Saturday, August 31, 2019
Home Cooked vs. Fast Food
Benjamin Blackburn Blackburn1 Professor Barnes English 111-16 11/19/2012 Home cooked: Health over Value Instead of putting money towards car or house payments, several thousands of dollars are spent on food purchased away from home in the average American family. The numbers are even more increasing to single status Americans. Don’t get me wrong, I like fast food, but it doesn’t come close to a home cooked meal.Home cooked meals are comfort foods that help a family bond. Whether it is a recipe passed down for generations, or culinary discovery made inventive genius, nothing beats a good home cooked meal with family. The main temptation to indulge in fast food is its convenience, especially during a busy work day or long road trips. With less prepare time, fast food chooses frozen foods that are shipped to location. Although there are food chains who advertise â€Å"fresh, never frozen†, these companies are not purchasing these â€Å"fresh†products from a local, reputable supplier.Adding to fast foods convenience, these chains have to take short cuts to deliver hot food, fast! Home cooked meals may not have a convenient drive-thru, but prepping fresh meats and vegetables the night before can alleviate long prep and cooking times. We all know that fast food sales for a reasonable price. Even when there is an increase in economy, they tend to remain at those prices in order to entice the customer. When some time Blackburn 2 passes, and things seem normal in economy, then they will increase prices slightly.It is my belief that fast food wants Americans to know they are suffering with them, therefore winning the people’s choice. Happy customers make for good business, with fewer complaints. Although home cooked meals seem much more expensive than McDonalds, health plays a bigger part. Having and growing a personal garden can cut these prices down to fractions that not even fast food can compare to, not to mention more nutritious. Belief in the value for a buck is not reason enough to set aside nutritional values.Most families put their trust in Betty Crocker and Stouffers from local grocery stores. These â€Å"convenience foods†are cheap alternatives to fast food but contain as much sugar, sodium, and saturated fat as eating out. Using fresh ingredients, you are more able to control the amount of harmful ingredients used in cooking. As a matter of opinion, you know what is being put in your meals. When looking at fast food from a health stand point, salads from McDonalds contain as many calories as their best-selling Big Mac when you add salad dressing.Although fast food offers health alternatives, they are not all as healthy as they seem. With America’s increase of obesity each year, home cooking is more nutritious and clean. Plus, the fact that you are able to spend quality time with family and friends. Coming from a single parent home, I was able to do homework at the kitchen table and as my mother helped me, she would also keep a close eye on the stove while preparing meals for me and my sister. Cooking is bonding time!Eating out felt like vacations when I was growing up. It was a reward for a tough week at school. We as Americans have become lazy, and are taking the easy way out far too often. Packing a healthy snack consisting of fruits and sandwiches made at home can Blackburn 3 prevent the craving for fast food while on a road trip. The same can also be applied to working lives. Home cooked meals are not just the healthy choice, they are the better choice.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay
Martin Luther King was a major driving force during the 1950-1960s African American civil rights movement. Following his influence in fighting for the respect of equal human rights, Luther has become one of the most recognized human rights icons in the American nation. According to available historical information, born in 1929, Luther started his civil rights activist activities during his early ages. He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott due to segregation practices, which compromised the principle of equality of all American citizens (Darby, 1990). True from history, Luther brought much influence in the war against racial segregation and discrimination. Just to be appreciated is the fact that despite the provisions that all men are equal during the declaration of independence in the 18th century, racial discrimination was a common practice in the early twentieth century. Historical information indicate that the â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech by Martin Luther King in the 963 March on Washington triggered the African Americans into fight for their human rights (Darby, 1990). Conducting his affairs uniquely, Luther is praised advocating a non-violent approach to the realization of equal human rights in the American nation (Darby, 1990). Indeed, this was the underlying reason behind why he was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in ending racial segregation and l discrimination through non-violent means in 1964. In addition to his impact on the American community, Luther finds his honor in advocating against the violation of human rights during the Vietnam War in 1968. Following his influence in the civil rights war, Luther is globally appreciated as a crucial fighter for freedom (Darby, 1990). To emphasis on this claim, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 nine years after his assassination. Such are also found in the establishment of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a U. S. national holiday in 1986. References Darby, J. (1990). Martin Luther King. Jr. Minneapolis: Lerner Publishing Group.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
In the Modern World, Image Is Everything
It only takes about seven seconds for a stranger to form a first impression of you. Especially in our modern world, the image we project of ourselves is becoming even more crucial since the increasing openness and inter-connectedness of the world makes it much easier for people to do ‘research’ on who you are. An image is paramount to all levels of society from the individual, to the corporate, to the national. Therefore, image does play a pivotal role in our lives in both the public and private domains. Nowadays, it is rare to find someone who does not have a Facebook profile or a Twitter account.Social networking has become a norm in our world today, with so many people putting up their personal lives on the Internet for anyone to see. What we choose to put on the Internet inevitably forms an image of ourselves that we present to others. This image will be able to make or break you regardless of whether you are in the public spotlight. Almost every celebrity has public ists that help him or her manage their public persona. It is often with their reputations that celebrities are able to land the most well paid jobs.Such employers view the celebrity’s good reputation as one that will be able to most effectively sell a product or a movie. Additionally, the way in which a celebrity manages his or her image when hit with a crisis affects his or her future employment prospects. For example, when Kate Moss was hit the scandal of her being photographed snorting cocaine, she did not do anything that would help fan the flame of the scandal. Alternatively, she continued working hard and producing the beautiful shots that her employers wanted. The scandal did not kill her career, as many would have expected.Moss’ career received a boost instead where she signed lucrative contract with Calvin Klein that effectively doubled her income. Additionally, an increasing number of companies are making use of social networking sites to gather background in formation on prospective employees. Countless people have lost out on amazing job opportunities because they posted pictures of them drunk on their Facebook profiles. This then proves that the image that portray of ourselves has a great impact on our lives in that it can help determine your success or failure in your chosen profession.In the corporate world, many businesses are also starting to realize the importance of the image of the company. Image consultants are being paid thousands of dollars to spruce up a company’s profile, where the company hopes that the better the image it presents the more successful it will become. Marketers and advertisers are also making use of prominent public personalities to help sell their products by making them more attractive to the masses. Given a small business, without a company website can be destroyed as a result of any acerbic comment on the Internet.Potential clients upon doing their research and discovering a bad review of the co mpany’s services will decide to patronize the services of another company instead. The significance of a good public profile is seen clearly in the aforementioned example, whereby a company can falter due to the lack of an image that the fails to showcase to the public. Thus, a positive image presented to the masses can prove to be the deciding factor of whether a company succeeds or fails in the event of a public relations problem, proving that image is indeed everything in the corporate world.On a wider scale, image is also critical to the many nations in the world. Small countries very often want to show the world that it is to be underestimated, while developing countries want to show the world that it is growing into its own and is just as capable. The most explicit examples of this are in the countries that vie to host the Olympic Games. Winning the coveted role of hosting the Olympics is often a great source of national pride for a country whereby it can show the world what it is capable of.The prestige that comes with hosting the Olympics is also immensely substantial thus accounting for the many countries wanting to host the Olympics. Even the first Youth Olympic Games was not spared from the competition between countries to host it. Singapore ultimately won this honour and it was widely celebrated by the government and its people. Almost all of Singapore’s youth were involved in the 2010 Youth Olympic Games in one way or another.All were happy to serve their country in any way they could in this grand and prestigious occasion. Another apt example is when China hosted the 2008 Beijing Olympics. China poured billions of dollars into the organization of the Games and spared no expense in ensuring that the Beijing was ready to receive athletes from all around the world. The pride that the Chinese had in the fact that China was hosting the 2008 Olympics was evident in the hundreds of hours of dedicated service that the Chinese selflessly con tributed.Thus, image is of great significance on a national level where countries are able to display what it is made of and can be a source of great national pride. On the other may argue that image is nothing without substance to back it up. Take the example of a customer going to a company for a particular service due to an initial good impression of the company. However, if the company fails to measure up to the image it presents of itself, the customer will be hugely disappointed and will not patronize the services of that company again and might even influence others into avoiding that company.Although one should concede that â€Å"well done is better than well said†as spoken by Benjamin Franklin, the first impression is ultimately one that is more powerful where a good impression often results in good outcomes. Particularly in our modern world where people move so fast that they only have time for first impressions and where the image one presents is one of the most r eliable ways to judge a persons character in such a short time.We have seen in the paragraphs above that image does play a pivotal role in our individual lives, in the corporate world, and on the national level. Despite the fact that actions do speak louder than words and that substance is more important than the image, it cannot be denied that the first impression is often a strong and lasting one. Image is hence essentially everything in our modern world where people are more often than not caught up in flash and superficiality.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso - Term Paper Example The essay "Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso" discovers the Salvador Dali's and Pablo Picasso's art. Both Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso are well-known Spanish painters. They have not only accomplished a number of masterpieces that gained worldwide acceptance but they also received considerable criticisms that make them more famous. Dali, whose works usually deal with surrealism, is noted for absurdity. In his painting, Soft Construction with Boiled Beans, Dali presents an image of a monster tearing itself apart. This oil painting is usually referred to as a premonition of the Spanish Civil War because Dali made it six months before the war broke out. The painting, considered to be a surrealist painting, measures 100 cm x 99cm., and is currently housed in Philadelphia Art Museum of Art. Dali is famous for surrealism in his works. Convincingly the surreal nature of Dali’s images has led him to fame, but according to Saladyga, his â€Å"eccentric manner and attention-grabbing pu blic actions sometimes drew more attention than his artwork†(15). Specifically, Dali’s Soft Construction with Boiled Beans has gained him both positive and negative commentaries. Nevertheless, the subject, style, and symbols that he used make the painting a real masterpiece as it evokes the cultural and historical experience of the Spanish. Pablo Picasso is likewise a world-renowned Spanish painter and is even more famous and respected than Dali in the visual art scene. He is well-known for cubism, a style he himself made popular. With his craftsmanship and hard work, Picasso can be considered the most prolific artist not only of his time but even of all times. Throughout his lifetime, he produced a total of 6,000 paintings, 165 of which he painted in 1969 alone, when he was 88 years old (Whitman 53). He started painting at two years old and produced sketches, sculptures, lithography, and even plays before he died at 92 (Whitman 53). Guernica is one of his masterpieces . This oil painting, which measures 11 feet tall and 25.6 feet wide, was painted in 1937, two days after the bombing of Guernica. To date, it reminds the Spanish of the bombing of the Basque town of Guernica by some German bombers who were allegedly supporters of General Franco during the Spanish Civil War. At present, the painting is housed in Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid but a number of replications including the one in the United Nations have been on display worldwide. Both paintings mentioned reflect the painters’ view of the Spanish Civil War. According to Beevor (19), the war started on July 17, 1936 and lasted until April 1, 1939. It began after the proclamation of opposition by some Spanish generals led by Jose Sanjurjo against the leadership of the then President Manuel Azana. The group of generals were supported by a number of groups, including the Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right, Carlists, and Fascist Falange, which were strong political parties at th e time. Hence, the move resulted in political and military warfare. Later, the government obtained support from Germany, Italy and Portugal, thus heightening the conflict especially with the bombing of Guernica, Basque Country on April 26, 1937 by German and Italian troops. Guernica is said to be a marketplace, thus many people were hurt during the bombing, especially since that day was a market day.
