Friday, May 31, 2019
The Internet and the Catholic Church Essay -- Exploratory Essays Resea
This essay addresses the question Does more harm than good come from the internet? And the answer is sought from the largest Christian denomination (one billion members) - the Catholic Church. There is no condemnation of the internet by this church body rather the Vatican, official voice of the Catholic Church, maintains that the internet is not a little terror(Church). Calling the Internet an opportunity and a challenge and not a threat, the Vatican issued dickens documents encouraging the church to embrace the technology and serve well guide it to eudaemonia all humanity. The documents said the Internets interactive nature could service of process the church achieve the vision of communication between its members, moving away from the one-way, top-down communication of the past. Among interoperable responses to potential ethical and social problems related to the Internet, the documents recommended more industry self-regulation, a voluntary church certification of sites that call themselves Catholic, and careful supervision of childrens Web surfing(Ethics). The two 27-page documents, Ethics in Internet -- a reflection on ethical issues -- and The Church and Internet -- an assessment of online pastoral opportunities -- were released at a Vatican press conference. The documents were prompt by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. Russell Shaw, a U.S. journalist who serves on the council, headed the drafting process. The Internet ethics document emphasized the technologys tremendous power and opportunities, saying it could help bring together every person on the planet in a world governed by justice and peace and love(Ethics) Today it takes no great stretch of the imagination to e... ... Internet than their elders, it said good parenting might require adults to improve their Internet fluency. The fundamental parental duty here is to help children become discriminating, responsible Internet users and not addicts of the Internet, neglecting contact with their peers and with nature itself. It recommended that parents install filtering technology in computers that are available to children to protect them as much as possible from pornography, sexual predators and other threats(Church). WORKS CITED Church and the Internet http// Ethics in Internet http// ampQUERY=ethics+in+internet&EN=X&FR=X&DE=X&IT=X&PT=X&ES=X&NO_DL=X
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The End of Play Essay -- Article Review, Marie Winn
Long gone are the days of playing kickball and flying kites in the park on a Saturday afternoon. Children of todays society would most likely prefer staying inside playing Guitar Hero on their Xboxes or watching the latest episodes of their favorite television carry during their free time. The time for imaginative and somatic play is slowly being pushed to the side as the years pass by, and room is being made for empty, pleonastic television shows and video games. The sum of childhood play is gradually diminishing as todays society encourages the idea of growing up as quickly as possible. In the process of allowing children to indulge in as much television and video games as they please, the problem of childhood obesity is introduced since outdoor play and physical activities are not of great importance to todays children anyto a greater extent. Children should have a restricted amount of time on how much they are allowed to watch television or play video games so that they learn the important benefits of outdoor and imaginative play, ultimately resulting to a healthier lifestyle.In Marie Winns article titled The End of caper, she discusses the topic of how children today are calculateing to lose the sense of being a child. Compared to children of previous generations, the children of todays society have parallel interests and occupations of modern day adults. (Winn 1). They seem to be losing touch with their inner child and skipping straight to adulthood. A child a couple of decades ago would be easily distinguished from an adult repayable to their interests, but since then television and video games have replaced the imaginative play that children once enjoyed. (Winn 2). In Winns article, a parent of two school-age children mentions that s... ... relationships to be shaped effectively. (Winn 29). The issues of losing the essence of being a child, the encouragement of obesity and the inability to function socially have one common factor that ties the m together. They are all negatively influenced by the presence of television and video games. The regulation of television and video games has not been brought to attention until recently, but is it too late to reverse the effects it is having on the prove generation of children? Not much can be done to undo the leniency society has allowed for the past couple decades except to educate the children and implement more restrictions on what is being broadcasted and marketed towards their age group. The children are a very important fundamental to society because they are, after all, the ones who will run our future and generations after the next.
