St. Pachomius Orthodox Library, 1995. Sandford, Christine. The Lion of Judah. Philadelphia: Macmillian, 1955. Who Was Marcus Garvey? http://www.rockol.it/rockol/reggae/MarcusGa.htm. Zach, Paul. Insight Guides: Jamaica. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1995.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Human Heart Essay
The human heart is by far one of the most vital organs of the body. It has a mass that ranges from 250 grams to 350 grams. Its contraction and expansion results in 2000 gallons of blood being pumped through the body’s blood vessels per day. It’s located in the middle of the chest protected by the ribcage. Its building blocks are a unique type of muscle known as the myocardium, and it’s enclosed by a double-walled membranous sac known as the pericardium. The double-walled membrane houses the pericardial fluid which cushions the heart preventing shock and nourishing it. It’s divided into four chambers and has a large network of arteries and veins. The chambers are known as the atrium and ventricles. A special kind of muscle called the septum divides the right cavity and the left cavity. Normally the expulsion of blood from one cavity would result in a subsequent amount of blood flowing into the adjacent cavity. The left ventricle is the strongest and largest chamber since its tasked with pumping blood to all parts of the body through the aorta. The right cavity of the heart which is composed of the right atria and right ventricle receives deoxygenated blood from all parts of the body and pumps this blood to the lungs for oxygenation (pulmonary circulation). The left cavity composed of the left atria and left ventricle receives the oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps this blood to all body parts through the aorta (systemic circulation). The heart has four valves that regulate the flow of blood through its chambers. Blood flow from the right atrium to the right ventricle is regulated by the tricuspid valve. The pulmonary valve regulates blood flowing into the pulmonary artery from the right ventricle. Oxygenated blood from the lungs passes through the mitral valve situated between the left atrium and left ventricle. The aortic valve regulates oxygenated blood flow from the left ventricle to the aorta for delivery to the body. One of the greatest threats to the hearts proper functioning and subsequently to a person’s survival is a heart attack. A heart attack occurs when the heart is not able to pump blood effectively due to arteries clogging. Deposition of fatty cells in arteries will lead to their constriction inhibiting the flow of blood leading to a heart attack which is fatal in most cases.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Enduring power of love: The Notebook
The Notebook, written by Nicolas Sparks, can be named one of the best American romantic novels. The book portrays every trait in a guy or girl would desire to have in a significant other. According to Nicolas Sparks, â€Å"it is a celebration of how passion can be ageless and timeless, tales that moves us to laughter and tears and makes us believe in true love all over again†. The Notebook was on the New York Times best-seller list within the very first week of release. It spent over a year as a hardcover best seller. Theresa Park, Nicolas Sparks’ agent, discovered the book after going through her slush pile, without hesitation, Park offered to represent him. In 1995, one year later, Sparks agent managed to secure a $1 million advance for it from Time Warner Book Group, the novel was then published the following year in October 1996. The Notebook was originally inspired by Sparks’ wife’s grandparents who had been married for over sixty years. Based on Sparks (2004), They had a truly magical relationship, one that withstood the test of time and circumstance. Ultimately their love for each other gave Sparks the idea to even consider on attempting describing their deep love. The main characters in the book were, Allison Nelson and Noah Calhoun. The two met at a carnival in a peaceful town of New Bern, North Carolina in 1946. Little did Allie and Noah know their bond would be more than just a summer romance of the 1940’s. While watching the movie, â€Å"The Notebook,†it differed from the book in several ways. From the way the two met, their heartbreaking breakup and the letters that Noah wrote Allison. However both versions were still incredibly amazing. The movie has much strength. The first strength is acting. Every actor and actress played their role well. Cassavetes’ first and only choice to play the role of Noah was Ryan Gosling (The Notebook). He did not want anyone else to play this role. As for Rachel McAdams, she had beaten nine other actresses to play the role of Allison. That is amazing! The older Allison was played by Cassavetes mother. Another strength in this movie was the plot. Without a good plot, there would be no point to the movie. The last and final strength in â€Å"The Notebook†is emotion. This film takes one through every motion imaginable. As for examples, when Allie and Noah split, the emotional response automatically takes a tole on someone. It’s as if, your actually apart of the movie. In the book, Allison and Noah met in 1932, at the time Allison was 15 and Noah was 17. But in the movie, they met in the year of 1940, where they both were around the same age of 17. According to Cassavetes, (unsolved), this movie was filmed in South Carolina because of its 1040’s look. Allison and Noah meet at a carnival, where Allison is very fond of Noah. With love in the air, they spent the rest of the night together until the carnival was over. However, in the movie, Noah became infatuated with Allison, and went to the extreme of insanity by jumping on the ferry’s wheel to ask her out. Noah plays remarkable in both and just makes the audience fall in love with his character. With most summer romances follows heartache. As for Noah and Allison, their fairytale love weren’t excluded. When the summer ended, Allison had to return back home, leaving Noah behind. With heartache comes conflict, according to the movie, Allison and Noah got into a huge fight before she left, which ultimately lead them regretting the whole disagreement. Nicolas Sparks, captured this moment perfectly, not only does it make the audience stand on edge; it also makes the viewer’s wonder could true love really occur this beautiful. According to Sparks (2004), True Love exists and there’s evidence of it every day. In 1932, Allison and Noah separate for fourteen years, but in the movie they separated in 1940 for only seven years. Many feel as if the huge timeline difference were to create tension for a more dramatic audience, considering younger audience would be drawn into the movie more. In the movie, Noah’s character is so much more romantic than in the book. Noah’s love for Allison was so strong in the movie, that he wrote her a letter every day for a year. That is three hundred and sixty five letters from a heart aching young man, who only wish in the world is to reunite with the love of his life. In the book, Noah wrote Allison one letter a month, the equivalent of only 12 letters. Cassavetes did a wonderful job into capturing such a raw talent and emotions that draws an audience attention. Unfortunately, Allison never receives one letter. So therefore, Noah had to mend his broken heart by moving on. Right before Noah left for the war, Noah sent his last love letter. The time frame was shortened for the movie, which made it a lot easier for younger audience to relate too. Nicolas Sparks, â€Å"The Notebook†, strongly informs the world on how true love exists, between a man and a woman. Noah and Allison had such true love that some way or another, their love carried them into the afterlife together. In both the book and movie, Noah sneaks Allison room, where they are currently in the nursing home due to their aging and health, and they both laid together all night long (Sparks, 1996, p. 204). When morning comes, the nurse finds them holding hands still and realizes they passed away together in their sleep. Noah stated, â€Å"If you’re a bird, I’m a bird†(Sparks, 1996, p. 103), clearly shows how deep their love remained. This remarkable story makes every young lady want to fall in love, and only hope to have a love like â€Å"The Notebook.†Allison and Noah’s love could outstand anything. Sparks has written the ultimately perfect fantast for the world. â€Å"I think the most obvious reason is that the story touched people in a deeply personal way. It seems that nearly everyone I spoke with about the novel knew a â€Å"Noah and Allie†in their own life.†(Sparks, 2004). The Notebook was amazingly directed, written and it is great to read and watch.
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