Workplace diversity Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Workplace diversity - Term Paper Example enowned consumer product leader, and its products are widely used by about 4.4 billion consumers around the globe with its portfolio of quality and trusted consumer products and some of its famous products are Pampers, Whispers, Oral-B, Head & Shoulders, Gillette and Duracell. P&G has present operations in about 80 nations, and its brands are available in more than 180 nations around the world. Established in the year 1837, its reported revenue in the year 2011 was about $82,559 million and its employee strength was reported as 129,000 in the year 2012. This research essay will analyse the significance given to diversity in the P&G by Alan George Lafley during his tenure as CEO of the company between 2000 and 2010. In his young age, A.G. Lafley earned his graduation from Fenwick High School, which is situated in Oak Park, Illinois and also got his A.B from†Hamilton College in 1969†. He underwent a doctoral program in the 1970 at the University of Virginia and during the Vietnam War, he worked as the supply officer with the U.S Navy. Then, he underwent†M.B.A program at Harvard Business School and received his M.B.A in 1977.†Upon his graduation, he was recruited by Proctor & Gamble (P&G) as trainee, and later he rose to the position of Chairman, President and Chief Executive of P&G in June 2000 and retired from P&G in 2010. As assistant brand manager for Joy dishwashing soap, Alan George Lafley joined the P&G in the year 1977. He was promoted as CEO of P&G in the year 2000, from that of the head of North America operations after many successful years of service in P&G due to the resignation of his predecessor Durk Jager. When Lafley became CEO, P&G has become a reputed company that marketed more than 300 brands in over 140 nations around the globe thereby actively spotlighting on resolving the requirements of its very diverse stakeholder’s demands. Thus, Lafley’s commitment to P&G diversity initiatives has brought credit to the organization both
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Total quality management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Total quality management - Essay Example Mechanistic models value stability. In an organismic model, their goals focus on organizational survival. Organizations that use organismic model encourage an objective work environment that focuses on an inside boundary. The organismic model describes quality through customer satisfaction. The managers create visions and system that serves to coordinate and provide control. Employees in this model practice self-control within the system. In an organismic model organisations believe that learning assists the organisation to adapt change. A cultural model of organization sets goals that meet individual needs and encourage human development. Quality in this model is described through constituent satisfaction. The cultural model of organization adapts a work environment that is defined through relationships. The role of management in a cultural model coordinates and mediates consultation regarding vision, systems and rewards. Employees play an active role by participating in the creatio n of vision, system. A cultural model of organization values change and learning. Evans and Lindsay describe performance excellence as an integrated approach to organizational performance management. Performance excellence ensures organizational sustainability through the delivery of continually improved value to customers and stakeholders. Performance excellence ensures the improvement of organizational effectiveness, organizational and personal learning (Evans and Lindsay 12). A system is an organized structure made up of interrelated and interdependent elements, which influence one another directly or indirectly. Deming systems theory explains that organizations have systems of interconnected processes and people that make up system components. Deming considers the success of any system is dependent on the management’s ability to coordinate the influence of each component in order to achieve optimization of the whole system. This is possible through appreciation of a syste m, by understanding how variations influence the system (Evans and Lindsay 91). Juran explains quality as the features of a product that meet consumer satisfaction. In this case, the effect is on sales Juran explains that providing quality products increases costs. On the other hand, Juran considers quality as being free of errors by reducing error rates, waste, customer dissatisfaction, field failures. In this case, the effect is on cost, which in the end means higher quality costs less (Evans and Lindsay 104). Evans and Lindsay explain four absolutes for quality as stated by Crosby. According to Crosby, quality is conformance to clients’ expectations. Crosby states that quality comes from prevention of defects. Quality requires standards that ensure zero defects. This requires that a company meet the customer requirements. Crosby explains that we measure quality by being aware of the price of non-conformance. Failing to meet the customers’ requirements does make a bu siness lose money (Evans and Lindsay 106). Total quality is a management approach that guarantees success through customer satisfaction. In total quality, the members of an organisation participate in improving the products, services and organizational culture. In total quality, organizations utilize strategic focus on quality, data, effective communication through employee engagement and teamwork to incorporate quality into the culture and activities of the organisation. Visionary
Monday, August 26, 2019
Goldman Sachs Financial Data Analysis Assignment
Goldman Sachs Financial Data Analysis - Assignment Example The company was founded in the year 1869 and has its headquarter in New York, but maintains subsidiary offices in the major financial centers globally. Over time, the firm has been largely recognized as among the best premier investment banks globally. The corporation linked itself to the New York Stock Exchange in the year 1896 from which it has been able to trade successfully its shares. As a result of this, its capital in 1898 stood at $1.6 milion and has since grown rapidly. Furthermore, the firm started issuing the IPOs in the year 1906 upon taking over Sears, Roebuck and Company. This is a deal mainly attributed to the personal friendship between Henry Goldman and Julius Rosenwald, who was the owner of the frim. Largely, the company reports its business in four main business segments namely, investment banking, investing and lending, institutional services, and investment management. In investment banking, the range of services that are offered targets a diverse group including financial institutions, governments, corporations, and investment funds. In this, it mainly provides services related to the strategic advisory that entails forms of acquisitions, mergers, divestitures, and risk management. With regard to institutional services, the firm facilitates the transactions done by clients in relation to making the markets in equity, fixed income, commodity products and currency attainable for the clients. This is supported by the act of making markets clear for the clients, as well as clearing transactions on major stocks, futures and options for clients through the provision of prime brokerage, financial and securities lending services. In investing and lending, the company invests and originates loans for the provision of financing to its clients that are long term in nature. Subsequently, the firm makes
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Hamlet essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Hamlet - Essay Example The complexity of action as well as the impossibility of certainty is prominently highlighted when it comes to discussing the execution of revenge by Hamlet, the protagonist in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The lack of self-confidence and hindrance of inaction of the protagonist distinguishes the play remarkably apart from other revenge plays in English literature. Shakespeare portrays Hamlet as an able yet reluctant hero who is characteristically more prone to apprehension than to action. This is the case of his dilemma: of realizing the truth behind his father’s murder followed by the ghostly encounter, of acknowledging the plan of revenge and yet choosing to postpone this action. This thin demarcation between action and inaction is prominently expressed in the innermost thoughts of Hamlets, what is more appropriately known as Hamlet’s soliloquies or his self-conversation. Among the soliloquies of Hamlet in the play, the most debated one expressing the protagonist’s innermost projections is the â€Å"To be or not to be†soliloquy from Act III, Scene I of Hamlet. It most undoubtedly holds the central place of the entire discussion of action and inaction on the part of the protagonist for planning his ‘revenge’. Indeed the soliloquies speak of more action than does the protagonist himself. In Davies’ (2008) words, â€Å"Hamlet is rarely more dynamic or on the move as a character than in the action of his soliloquies, which remain the vehicles for an unfolding ‘drama of thought’ throughout Hamlet rather than expressions of a fixed kind of ‘dramatized thinking’. In soliloquy, we have the Hamlet who is ready ‘to drink hot blood’ in Act III, Scene II, and yet who refuses to kill Claudius in Act III, Scene III; who knows not why he lives ‘to say this thing’s to do’ in Act IV, Scene IV, but even at this most hopeless point, implicitly recognizes that
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Innovative Organisations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Innovative Organisations - Research Paper Example Early computer-aided design (CAD) applications were direct replacements for manual drafting activities in the design process. Computing resources were derived from mainframes. There was little increase in initial drawing production efficiency, but drawing quality and clarity were greatly improved (Golish et al. 2003). The introduction of the remote workstation provided a technology platform to advance the CAE design process. Architect-engineering design services are project driven businesses. The typical project is a custom designed facility to satisfy the specific requirements of a single customer. Revenue is generated on a project-by-project basis (Kerzner 2002). It is estimated that over 35,000 firms are providers of A-E design services (Golish et al. 2003). Increased use of CAE technology will alter key financial measures used in the industry. Fig. 1 shows projected trends in TLM as CAE technology use increases (Schriener 1996). Productivity will increase and cycle time will decrease. Direct hours to produce projects will decrease and overhead costs will increase while overall design cost will decline. This cost allocation trend is consistent with that experienced in the manufacturing sector as computer-aided engineering and production methods evolved (Noori 2001). The objective of A-E design services is to interpret customer requirements for facilities and infrastructure, including performance expectations, cost, and schedule.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Medical Terminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Medical Terminology - Essay Example Yes, I think that written policies have to be adopted for using abbreviations considering patients' safety. The Stanford Hospital Medical Board has adopted an abbreviation policy which comprises a list of 'approved acronyms, abbreviations and symbols to guide documentation and interpretation of hand-written notes'. Apart from this, the policy also includes a list of 'dangerous abbreviations and symbols' that should not be used. Some vital features of the policy includes that medication names should not be abbreviated and that use of metric system is strongly recommended. Use of abbreviations, acronyms and symbols is acceptable when used for a valid reason and under proper circumstances. For instance, abbreviations can be standardized and developed by individual organizations. Abbreviations can be accepted when used for a published reference source. A list of acceptable abbreviations can be put forward and a proposal can be laid to individuals who work in a particular organization to use abbreviations, acronyms or symbols that are present in the list.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