Theatre Royal in Winchester production of 1984 :: Drama
Theatre Royal in Winchester production of 19841984 Evaluation===============On the 19th November 2002 myself, and a company of year eleven studentswent to the Theatre Royal in Winchester to watch a play named 1984.The plays main theme was about a society being tempered unfairly andnot being able to have rights or individuality. It showed people beingextremely restricted on what they could do both physically andmentally. watch it, it made me feel fortunate to have the rights I have andthat I am not constrained on what I can do. The director cherished youwhen watching, to feel uncomfortable and distressed as you werewatching one individual being tortured. The more(prenominal) torture shown, themore privileged I felt to make the rights I do have. A variety oftechniques were used to enforce the powerful message this playpresented. At the beginning, a group of soldiers pointed at theaudience and yelled Die Die continuously, which made you feelthreatened and also at the same time invol ved within the play.The set was quite basic yet effective. All the scenes have twolarge wooden walls, which were moved for different scenes. These wallswere used as a technique to change scene. When a new scene was startedthe walls would be spun just about to enlarge a new scene, which wasvery effective. Throughout the play short videos were shown for avariety of reasons. These included emphasizing a point within theplay, to ready new information to the audience or to add to thedramatic effect of a particular scene.Various lighting techniques were used including a stain. Aspotlight makes you focus on one particular part of the stage whereusually a scene is being acted. A spotlight can add focus andincreased dramatic effect to a scene, for example when soliloquies areused. An additional lighting method used was to flash bright lights atthe audience to illustrate a scene change. This was very effective asafterwards a new scene was taking place. As well as lightingtechniques, the support used were very successful in making the scenemore exciting and attention grabbing. One prop used was a counterfeit galvanising chair. In this scene the main character was being torturedusing the electric chair. The smoke and sounds the chair was makingmade the scene even more dramatic and made you sympathise with himeven more.The main characters included a man named Winston, and a woman calledJulia who has already had already a couple of illegal love affairs.Both characters were deprived of their rights and wanted the samething, freedom.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Custer :: essays research papers
Custers Last Stand The Tragedy of Little Bighorn is such a tale for over a hundred years. This is angiotensin converting enzyme of the most startling defeats in the Military history. More than two hundred cavalrymen were killed in conflict on June 25, 1876. Is General Custer to blame for all this mishap with the waiver of his troopers including himself? Who was the real person to blame? The details arent fully covered in the mystery of what happened at Little Bighorn. The Europeans came to battle with the Indians to conquer the North American farming that hundreds of Indian nations had lived on for thousands of years before the Europeans arrived. The Indians chief, Sitting Bull was a great military, political, and spiritual leader. He had a vision that the whites were going to battle with them. So the Indians were ready for battle. Who knows what would pretend happened if Sitting Bull didnt get his visions. Would they be prepared? Would they have lost more men then they already did? It was a big concern to go to battle because of the loss of his people, but he knew that they were going to be successful with the challenge. The Europeans didnt care about the Indians. all over that Indians live the whites speak of them as lazy, living off the Federal Government, drinking up their dole. It is essentially the same view of the Indian that prevailed in the septenaryteenth century. This inwardness that the whites felt strongly about the Indians not caring or being willing to pay for the natural resources that they were using up. All the whites cared about was the value of the land and the natural precious golds that came with it. General Custer and his men had been traveling for on going days without food and water. Lack of energy might have been the case for most of Custers mens deaths including himself. Fresh trails were reported and on June 25th an Indian village twenty miles above the mouth of the subaltern horn was reported about three miles long and half a mile wide and fifteen miles away. Custer pushed his command rapidly though they had made a march of seventy-eight miles in twenty-four hours preceding the battle when near the village it was discovered that the Indians were moving in hot haste as if retreating. Reno with seven companies of the seventh cavalry was ordered to the left to attack the village at its head while Custer with five companies went to the right and commenced a vigorous attack.