How to Succeed in College Essay Example for Free
How to Succeed in College Essay Hints on How to Succeed in College Classes The Key to Success: Study Time The single most important key to success in any college course is to spend enough time studying. A rule of thumb is that you should expect to study about 2 to 3 hours per week outside of class for each unit of credit. For example, a student taking 15 credit hours should expect to spend 30 to 45 hours each week studying outside of class. Combined with time in class, this works out to a total of 45 to 60 hours spent on academic work†not much more than the time a typical Job requires, and you get to hoose your own hours. Of course, if you are working while you attend school, you will need to budget your time carefully. As a rough guideline, your study time might be divided as shown in the table below. If you find that you are spending fewer hours than these guidelines suggest, you can probably improve your grade by studying longer. If you are spending more hours than these guidelines suggest, you may be studying inefficiently; in that case, you should talk to your instructor about how to study more effectively. If Your Course Is: Time for Reading the Assigned Text (per week) Time for Homework Assignments (per week) Time for Review and Test Preparation (average per week) Total Study Time (per 3 credits 2 to 4 hours 2 to 3 hours 2 hours 6 to 9 hours 4 credits 3 hours 8 to 12 hours 5 credits 3 to 5 hours 3 to 6 hours 4 hours 10 to 15 hours General Strategies for Studying 0 Budget your time effectively. Studying 1 or 2 hours each day is more effective, and far less painful, than studying all night before homework is due or before exams. 0 Engage your brain. Learning is an active process, not a passive experience. Whether you are reading, listening to a lecture, or working on assignments, always make sure hat your mind is actively engaged. If you find your mind drifting or falling asleep, make a conscious effort to revive yourself, or take a break if necessary. 0 Dont miss class, and come prepared. Listening to lectures and participating in class activities and discussions is much more effective than reading someone elses notes or watching a video later. Active participation will help you retain what you are learning. Also, be sure to complete any assigned reading before the class in which it will be discussed. This is crucial, since class sessions are designed to help reinforce key deas from the reading. 0 Use your textbook effectively. For a science book, for example: Begin by identifying the learning goals of an assigned chapter, and get an overview of key concepts by studying the illustrations and reading their captions. Next, read the chapter twice: On the first pass, read only the narrative, skipping any optional or boxed features; on the second pass, include the boxed features, and make notes on the pages to remind yourself of ideas you may want to review later. After you complete the reading, check your understanding by trying some of the end- f-chapter problems or any on-line quizzes or tutorials that may be available. 0 Start your homework early. The more time you allow yourself, the easier it is to get help if you need it. If a concept gives you trouble, first try additional reading or studying beyond what has been assigned. If you still having trouble, ask for help: You surely can find friends, peers, or teachers who will be glad to help you learn. 0 Working together with friends can be valuable in helping you understand difficult concepts. However, be sure that you learn with your friends and do not become dependent on 0 Dont try to multitask. A large body of research shows that human beings simply are not good at multitasking: When we attempt it, we do more poorly at all of the individual tasks. And in case you think you are an exception, the same research found that those people who believed they were best at multitasking were actually the worst! So when it is time to study, turn off your electronic devices, find a quiet spot, and give your work a focused effort of concentration. 02013, Jeffrey Bennett (www. effreybennett. com). Permission granted to photocopy as a two-sided handout for college classes. How to Succeed in College Classes, Page 2 Preparing for Exams 0 Rework problems and other assignments; try additional questions to be sure you understand the concepts. Study your performance on assignments, quizzes, or exams from earlier in the term. 0 Study your notes from classes, and reread relevant sections in you r textbook. Pay attention to what your instructor expects you to know for an exam. 0 Study individually before Joining a study group with friends. Study groups are effective only if every individual comes prepared to contribute. 0 Dont stay up too late before an exam. Dont eat a big meal within an hour of the xam (thinking is more difficult when blood is being diverted to the digestive system). 0 Try to relax before and during the exam. If you have studied effectively, you are capable of doing well. Staying relaxed will help you think clearly. Presenting Homework and Writing Assignments All work that you turn in should be of collegiate quality: neat and easy to read, well organized, and demonstrating mastery of the subject matter. Future employers and teachers will expect this quality of work. Moreover, although submitting homework of collegiate quality requires extra effort, it serves two important purposes directly related to learning: 1. . The effort you expend in clearly explaining your work solidifies your learning. In particular, research has shown that writing and speaking trigger different areas of your brain. By writing something down†even when you think you already understand it†your learning is reinforced by involving other areas of your brain. By making your work clear and self-contained (that is, making it a document that you can read without referring to the questions in the text), you will have a much more useful study guide when you review for a quiz or exam. The following guidelines will help ensure that your assignments meet the standards f collegiate quality: 0 Always use proper grammar, proper sentence and paragraph writing should be fully self-contained. A good test is to imagine that a friend is reading your work and to ask yourself whether the friend would understand exactly what you are trying to say.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Student Web Scavenger Hunt Essay Example for Free
Student Web Scavenger Hunt Essay Log on to the new University of Phoenix eCampus web page located at: Explore the resources available on the site and use them to answer the following questions. ACADEMIC HELP 1.What are the six â€Å"Other Math Labs†available for study in the Center for Mathematics Excellence? (Hint: Click on the â€Å"Running Start Link.†) Self-Assessment Aleks Math Refresher Pre-Algebra Review Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Introduction to Statistics 2.Which three reviewing services are available to students through the Center for Writing Excellence? WritePoint takes 2 hours CWE Review takes 4 days Plagiarism Checker takes minutes 3.Which resource in the Tutorials Guides section of the Center for Writing Excellence â€Å"offers tips about how to format using APA style according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition)†? Samples APA Sample 4.What are the two required writing manuals for University of Phoenix students? APA Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Gregg Reference Manual UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1.What are the three major article databases found in the University Library? EBSCO host Gale PowerSearch Pro Quest 2.Name three specialized article databases in the University Library. ACM Digital Library American Health Line Bio-Med Central 3.What link would you click to ask a question of the University of Phoenix Librarian? Under University Library, look on the left side under other resources, and then click on Ask a librarian COURSE INFORMATION 1.From your student Web site, how do you access your reading assignments for this course? Open Resource, Click on which week Go to Classroom Go to Materials Scroll down to the readings Click on which reading you need Click either read book online or Click download eBook 2.What chapter from the text Keys to College Studying is part of the reading assignment for Week Two of this course? Keys to College Studying is not our textbook. Chapter 1 of our textbook talks about modes of learning, multiple intelligences, and learning styles. Chapter 9 talks about diversity. 3.Where on your student Web site will you be able to find your schedule and course grades? Go to Schedules and Grades or Under Home tab, go to Quick links on the left side, then go to schedules and grades LEARNING TEAMS 1.What six documents are contained in the â€Å"Toolkit Essentials†section of the Learning Team Toolkit? Learning Team Handbook Online Campus Learning Team Handbook Guide to Completing the University of Phoenix Learning Team Charter Learning Team Log Learning Team Evaluation Learning Team Charter 2.According to the Learning Team Toolkit section, â€Å"Why Learning Teams?†what are the four essential functions filled by Learning Teams that are especially beneficial to working adult learners? Create collaborative learning environments in which working adults can share the practical knowledge that comes from their life and work experience. Improve the quality of shared projects and assignments. Serve as vehicles for the kind of shared reflection through which adult students make sense of and apply new knowledge. Provide a sense of community and support that is invaluable in helping working adults cope with the challenge of balancing school with other life demands STUDENT SERVICES 1.What is the phone number for University of Phoenix technical support? (Hint: Use the â€Å"Help†button in the top right corner of the page.) 877-832-4867 2.Where can you find information about who to contact for questions regarding student disabilities? Under the Program tab Under Services University ADA Policy or Student Disability Handbook 3.What three National Testing Programs does the University of Phoenix award credit for? College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Defense Activities for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) Excelsior College Examinations 4.Name one form of misconduct in the Student Code of Conduct. (Hint: Click on Publications Student Catalog) Actions, oral statements, and written statements which threaten or violate the personal safety of any member of the faculty, staff, or other students.