Analysis of Field Experience Essay -- essays research papers fc
Analysis of ExperiencesANALYSIS OF EXPERIENCESPart 1I have taken some(prenominal) psychology courses at Southeastern Oklahoma State University. I believe that SOSU is a very prestige school and the Psychology Department. The Psychology Professors atomic number 18 expectant teachers and mentors. The Psychology courses that I believe have helped me the most through my Field Experience at the Crisis Control Center would have to be, Abnormal Psychology, Psychology of Personality, Interviewing Skills, fond Psychology, and Psychology of Adjustment.These courses that I have listed have helped me through this internship more than I could have ever known. Being at the shelter on a free-and-easy basis, you will experience different individualalities, abnormal behavior, and many adjustment problems with our clients and their children.Not only have the courses prepared me for my field experience, but I have to enjoy my professors, they have helped through this internship tremendously. If I ever had any questions to ask or just someone to talk to these professors in the Psychology Department were always on that point to lend a hand, or just to listen to what I had to say. They would help in anyway that they could. I also have to brag on the communication Department for their hard work. I believe that Psychology and Communication goes hand in hand with one another and if I had not taken courses such(prenominal) as Listening, Group Communication, and Family Communication I would not have come as far as I have in my internship.Part II. overtaking into my field experience I was certain that I would want to be a counselor, and work with people in an office setting on a daily basis. After completing my internship at the Crisis Control Center I have found what I would like to do as a career.I now like the legal part of the Crisis Control Center. This semester I have mainly worked with our court advocate for the Crisis Control Center. Although the support counselors at th e shelter are wonderful, our court advocate goes beyond her call of duty. She helps victims of domestic violence everyday. She is on call 24/7 and has made many trips to the hospital for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. She will try to get them the Justice they deserve. We go to court every week with our victims to help them with protective orders, and to give... ...&61553Arrange the tasks in the order youll posit to do them.&61553Estimate how long each task will take. Be sure to allow enough time for editing and making changes.&61553Identify the accompaniment the line is due, and then set a schedule showing what work youll need to do each day in order to have your report ready on time.2Add interest&61553Use graphs and charts to illustrate an idea.&61553Add a picture, photo, or drawing.&61553Include a map.&61553Find a reference point and use it to make your point.3Make every word count&61553Choose words your reader will understand. Remember that you want to com municate your ideas to the person reading your paper.&61553Avoid clichs.&61553Use a thesaurus to replace overused words and find new ways to express your ideas.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Inflation in the UK Economy Essay -- Economics Money England Essays
Inflation in the UK Economy Before starting to explain rising termss it is necessary first to define it. Inflation can be described as a positive rate of growth in the general price level of goods and services. It is measured as a percentage increase over time in a price index such as the gross domestic product deflator or the Retail Price Index. The RPI is a basket of over six hundred different goods and services, weighted according to the percentage of how much household income they guard up. There are two measurements of this the headline rate (includes all the items in the basket) and the underlying rate (RPIX) which excludes mortgage interest group payments. It is the RPIX which is used more very much in this country, as a feature of the UK when compared to the rest of Europe is a very high proportion of owner/occupier homeowners. This means that many people develop mortgages, and as such, changes in interest rates (to control inflation) can artificially raise the hea dline rate.Causes of InflationThere are two main causes of inflation,1) subscribe to Pull Inflation This is where the full demand for goods and services in the economy exceeds the total depict. This happens after excessive growth in aggregate demand, and creates an inflationary gap. unneeded demand in the economy drives up prices, and high prices mean that Suppliers want to produce more units of their product in order to make more money. To supply more, they must increase their production capacity, and the easiest way to do this in the short run is to increase the amount of labour they employ. This means that they are paying more wages, so people will fall in more disposable income, and hence there is more demand in the economy. Demand pull inflation is often monetary in origin when the money supply grows faster than the ability of the economy to supply goods and services. This concept is explained by the Quantity Theory of Money. The quantity surmisal of money holds that changes in the general level of prices are directly proportional to changes in the quantity of money. It is obvious though, that merely an increase in the supply would have no effect on prices. The increase must be spent in order for this to happen. This is where velocity of circulation (V) becomes important. If the total amount of all transactions is T, and the total amount of money is... ...sion (ie unemployment) are lagged ? they do not respond until after the damage has been done, and so, in the example of the Lawson Boom, because consumer demand did not respond swiftly to interest rate increases, rates were put up too much, which stifled growth instead of merely slowing it. Some people are now suggesting that the cycle per second of boom and bust has ended with the advent of e-commerce, as more and more firms employ increasingly fewer people, and are far more responsive to changes in demand. There is some empirical evidence to suggest this as inflation seems to have been fairly constant for the last few years (see appendix 2). However, whether this is delinquent to e-commerce, the Bank of England having semi-autonomous control over interest rates, or some other factor, has yet to be seen.BibliographyIntroductory Economics - GF Stanlake Chapter 11Principles of Economics ? Lipsey and Chrystal Chapters 26- 32 Macroeconomics ? Greenaway and ? inflation, income and unemployment racket/1970.shmtl ? chronology of oil -The Bank of England ? interest rate statistics