Allah Is All Powerful And All Knowing
Allah Is All Powerful And All Knowing Muslims are guided by the following main provisions, which are recognized as infallible truth and are binding for all believers: belief in Allah, the sanctity of the Quran, appointment through Mohammed, the immortality of the soul, the resurrection, the Day of Judgement, a belief in heaven and hell, devils, demons and angels. A basic knowledge of the Muslim religion is very different in different people and in different countries of the traditional Islam. Every Muslim knows the meaning of the creed of Islam: Allah. There is no god but He, the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme in glory. (Quran 2:255) It expresses two main precepts of Islam: there is a single, unique, and eternal God Almighty Allah; his messenger Allah chose an Arab from Mecca, Muhammad, through him God gave people the text of the holy book the Koran, and by his hands he founded a community of believers. That is, belief in Allah is the primary tenet of faith in Islam. (Sell 2000) According to Islam beliefs, Allah is all-powerful and all knowing, as well as merciful and compassionate. His greatness is expressed in many statements (for example, Allah Akbar) that are well known to all Muslims, which they often repeat in their speech, prayers, which can be found written on the monuments of Muslim architecture in Asia, Africa, Europe and America. Muslims believe that Allah at any time can create any miracle, just as in one command he created the heavens and the earth, mountains, rivers, flora and fauna. In the representation of Muslims he can at any moment break the natural course of history, to violate the laws of nature, for he is almighty: God is the Creator of everything. He is the guardian over everything. Unto Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth. And No creature is there crawling on the earth, but its provision rests on God. He knows its lodging place and its repository (Sell 2000). Muslim believer should not, have no right to doubt the omnipotence of Allah, otherwise, he commits great sin, which can only be redeemed with gifts to clergy, or Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca and other holy places. (Sell 2000) It is important to mention the main pillars of Islam which unite all believers, whatever other differences they may have. An observant Muslim must follow Five main pillars of Islam: The Shahadah, or profession of faith: This is the essence of Islam. One must say aloud, sincerely and purposefully, There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. Prayer: One must pray, in a ritualized manner, five times a day, in congregation if possible. Zakat, or tithing: One must give a certain percentage of ones assets to the poor each year. Fasting: One cannot eat, drink, or smoke from dawn to dusk during Ramadan, the ninth month of the lunar calendar. Hadj, or pilgrimage: One must journey to Mecca at least once, if its possible to do so. (Oxford Islamic Studies Online) Almost every Muslim knows at least a few phrases from the holy book of Islam Quran. The Quran was written in Arabic and in the ritual is used the Arabic original. For Muslims, the Quran is the direct word of Allah, addressed to Muhammad, and through him to all people. In it both the ordinary Muslims and theologians are seeking answers to questions of privacy and public life, to justify their actions. According to Islam, there are different ways of knowing Allah, and much can be said about him, as the great wonders of the world are like an open book, in which we can read a lot about God, who resides out of this world. God Himself comes to help us by sending envoys and sending his revelation, in which he tells about everything that we need to know about God. The Islamic religion is full of recognition of the teachings and guidance of Allah, in the form in which it was opened by His Messenger Muhammad. Islam requires belief in the unity and sovereignty of Allah, making people aware of the significance of the Universe and his place in it. This belief frees person from any fear and prejudice, leading him to realize the presence of Almighty God and to the understanding of human responsibilities toward Him. However, this belief must in some way find expression and be tested in practice, as one only faith is not enough. (Esposito 2000) Belief in one God requires that people must treat all mankind as one family, completely ruled by God, who is Creator of all and gives sustenance to everything. Islam rejects the idea of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹chosen people, as only faith in God and good deeds are the only ways leading to heaven. (Esposito 2002) It is also necessary to say that in todays world there are few Islamic schools, branches and sects, which represent different views and ideas. The earliest and most major split was caused by the emergence of Shia and Sunni. In the Shiite movement along with believing in the authority of the Quran and teachings of the Muhammad, people believe that his family, the Ahl al-Bayt, have special spiritual and political rule over the community, and in Ali ibn Abi Talib. (Esposito 2000) The other important Islamic movement are called the Sunni. Its supporters recognize the legitimacy of Sunnah, the normative example of Muhammads life. The Quran and the Sunnah (the example of Muhammads life) as recorded in hadith are the primary foundations of Sunni doctrine. (Esposito 2000) Later, in Islam there was the Sufi doctrine, which was influenced by the ideas of Mazdaism, Buddhism, and even neo-Platonism. Sufis originally did not recognize importance of external ritualism, and sought the true knowledge of God, a mystical merging with the deity, gave special importance to the names of God from the Quran. (Esposito 2000) Despite the various trends in Islam, all Muslims believe the idea of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹belonging to one community of people united by a common faith, common traditions, common initial history and common interests in the modern world.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Midwife :: essays research papers
The Midwife’s Apprentice is written by Karen Cushman. The setting takes place in the past nearly five hundred years ago from now. It is also a fiction book      Alyce formerly known as Beetle or Dung Beetle has found a home in a village with a Midwife who feeds her only morsels of what hard work she does. But before that the tale of how she was found must be told.      Beetle found herself snug as a bug in a dung heap. She slept for warmth, completely dismissing the horrid smell of it. Then a sharp question asked â€Å"You girl. Are you alive or dead?†she promptly opened her eyes and was taken in after tell the woman she could do hard work and not eat much. So that’s how she ended up as where she is.      Well the midwife didn’t really treat her as an apprentice for she spoke unkindly and forbid that Alyce would ever see what she was helping women do. But Alyce did! And how horrible it was, the Midwife would scream, curse and slap the poor women until they could take no more and push out the baby.      Once the midwife was not there and Alyce had to help the woman with the baby. She told the husband to brew whatever was needed to help her. Then she began talking to her softly and soothing her till the baby came out into the world when it was almost certain that it would not make it. When the midwife got there she was thoroughly mad. The husband of the wife said Alyce was more kind and efficient and that the midwife was no good.      In the end she fled to a small inn near the village where she saved another baby. The Midwife :: essays research papers The Midwife’s Apprentice is written by Karen Cushman. The setting takes place in the past nearly five hundred years ago from now. It is also a fiction book      Alyce formerly known as Beetle or Dung Beetle has found a home in a village with a Midwife who feeds her only morsels of what hard work she does. But before that the tale of how she was found must be told.      Beetle found herself snug as a bug in a dung heap. She slept for warmth, completely dismissing the horrid smell of it. Then a sharp question asked â€Å"You girl. Are you alive or dead?†she promptly opened her eyes and was taken in after tell the woman she could do hard work and not eat much. So that’s how she ended up as where she is.      Well the midwife didn’t really treat her as an apprentice for she spoke unkindly and forbid that Alyce would ever see what she was helping women do. But Alyce did! And how horrible it was, the Midwife would scream, curse and slap the poor women until they could take no more and push out the baby.      Once the midwife was not there and Alyce had to help the woman with the baby. She told the husband to brew whatever was needed to help her. Then she began talking to her softly and soothing her till the baby came out into the world when it was almost certain that it would not make it. When the midwife got there she was thoroughly mad. The husband of the wife said Alyce was more kind and efficient and that the midwife was no good.      In the end she fled to a small inn near the village where she saved another baby.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Student Motivation and Retention Essays -- Education Mathematics Essay
Student Motivation and Retention I decided to write most of paper about motivation because motivation is something that is lacking in several of my students in Junction City. I want to help students develop the motivation to learn math instead of hearing the bad attitude they have developed for mathematics. It is so frustrating to hear a student say that they do not care. Also in my paper, I plan to intertwine the topic of retention. My paper will lean more towards retaining students in math at the middle school level rather than college like the articles we read in class. I know that students can not switch out of math in the middle school, but they can choose to take many math classes in high school and choose a major in college for math. In other words, I want to find out ways for students to be interested in math field so they continue in the math field all the way up through college graduation. I have developed several great relationships with my students and care deeply about what the future holds for the m. My goal is to make a difference in their life by motivating them to like math and school so they do not drop out of high school. II. Background As I researched for articles dealing with motivation, the most common information that I found was strategies for increasing motivation. Some of the articles showed actual studies where certain strategies helped the student want to learn. The â€Å"Intrigue Model†by Lewkowicz is one strategy example that I will be writing about. Another article I found explained different types of motivation, which motivation is the best to have, and factors that influences the development of student motivation. Robert Case wrote a paper about a study he did in an India high school wat... ... OR, 1994. Malcolm, Shirley, and Treisman, Uri. â€Å"Calculus Success for All Students.†Calculus for a New Century: A Pump not a Filter, Steen, Lynn (ed.). Mathematical Association of America: Washington, DC, 1987. McNeal, Ralph. â€Å"Extracurricular Activities and High School Dropouts.†Sociology of Education v68n1: Jan 1995, 62-80. Renchler, Ron. â€Å"School Leadership and Student Motivation.†ERIC Digest No. 71. ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management: Eugene, OR, 1992. Seymour, Elaine, and Hewitt, Nancy. Talking About Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences. Westview Press: Boulder, CO: 1997. Treisman, Phillip Uri. â€Å"A Study of the Mathematics Performance of Black Students at the University of California, Berkeley.†Mathematicians and Education Reform: Proceedings of the July 6-8. 1988 Workshop, American Mathematical Society: Providence, RI, 1990.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Thomas Becket :: Biography Biographies Essays