Monday, May 27, 2019
Research methodology Essay
Methodology and methods ar two terms which have been used interchangeably often by scholars. The practice is unfortunate because they atomic number 18 not the said(prenominal). The former refers to philosophy and the latter refers to technical procedures applied to conduct investigate. The word methodology comprises two nouns method and ology, which means a branch of knowledge hence, methodology is a branch of knowledge that deals with the full general principles or axioms of the generation of new knowledge. It refers to the rule and the philosophical arrogances that underlie whatsoever natural, social or serviceman science content, whether articulated or not. Simply put, methodology refers to how each of logic, domain, values and what counts as knowledge inform research.On the other hand, methods are the techniques and procedures followed to conduct research, and are determined by the methodology (i.e. sampling, information collection, info analysis and results repo rting, as well as theories, conceptual frameworks, taxonomies and models). Even the focus and intent of the research, and the actual research questions themselves, are shaped by the methodology (McGregor, 2010). In methodology we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a research worker in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. It is necessary for the police detective to know not only the research methods/techniques but in like manner methodology. (Kothari, 2004).The following are the systematic analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed in research which define methodology 1. Formulating the Research ProblemThe definition of research question is the approximately important step when undertaking any research as they give direction to the research method applied (Yin, 2003). Sebastian et al, (2011) explains that it requires an open mind while human body the research question. At the same time the researcher is re quired to familiarize with potential research methods and build awareness of their requirements. A researcher essentialiness insure all available writings to get himself acquainted with the selected problem.2. Literature ReviewA literature appraise discusses published information in a occurrence subject area, and sometimes information in a exceptional subject area within a certain time period. Comprehensive knowledge of the literature of the field is essential to most research papers. Literature reviews provide you with a handy guide to a particular topic and can give you an overview or act as a stepping stone. They also provide a solid background for a research papers investigation. Depending on the situation, the literature review may evaluate the sources and advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant (The typography Center, 2010-2013). For purposes of literature review abstracting and indexing journals,conference proceedings, government reports, books etc must b e tapped depending on the nature of the problem.3. Developing a Working HypothesisHypothesis is a statement of the predicted relationship between two or to a greater extent variables. As a reseracher you do not know about a phenomenon but you do have a hunch(theory) to form the basis of certain assumption or guesses. You test these by collecting information that go away enable you to conclude if your hunch was right. The verification care for have one of the three ouytcomes, right, partially right and wrong. Without this execute of verification, you cannot conclude anything about the asperity of your assumptions. Hence hypotheses is a hunch, assumption, suspicion, assertion or an idea about a phenomenon, relationship or situation, the reality or truth of which you do not know. These hypotheses form the basis for enquiry (Slideshare, 2013).4. Preparing Rearch Design Research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a particular manner that ai ms to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure (Slideshare, 2013). In order to develop a set down research design it is valuable to understand the nature of the point from philosophical point of view. Failure to think th knockabout philosophical issues can seriouly affect the grapheme of management resesearch (Eaterby-Smith et al, 2008). The steps involved in research design according to (Umesh) are a) The means of obtaining the informationb) The availability and skills of the researcher and his staff (if any) c) Ex deviceation of the federal agency in which selected means of obtaining information will be organized and the reasoning leading to the selection. d) The time available for researche) The cost factor relating to research i.e. the pay available for the purpose5. Determining Sample Design Sample design is a definite plan determined before any data are actually collected for obtaining a sample from a given population. The sample design to be use d must be decided by the researcher taking into consideration the nature of the inquiry and other related factors. According to Statistics and probability Dictionary, (2013) a sample design is made up of two elements 1. taste method. Sampling method refers to the rules and procedures by which some elements of the population are included in the sample.Some of the common sample methods used are simple stochastic sampling, stratified sampling and cluster sampling. 