Thomas Becket  Thomas Becket during his life was a man of both honor and dishonor. His decisions, principles, and character made certain aspects of his life honorable, and others dishonorable. However, it is also extremely important to realize who Becket was honoring. The three most relevant people he would honor during his life was himself, King Henry II, and God.     Many times during his life, Becket acted without honor. For instance, when King Henry separated the church and state by making his power superior to the church's, Becket became his right-hand by becoming the Chancellor of England. While Henry's moves were political and economic, Becket decision to join the king was based purely on allegiance and fidelity to the king. Becket did not consider the consequences of what a split would do nor did he question and challenge the sanctimonious motives of the king. Becket also showed a great dishonor to both God and the king when he wore both the Chancellor and Archbishop ring. He could not possibly honor both, since the King's agenda did not coalesce with the will of God. Thus he had a false honor to both. Eventually, Becket made a choice to serve the honor of God above the king.     Becket was also a man of great honor. He showed reverence to his king by being loyal and keeping his word when he had to give up the woman he loved to the king. At this moment, he also honored himself by showing integrity and principle over emotional values. While chancellor, he served faithfully by understanding his duty to the king and code of honor. The one thing that proved Becket to be a man of true honor was when he humbled himself before the cross and God and vowed his loyalty to the one and only true leader. After this point, Becket no longer acts to serve the king's honor, but God's because he realizes it is more righteous and rewarding. Through this decision he chose how he would live for the remainder of his life. He accepted his obligations as Archbishop of Canterbury and understood how he would inevitably be forced to oppose the king. He sacrificed his own life by defending the kingdom of God and boldly chose to pursue God's w ill. This occurs when he repudiates the king's order to renege on his excommunication decision.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Grand Alliance 1945
?Why did the foundations for mistrust and suspicion between the members of the Grand Alliance already exist by 1945? In 1945 the war had been fought on one side by the nations of Great Britain, USA and USSR, the members of the Grand Alliance achieved victory in WW2. It was more important than ever the victorious powers remained united as they faced the enormous task of reconstructing war torn Europe. However, as they sought to do this, their unity was already weakened by the existence of mistrust and suspicions between them.Despite the outward appearance of unity, these nations were fundamentally divided by their ideological rivalry which had already existed between them since 1917: the disagreements and strains they experienced; and their competing aims and ambitions for the future of post-war Europe on which their societies were based. The fundamental struggle between the communist system of USSR and capitalist ideas of USA and Great Britain ideological rivalry is evident to be the most significant explanation for the existence of mistrust and suspicion between them.Due to the fact, it lies at the basis of the other casual factors. The long term issues of their ideological rivalry which was present between the USSR and the West since the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 was a significant contributory factor in the development of a hostile relationship between them. The great power rivalry was evident during the years of 1917 to 1941; the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 saw the rise of Lenin which meant a rise in Communism. It can be said the Soviet foreign policy was driven by communist ideology rather than national security.This was a threat of a totalitarian state. Ideology of Marxism was alien to the USA as left wing politics were unheard of; this was especially threatening as Marxist ideology saw the destruction of capitalist societies such as the USA. Its egalitarian values and its attacks on the freedoms held to be so important in a Liberal Democracy. Truman a dopted a strident policy to combat spread of communism towards the Soviet Union; in 1945 he upbraided USSR’s foreign minister Molotov, over Soviet occupation of Poland.A greater source of fear in the West was the communist belief in the inevitable conflict between capitalism and communism views. The idea of communism succeeding to worldwide revolution and this meant the downfall of capitalism. In addition, Europe faced the growing threat from Nazi Germany. In the years of 1939 saw the introduction of a non-aggression pact between Russia and Germany. Seen by many as what gave Hitler the confidence to invade Poland which sparked WW2.Stalin feared Germany would go against them in war and were not ready arms wise in the battle to fight against them. It can be said Hitler didn’t want to fight war on both East and West fronts, that’s why he wanted to attack Poland, already achieving taking over Czechoslovakia. These approaches were rejected by the British government w hose ideological opposition to Fascist Germany. Their differences in ideology created British suspicions to rise, as Stalin appeared to be confirmed in August, in the view of the British making the outbreak of war in Europe inevitable.1941, when the Grand Alliance was formed, it was out of a mutual need to defeat a common enemy (Hitler. ) Not a natural alliance of allies but an alliance of ideological enemies. The suspicion and mistrust relationship between them continued to exist below the surface. This helps to explain why despite the superficial show of unity, there were extensive dissimilarities and strains in their wartime relationship which further served to fuel the latent hostility between them. The strands in the Grand Alliance were due to the ideological suspicions that arose between them.The disagreements that they experienced in the years building up to 1945, was due to the fact their key personalities and how they dealt with situations. The constraints and pressure they were put in as national leaders, added to their layer of mistrust and suspicion between them. Despite improved relations there were also cracks in the Soviet-American Alliance during the years of 1942 to 1944. Two sides argued about the opening of a second war front against Germany; as Stalin wanted the USA and Great Britain to invade Western Europe in order to relieve pressure on the Red Army in the east.Knowing that Stalin approached a different aspect of leadership, with his dysfunctional personality and suspicious nature, he remained wary of capitalist West authority, actions that the USA choose to take only proved his xenophic style of leadership to be expressed in his government. As early as 1942, Roosevelt promised to this however his following actions contributed to the suspicions. In the end the D Day landings didn’t occur until June 1944; in the meantime millions of Russians had died. The preoccupation with Stains obsession with Soviet security, USA wasn’t i n a position to appreciate USSR deep sense of insecurity in 1945.This delay drove Stalin’s suspicions that USA and Britain were hoping that Germany and the USSR would ‘kill each other off. ’ This theory was viewed by many people; the revisionist. They asserted the USA’s policies of capitalist expansionist such as not helping USSR, was primarily responsible for the onset of the Cold War. The war never saw Russia and the USA fight alongside each other. Also, Soviet spies infiltrated the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, New Mexico where US scientists were attempting to build the first atomic bomb; this soviet operation was on a massive scale.The residual mutual suspicion and disagreement on specific issues, (the second front) suggests the two sides had already mistrusted each other by 1945; due to their unprecedented cooperation. Considering all the factors, only when you get the opportunity to get them into a close contact that’s when ideology rivalry becomes the most significant factor in the foundations for mistrust and suspicion between the members of the Grand Alliance. The strains caused between them in the build up by 1945, may have been an ultimate trigger to anguish the mistrust and suspicion.Never the less, ideological rivalry is a catalyst in terms of in accelerating a difference between them. Therefore, leading the members to have completely different competing aims and ambitions in post-war Europe. Growing tensions and suspicions between the members of Grand Alliance which already existed through their ideological rivalry and strains steered them to having opposite aims and ambitions in post-war Europe. The reality of Soviet Union and the West having different competing aims and ambitions only put the final layer of the mistrust and suspicion to become an alarming problem.Despite having won the war together, the USA and USSR faced the post-war world with more differences than similarities. Stalin demands regarding Ge rmany where that the future of the Soviet Union was to be secured, to prevent repercussions of the effects of WW2 happen again; such as 2,700,000 of its citizens being killed. Also, the opportunity of friendly governments and he wanted to seek revenge as the whole of Russia was destroyed; 70,000 villages were destroyed. The chances of USSR achieving these aims regarding Germany were unlikely as the West would be against them.The mistrust and suspicions which had already been implanted in the leaders’ minds caused the USA not to contribute, because of the threat of impact in ideological differences. However, they did agree in the principle of dividing and occupying Germany among the victory and have a shared goal of continued cooperation after war; this could re-kindle the trust between them. In 1944, they had different ideology which was based on their different economic and political ideas within their government. This was evident in their communist and capitalist ideas.USA had a very fixed idea about the shape of the world economy after the war. USA had become strong advocates of free trade, the unrestricted exchange of goods between nations based on their capitalist ideas. Individual countries should operate in Open Door policies, having production and distribution of goods should be on responsibility of a private sector and not the state. However, USA aims and ambitions for a free market were completely different to those of USSR government, they saw the preference of the command economy and state control necessary.The economy of the government was organised along the communist financial principles, a command economy. In addition, their aims and ambitions also differed in political ideology. Where the USA was in favour of (liberal democracy) democracy and right, a system where by freedom of speech was apparent which formed the basis of the post-war Europe. These rights were unheard of in the USSR and were not seen as fundamental or important; as the y were in contrast to the ideas of USA.The fear of capitalist ideas spreading towards the East added to the mistrust and suspicion of Stalin; as his role was an expansionist communist. They believed in (one-party state) freedom of speech and dissents were not tolerated in any basis, within a party or society at large. Along with that, the recent devastating effects of WW2 for Russia, Stalin pursued in creating a belt of friendly states on Russia’s western border. USSR had experience mistrust and twice in Stalin’s lifetime Russia had been invaded by Germany through these eastern neighbours, he longed for a sense of security.But, Roosevelt wanted no empires or sphere of influence in the world. He believed that all states had no right to self-determination. Their differences in post-war agreements added tension in their fragile relationship. These events would sow the seeds for the eventual collapse of the Grand Alliance; these can be detected in the agreements made at Ya lta even though ironically these marked the highpoint of allied unity. Ideological rivalry and a history of mistrust and suspicions made the potential for the continuation of Grand Alliance to deteriorate.Contrasting post-war visions held by the USA and USSR reflected their different value systems, different historical experience and different security needs. The chances of them working together in a complacent way were stacked against them as they were expected to cooperate in the reconstruction of post-war Europe. Ideological rivalry was extremely important in whether the members of Grand Alliance trusted or grew intense suspicions on each other by 1945, as it was an inner-deep layer of foundation which hidden their capitalism and communism ideology differences.The long term effect of mistrust and suspicion had only been waiting underneath the layer of the foundations to be exposed, through their close proximity of being allies with one another. That’s when their difference s and strains come to light. Dissimilarities in the Grand Alliance were fundamentally being reflected on their ideological differences in their economic and political state. Therefore, creating a complete contrast in competing aims and ambitions in post-war Europe; between capitalist West and communist Soviet Union.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Coping with Death
Existentialists and intellectuals relatively have similar views about certain things. Existentialists are intellectuals while some intellectuals can be existentialists. However, there are instances when their philosophies can reveal differences which make them stand out and identify themselves. This paper aims to discuss how one is likely to cope with the issue of death in an existential and intellectual point of view. Coping with Death Death has been the most absolute event that is bound to happen to human beings even before they were born.It is one constant thing that will be waiting at the end no matter how well or bad we live our lives. Throughout life, there are inevitable instances when we are forced to cope with the death of someone, whether a stranger’s, relative’s, or plainly, the thought of ours. Since existential views root from the idea of existentialism and intellectual views from intellectualism, let us first identify the distinction between these two phil osophies. One of the most famous existentialists in history is the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre.He defined existentialism as a philosophy which focuses on the existence of man alone and not on his essence or for any other purpose. He argued that man exists without meaning or definition. However, he stated that essence and meaning only manifest later in our lives. It is through our decisions that we come to begin the definition of our existence (Earnshaw, 2006, p. 74). Clearly, it is evident in his argument that religion is out of the picture. In the book Existentialism, Steven Earnshaw quoted Sartre’s (2006) claim:If man as the existentialist sees him is not definable, it is because to begin with he is nothing. He will not be anything until later, and then he will be what he makes of himself (p. 74). Based on the definition by Sartre, it is now reasonable to say that existentialists view death as something that just happens without any meaning at all. If we are to cope with it existentially, it can be claimed that death is a fearful event because it does not provide a sensible reason.It does not label our meaning; rather, death ends it. On the other hand, there are also existential arguments with regard to death which claims that death is necessary to remind us of â€Å"possibilities. †Without death, one would not be obliged to be cautious in his/her decisions because that individual has all the time in the world to do them in â€Å"trial and error. †Now, we move on to intellectualism. This philosophy is actually quite self-explanatory in nature. An intellectual acts in accordance to reason.Similar to existentialism, intellectualism also disregards the involvement of religion, for religion is based on faith which is unfounded with solid evidences. Nonetheless, intellectuals can have different ways of coping with death. Since reason is more complex than the idea of â€Å"existence comes first†by Sartre, intellectuals can va ry in their opinion of death. As for me, if I am to cope with death intellectually, I can start off by going back to the theory of evolution.As rational and mortal animals, we are capable of deteriorating because of several conditions such as diseases, old age, natural disaster, etc. Hence, death is a cycle which is scientifically normal and inevitable. Most likely, if one is to view the concept of death either existentially or intellectually, he or she is still subject to fear its arrival. However, there is a loophole in both of the arguments because the root of our existence is still questionable. They can bring up the Big Bang or the Theory of Evolution, but as far as I am concerned, there is no solid evidence of the first inhabitants on earth.As long as theories have not been proved with concrete evidence, there is no way that we can reach the answers about life and death. In any case, existentialism and intellectualism do not provide the perfect way to cope with issues like dea th. What they can only provide is the flailing argument that we are considered materials which have the capability to break down and crash at any point in time. Would it not be better to accept death knowing that something unimaginable is waiting for us?
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Too Big To Fail – Andrew Sorkin, Book Review
Too Big to Fail is the book that has most clear explanation event by event about the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. Even though Too Big to Fail is Andrew Sorkin’s first book, he made it possible to most of readers understand what really happened in 2008 with the failure of Lehman Brothers and the resulting misfortunes. Coming out in less than a year after the disaster, the book covered the whole catastrophic event, thanks to the meticulous research and countless interviews (made by the author) with those involved in the hassle. The title of this book basically covers what is spoken throughout the course of the story; companies that believed to be Too Big to Fail. Sorkin starts writing about the months after the sale of Bearn Stearns that was a global investment bank and securities trading and brokerage sold in 2008 to JP Morgan Chase at the low price of 2$ per share then introducing us to the collapse of the Lehman Brothers and finally leading us to the bailout or how the government officially call it; TARP or Troubled Asset Relief Program, a program that was announced on 9-19-08 by Secy Paulson that basically consisted in a series of grants and outright purchases of illiquid assets that would extricate the problem areas weighing down the economy. In addition, money funds were to be guaranteed. The details that make the history so interesting are the detailed information provided by the book of the behavior, personality and way to make decisions of the main characters. Sorkin focus seems to be almost exclusively on the human failings and human suffering on Wall Street that the fall of Lehman Brothers caused. In the story there are no specific villains but plenty of arrogant, blind and irresponsible decisions taken by some. However there are some people such as Henry Paulson, Timothy Geitner and Ben Bernake that may be considered heroes for their wise way to make decisions on pressure moments. The book would be a handy guide to people who want a clear and concise picture of the series of decisions that led Lehman Brothers directly go to bankrupt and of course the resulting chaos that this situation meant to Wall Street and the rest of the world. The book pleased me personally because it was very realistic in all it was the attitude of each character on the problem itself. I liked how in some cases it became reflected how the main U. S. business leaders were unable to conceal their greed when it came defending their interests.
Dynamicity in HRD Essay
Introduction One of the vital pre-requisites in the field of human resource management is the development of its members. Consequently, to be able to meet the complex changes that occur in every organization, human resource development seemingly surfaces through the essence of maintaining the ability of the human resource to perform their duties and obligations in the most competitive mean possible. Organizational behavior critically stresses the idea that every organization must shape up an efficient managerial styleâ€â€which includes the human resource departmentâ€â€so as to have a thorough breakdown of work for the pursuance of the organization’s established goals and objectives (Schwab, 2004).            Conceivably, to be able to get the top notch mark of the member’s designated task or job prescription, one undergoes a series of training to be able to harness the skills and the abilities apt for that certain individual as well as for the person to be able to thoroughly understand the importance of being â€Å"an expert†on the certain job. Moreover, organizational changes must take place when companies change strategies. However, even the best strategic plans encounter resistance. Any significant transformation creates â€Å"people issues†. To thrive, administration should have a personal indulgence of the human phaseâ€â€the placement of the company’s culture, values, people, and behaviorsâ€â€to support the preferred results.            Training is considered as a dynamic that contain value; value is realized only through the continual, combined actions of all employees who are accountable for designing, executing, and existing with the shifting milieu. Hence, in this certain kind of schema, then it goes to show the perception that no matter how high an individual’s position may be, each member of the organization must be open to change, to allow themselves to be trained and develop for the betterment of the whole group or the company for that instance. Synthesis on the role of HRDs            Human resource developers are perhaps one of the most important key players in an organization. It is through them that the employees and the prospect workers are being oriented, trained, assessed and evaluated before a certain position is given. As a matter of fact, they are vested with the authority to control the inevitable shortcomings or other forms of predicaments which normally arise in diverse situations. Promotion for example, is influenced by the HRD’s advice to the higher authority since that these individuals are concisely those who have carefully studied and analyzed whether an employee deserves to get that position (Wilson, 2002).            Further, human resource developers are required to be in flying colors in public relation skills as well as with human behavior schemas. Not only does it make the responsibility quite complicated, but it is also one of the main reasons why they need to not only see the â€Å"intellectual†skills of the employees but must also pay high regard on the factors that may have manifested the behavior and the performance of the subjects under study. As to how HRD is defined: â€Å"..Organized learning activities arranged within an organization in order to improve performance and/or personal growth for the purpose of improving the job, the individual, and/or the organization.†(Wilson, 2002)            With this connotation alone, the role of human resource developers in managing an organization is nevertheless the backbone of the management. Globalization stresses the need of carefully and intelligently crafted programs designed to set certain provisions on communication, leadership and management skills as a pre-requisite in achieving administrative goals (Hughes & Beatty, 2005). The complexity of the world of business strategically sets varied requirements which stage the flow of the environment’s dynamicity requiring a higher level of attention for the adaption of organizational changes (Segil, 2002). Hence it may then be taken to assumption that without the aide of these â€Å"critics†in an organization, growth and development within its members would be crippled down.            The role of the HRD’s specifically include areas of training and development, career development, and organization enhancement which, in essence, adheres with the level of changes that occur in the environment as well as with the society where the organization falls of service. Training is primarily the focal point of enhancing the skills and abilities of the employee. Surveys have shown that employees who are inclined with rigor training through the guidance of HRD constituents are most likely to have an outstanding performance in an organization. This is because through proper trainingâ€â€wherein the employee is able to fully understand, practice and study one’s job descriptionâ€â€mistakes have a minute chance for being committed. Key aspects of training in HRD Managers of training and trainers, no matter what their titles, will find in this book all the tools they need for any training challenge (Wilson, 2002). Training directors and human resources directors, who are in positions with administrative accountability, will find this short and snappy †how to†method, particularly the checklists that have a propensity to make bigger judgment, exceptionally useful. Executives will promptly see the capacity of a variety of aspects of training and be ministered to in decision making about the series of their responsibilities.          There are several ways to perform training, (1) learning and development can be best defined with the quote: â€Å"If you are not going forwards, you are in fact going backwards;†(2) leadership/management training and development can be done through a series of formal or informal approaches which will help both the trainee and the trainer meet the loop of expectations, (3) setting training and learning at the right level denotes that in every training, there is a corresponding time or duration for each activity or session to be performed, hitherto implying that the activities involved need to be in an order and has to be followed. Not only does the training need to be speculated in the most deliberative context of the schema, (4) it must also give high regard on Training Needs Analysis (TNA) which is characterized as the point of determining what is necessary to complete the work in action; the accessible skill intensity of the staff carrying out the work and the preparation gapâ€â€which floats in the final stages of the training. Understanding the root causes of training is an essential advantage in management. Theories of mental models and mind traps help explain why individuals are more likely to maintain previous positions. As individuals, we all build our own mental maps that we use to perceive, contextualize, simplify, and make sense of things happening in front of us. Those formulated mental maps can trick us into mental traps from thinking objectively, logically or rationally. They also hinder us from accepting differences. Changing mental maps causes discomfort or pain. The greater the pain and the experience, the greater the training will be. Conclusions and further remarks            The necessity of training in an organization is consequently a factor which presumably exists even in the medieval ages and is carried along in the contemporary society. The difference between the past and the present would only fall on the streamline of â€Å"intellectual capacity†hence taking the training methods which are implemented nowadays are aimed towards the composition of technical and conceptual skillsâ€â€all of which tantamount to a conclusion that for a person to be able to develop, one must consistently train his or her self so as not to be left behind and be competent enough for society’s constant changes (Watson & Noble, 2005). References Hughes, R. L., & Beatty, K. M. (2005). Becoming a Strategic Leader: Your Role in Your Organization’s Enduring Success (Lst Ed ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Schwab, D. P. (2004). Research Methods for Organizational Studies (Second ed.). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum. Segil, L. (2002). Dynamic Leader Adaptive Organization: Ten Essential Traits for Managers (1 ed.). Toronto: Wiley. Watson, T., & Noble, P. (2005). Evaluating Public Relations: A Best Practice Guide to Public Relations Planning, Research & Evaluation. London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. Wilson, J. P. (2002). Human Resource Development: Learning and Training for Individuals and Organizations (Second ed.). London: Kogan Page. Â
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
A Chinese Cinderella Autobiographi
No one acknowledges her or shows any heed and sympathy towards her. This relationship is shown in line 28 when she asks ‘Where is everyone? As no one comes to greet her when she arrives home, showing how they are uncaring towards her and do not regard her as family, not even welcoming her arrival or asked if she would like anything. It is almost as if she is a stranger, even to her biological father and siblings who continue to play ‘by the swimming pool’, no one caring about her coming back home. In addition, she is not informed about her family moving home when she asks her Father’s chauffeur in line 23 ‘Where are we? Her questions show her confusion and little knowledge on what has been happening at home pointing out that her family have not even bothered to write to her. Her other siblings and stepmother are ignorant to her arrival as if she is a stranger and worthless. Being sent to boarding school points out even more that they do not want anythi ng to do with her and would rather not see her because to them she is nothing. Adeline knows this herself as when Ma-mien Valentino calls her to tell her that her ‘chauffeur is waiting to take her home’ she thinks that someone has died because the last time she was called home it was only due to this reason and she begins to fear what might have happened. When she arrives the servants use a rude tone and do not care for her as much as they would for her stepsiblings showing the unfairness, even her father using a commanding tone when he meets his daughter after so long not even welcoming her but orders her to ‘Sit down’ instead. Her father does not regard her as his own daughter but uses her to improve his status with her achievements so when her father speaks to her she becomes timid and afraid, not trusting him when he shows her a little kindness, pointing out the distant relationship between Adeline and her family. Adeline’s character is somewhat cautious she doesn’t trust people too quickly, especially when it comes to the kindness from her family members as she is wary that they are playing a trick on her to make her feel miserable like they did all her life. Although she is not treated well by her family, she s clearly educated and this is shown when she wins a competition and quotes a poem to show her happiness. However, she is modest and keeps her happiness and excitement hidden, showing her timid and humble personality when she comes across her father and hiding what she feels even though it proved to be difficult but because she is clever and knows her father too well she did not want to miss the one chance she would have in a life time. She respects her father’s wishes as she would do anything to leave the place where she is unwanted though her strong personality keeps her distress that she suffered for years at bay. A Chinese Cinderella Autobiographi No one acknowledges her or shows any heed and sympathy towards her. This relationship is shown in line 28 when she asks ‘Where is everyone? As no one comes to greet her when she arrives home, showing how they are uncaring towards her and do not regard her as family, not even welcoming her arrival or asked if she would like anything. It is almost as if she is a stranger, even to her biological father and siblings who continue to play ‘by the swimming pool’, no one caring about her coming back home. In addition, she is not informed about her family moving home when she asks her Father’s chauffeur in line 23 ‘Where are we? Her questions show her confusion and little knowledge on what has been happening at home pointing out that her family have not even bothered to write to her. Her other siblings and stepmother are ignorant to her arrival as if she is a stranger and worthless. Being sent to boarding school points out even more that they do not want anythi ng to do with her and would rather not see her because to them she is nothing. Adeline knows this herself as when Ma-mien Valentino calls her to tell her that her ‘chauffeur is waiting to take her home’ she thinks that someone has died because the last time she was called home it was only due to this reason and she begins to fear what might have happened. When she arrives the servants use a rude tone and do not care for her as much as they would for her stepsiblings showing the unfairness, even her father using a commanding tone when he meets his daughter after so long not even welcoming her but orders her to ‘Sit down’ instead. Her father does not regard her as his own daughter but uses her to improve his status with her achievements so when her father speaks to her she becomes timid and afraid, not trusting him when he shows her a little kindness, pointing out the distant relationship between Adeline and her family. Adeline’s character is somewhat cautious she doesn’t trust people too quickly, especially when it comes to the kindness from her family members as she is wary that they are playing a trick on her to make her feel miserable like they did all her life. Although she is not treated well by her family, she s clearly educated and this is shown when she wins a competition and quotes a poem to show her happiness. However, she is modest and keeps her happiness and excitement hidden, showing her timid and humble personality when she comes across her father and hiding what she feels even though it proved to be difficult but because she is clever and knows her father too well she did not want to miss the one chance she would have in a life time. She respects her father’s wishes as she would do anything to leave the place where she is unwanted though her strong personality keeps her distress that she suffered for years at bay.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Organisational Behaviour in an Engineering Company Case Study
Organisational Behaviour in an Engineering Company - Case Study Example In 2009, Ronald retired and Christine took over as Managing Director. The company had gone through rough weather with an impact on profits though there had been no reduction of staff. Markets had stagnated and certain conditions had reduced the need for new grain silos. Christine’s vision was one of economic survival through expansion and diversification based on the existing competencies of the company. Existing resources may be made available for diversification projects without an increase in the outlay of the company. An understanding of Christine from the standpoint of Maslow’s model brings out the fact that she is keen to prove her capabilities. Recognition from colleagues and her peer group, she is keen to show her individual ability to manage new important projects without consulting employees who can add value to her decisions. She tries to get involved in projects that will bring her into the limelight and feed her need for prestige and status. She is at the Ego stage of the hierarchy. This is the reason she prefers to take independent decisions and shares information on a piecemeal basis. She has adopted a Directive style of leadership with the expectation that output will be produced on the strength of her communication. She derives power from her status of leader and expects staff behaviour to mould itself on the strength of monetary incentives that she introduces to enthuse the staff. There has been a shared sense of pride in the objective of the company. This is brought out by, Dobson’s statement of pride in producing silos for farmers of the country. Dobson is upset that nobody asked about his willingness to manage a new challenge since he is used to being involved in key decisions about the company. Dobson is conscious of his seniority and is used to being consulted as brought out in the comment about his age and experience with the company.Â
Monday, August 12, 2019
The Book of job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Book of job - Essay Example ’s friends, Eliphaz, the Temanite, begins his counsel by asserting the idea that the innocent are free from suffering while the wicked face constant affliction. Eliphaz reinforces his opinion by presenting a vision he had in the past. Reprimanding Job, Eliphaz commands Jobs to ask for God to forgive him, while reminding Job of the potential benefits that would accrue to him if he repented (4.1–5.22). However, Job defends his remarks by referring to all his agonies and reaffirms his longing for death. Accusing his friends as a â€Å"deceitful brook,†Job challenges them to identify where he has sinned, and then proceeds to complain to God, asking him numerous questions (6.1–7.21). The second friend of Job, Bildad, the Shuhite, comes into the scene rebuking Job for his strong altercation. Bildad emphasizes that God acts justly, by claiming that Job’s sons perished out of their own wrongdoings. He recommends purity to Job so that Job can receive God’s Blessings. Bildad further argues that the wicked have no God’s support whereas the blameless shall forever remain in God’s grip. According to Bildad, God would restore the laughter and rejoice that had deserted Job, upon repentance (8.1–22). In his counsel, Bildad reassures Job that â€Å"God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers†(8.20). After Bildad’s counsel, Job concurs with him, but his main worry is what it takes for a person to be righteous before God owing to his wisdom and power. To this point, Job continues with his complaint citing God’s inaccessibility and holds that God annihilates the wicked and the blameless equa lly. Job laments about the absence of a mediator as his main reason to reach God, and lets out more questions to God (9.1–10.22). Job’s persistent complaint brings in his third friend, Zophar, the Naamathite, who rebukes Job for his harsh and strong words. He says that Job has faced less agony than he deserves, and should seek ways of casting
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Effects of economic and political climates on current higher education Essay
Effects of economic and political climates on current higher education - Essay Example Various factors of politics, economy and regulatory developments do have an impact on institutions of higher learning. Most issues are above the control of the national higher education community and the individual institutions. In response to these changes, institution budgeters must respond accordingly to the anticipatory changes in political and economic conditions that may have an effect on the amount of revenue that is available. In addition, of equal importance, they must put into consideration the pressures that are being exerted by the external forces on the institution of higher learning before its survival is put in jeopardy. Economic climate Institutions dealing with higher education are stable partly due to the mission and role that they have in the society and the way they are operated their activities and management. Despite this, the current financial issues in various ways are affecting the institutions of higher learning (Solt 2008, pp.48–60). Economic changes have significantly affected the higher institutions of learning since the beginning of 1990’s. In respect to this, changes seen in the national government support for higher education have been accompanying the turmoil of the economy. Today, the institutions of higher learning are no longer enjoying the high ranking that they used to on the societal agendas, local, state and national talks. Resources that were previously directed to higher education are captured by other sectors of the government.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Marketing planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Marketing planning - Assignment Example In addition, there are approximately 20,000 garages and other service outlets, which involve in selling of new tyres as a segment of a broader service offering. The whole industry combined employs near about 16,000 people. The tyre retail sector is also engaged in the sales of replacement tyres. The value of sales amounts to about  £3.2 billion a year. Even though automobile tyre industry is an exuberant sector, which has witnessed an unprecedented growth over the past few years, concentration of internet retailers, often termed as e-retailers, remains quite small (3%). However, in the recent past, concentration of the same seems to be growing at a rapid rate with many players entering the already competitive market. With the scenarios presented above, it is quite clear that the competition that Guildford Tyres Co. Ltd. deals with is immense. They are tyre retail and automotive service specialist, who have been in service since 1967. It is a family owned and administered business, which has become the leading autonomous tyre specialist in the county of Surrey within the United Kingdom (Guildford Tyre Company, 2012a). The products sold by the company ranges from car tyres, 4x4 tyres, van tyres, cycle tyres, motorcycle tyres, wheels, brakes, batteries to shock absorbers (Guildford Tyre Company, 2012b). The services offered by the company includes tyre fitting, mobile tyre fitting, wheel alignment and servicing, puncture repairs, tyre wholesale and other associated services (Guildford Tyre Company, 2012c). The political landscape of the UK is established in the ethos democracy and steady framework of governance, which ensures a certain degree of uniformity in its policies. After the world wars, the UK established itself as a major global force, which was stimulated by a swift economic development. One of the major contributors of this development was the tyre industry and it continues to be the same in the contemporary society. UK’s strong trade
The case study of focused scenario#3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The of focused scenario#3 - Case Study Example Pt enjoys gardening, volunteers at the local library for 4 hrs. each wk. and teaches a Sunday school class at her church. During the subjective history taking, the headaches experienced by the patient is to be assessed for the quality (deep or superficial, localized or radiating, aching, throbbing, sharp, shooting, burning) and intensity (subjective pain scale) Location or path is also important to ask, especially if the headache is of radiating type. Any medications taken should also be noted. As for the "funny sensation" on the patient's extremities, the onset and character should be assessed as well as any accompanying numbness on the affected areas. Physical to the head, diseases such as stroke, meningitis and encephalitis are important to ask in the Past Medical History Family History should be more thorough and note the presence of any hereditary neurologic disease, mental retardation, epilepsy or seizure disorder, weakness or gait disorders and metabolic disorders such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus (Seidel,, 2006). Since the patient does gardening, it is important to ask the patien t for exposure to insecticides, organic solvents and other gardening chemicals. Use of alcohol and drugs should also be asked. patient's complaints are neurologic.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Best Lesson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Best Lesson - Essay Example An excellent model suchs as the CALLA model enables learners to approach instructional paradigms from a well-grounded and a critical standpoint. The strategy of teaching English as a Second Language for university students usually begin with a theoretical background that explains and justifies the premises of the instructional approaches to be presented. This practice helps the mastery of the important theories and helps acquire practical strategies for effective classroom teaching. The best lesson in the online module provide its learners with a principled set of instructional tools for teaching English to learners of English as a Second Language. I rated the CALLA Model of Ana Chamost and Michael O'Malley with a perfect grade of 10 out of 10 as the best lesson among the three lessons which were presented. The major reasons for this high rating are the CALLA Model considers the development of effective instructional skills for the teachers and it relies on a clear realization of the fundamental precepts that guide the teachers' prevailing beliefs and practices. In this model, the teachers take into account a variety of approaches, several underlying assumptions, and the specific practices that their teaching philosophy inspires. (Yates & Muchisky, 2003). The best lesson is that of the CALLA Model of Ana Chamot and Michael O'Malley which integrated grade level content, language and strategy instruction. The two researchers found that the group of ESLs identified by their teachers were very successful as they utilized a variety of strategies and were conscious as to the why to use, when to use, how to use and why the specific strategies were being used.This research led to the CALLA model or Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (Chamot and O'Malley, 1994) that integrates grade-level content, language, and strategy instruction. The three strategies included in the CALLA approach are metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and social affective strategies. In this model, the students use the new information and skills they learn. The teaching and learning approaches encompass collaboration, inquiry, problem-solving and hands-on experience. These strategies are used by teachers when they predict, organize, evaluate, infer, question and summarize. The teachers of English learners need to be explicit in teaching these strategies. Students should be taught the declarative knowledge of the strategy. Then students should be given the strict procedural knowledge on how to use the strategy. Once the declarative and procedural knowledge are clear, students are then taught the conditional knowledge or when and why it would be appropriate to use the strategy. (Paris, Cross and Lipson, 1994).I gave the second lesson which is on interaction a grade of 8 out of a grade of perfect 10. I fully agree that interaction between students and teachers is necessary for English learners to help them develop their reading and speaking skill s for the language. However, I do understand that some English learners in developing countries may not have had the
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Platos Republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Platos Republic - Essay Example Socrates was outspoken in criticizing the new government and after the Democrats took hold of power, Socrates’ relationship with the oligarchic set up made his enemies to find appropriate reasons to make him face trial. They charged him with corrupting the youth of Athens through immoral ways and in spite of his articulately expressed defense, Socrates was held guilty and condemned to death. In his Apology, Plato has recorded the last days of Socates’ life. Socrates continued to remain staunch and true to his belief system and was unwilling to go back on his past statements. He even refused the offer of exile and willingly ingested the cup of hemlock poison that ended his life. This paper holds that the charges against Socrates did not have strength and that they were primarily a result of the ongoing political strife amongst the varied claimants who wanted to lose no opportunity in claiming positions of authority in the newly established democracy. The defense for Socr ates will be substantiated by repeatedly referring to Plato’s Republic because there is considerable circumstantial evidence in this work to steer him clear of the charges of corrupting Athenian youth (p.36). We know that Socrates was charged of corrupting the youth through a few contemporary Greek sources; Plato, Xenophon and the playwright Aristophanes. The Republic was born in Plato’s mind in his early youth while he was hopeful of becoming a politician. At this time he was much impressed with Socrates and became his pupil informally. Following the Peloponnesian war, Athens was ruled for about eight months by the Thirty Tyrants who were an oligarchic and tyrannical power group that tried to enroll Socrates as well as Plato within their group. Although Plato did not give a clear signal, Socrates openly refused to join them and very soon became reputed for adopting anti-democratic ideas. This proved to be very dangerous for Socrates, especially after the taking over of governance by the fundamental democratic set up that had soon over thrown the Thirty Tyrants. Socrates was tried by the newly formed Athenian democracy for having corrupted the youth, introduced new gods and for ha ving adopted and encouraged atheism. He was convicted to death and subsequently executed, of which Plato was a witness. Plato was extremely disillusioned. The Athenians held that in having corrupted the youth Socrates encouraged the young to accompany him on his chosen path. Such developments made the youth of the day to confront the fundamentalist democracy of the period (p.248). In ascertaining whether Socrates had actually corrupted the youth in Athens, this paper relies on Plato’s Republic, which is a thorough analysis of the circumstances that prevailed during the time. In some ways it can be said that Socrates did teach new divinities and in some ways he did not. Socrates was ready to respect the conventional gods such as Athena and Zeus. In fact, all the available evidence indicates that he believed in polytheism. He was in agreement with Hesiod and Homer that these gods had physical characteristics and would always remain alive. However, his images of the gods were mo re illustrious as compared to the images of the gods that one understands from recitations of Homer and other groups of story tellers and god talkers that were known as muthologoi and theologoi respectively, during the period. Socrates held that the gods were wise,
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