2. Estimator. The estimation care for for calculating sample statistics is called the estimator. Different sampling methods may use different estimators. For example, the formula for computing a mean score with a simple random sample is different from the formula for computing a mean score with a stratified sample. The beaver sample design depends on survey objectives and on survey resources.6. Data CollectionAccording to Basic Tools for Process Improvement, Data Collection, (1998-2013) data collection is obtaining expe dient information on key quality characteristics produced by your process. Data Collection enables a team to formulate and test working assumptions about a process and develop information that will lead to the improvement of the key quality characteristics of the product or service. In summary, data collection helps to establish a actual basis to making a decision. For one to collect data uniformly, you will need to develop a data collection plan.The data collection plan developed should answer the following question 1. Why do we want the data? What will we do with the data after we have collected them? You must decide on a purpose for collecting the data 2. Where will we collect data? The location where data are collected must be identified clearly. 3. What type of data will we collect? In general, data can be classified into two major types attribute data and variables data 4. Who will collect the data? Those closest to the data, the process workers, should collect the data 5. How do we collect the right data? Collect data that best draw in the situation at hand.7. Data analysisEisenhardt, (1989) explains that analysis is an interactive process started with the phylogeny and presentation of an initial set of theoretical propositions based on secern from the first phase of data collection, during field work and the theoretical assumptions associated with the theoretical framework. According to Kothari, (2004) the term analysis refers to the computation of certain measures along with searching for patterns of relationships that dwell among data-groups. Thus in the process of analysis, relationships or differences supporting or conflicting with original or new hypotheses should be subjected to statistical tests of significance to determine with what validity data can be said to indicate any conclusions.The process operations in data analysis are a. Editing it is a process of examining the collected raw data to detect errors and ommsisions and to correct th ese where possible. b. Coding it refers to the process of assigning numerals or other symbols to answers so that resolutions cab be put into a limited number of categories or classes. c. Classification it is the process of arranging data in groups or classes on the basis of common characteristics. d. Tabulation it is to arrange data in some kind of crisp and logical order.8. Hypothesis tallyingHypothesis testing refers to the formal procedures used by statisticians to accept or disclaim statistical hypotheses (What is Hypothesis Testing, 2013). Statisticians follow a formal process to determine whether to reject a null hypothesis, based on sample data (Statistics and Probability Dictionary, 2013). This process is called hypothesis testing. An hypothesis test consists of four steps. a) Formulate the hypotheses. This involves stating the null and alternative hypotheses. The hypotheses are stated in such a direction that they are mutually exclusive.That is, if one is true, the oth er must be false and vice versa. b) Identify the test statistic. This involves specifying the statistics (e.g., a mean score, proportion) that will be used to task the validity of the null hypothesis. c) Formulate a decision rule. A decision rule is a procedure that the researcher uses to decide whether to reject the null hypothesis. d) Test the null hypothesis. Use the decision rule to evaluate the test statistic. If the statistic is consistent with the null hypothesis, you cannot reject the null hypothesis otherwise, reject the null hypothesis.9. definitionInterpretation refers to the task of drawing inferences from the collected facts after an analytical and/or observational study (Kothari, 2004). The task of interpretation has two major aspects viz., (i) the effort to establish persistency in research through affaireing the results of a given study with those of another, and (ii) the establishment of some explanatory concepts. Interpretation is considered a basic component of research process because of the following a) It is through interpretation that the researcher can well understand the abstract principle that works beneath his findings.Through this he can link up his findings with those of other studies, having the same abstract principle, and thereby can predict about the concrete world of events. Fresh enquiries can test these predictions later on. This way the continuity in research can be maintained. b) Interpretation leads to the establishment of explanatory concepts that can serve as a guide for future research studies c) Researcher can better appreciate only through interpretation why his findings are what they are and can make others to understand the real significance of his research findings. d) The interpretation of the findings of exploratory research study often results into hypotheses for experimental research and as suich interpretation is involved in the transition from exploratory to experimental research. 10. Report WritingFea tures of Good report, (2013) defines a report as a piece of informative writing that describes a set of actions and analyses any results in response to a specific brief. A quick definition might be This is what I did and this is what it means. Kothari, (2004) outlines the following as different steps in writing a report a. Logical analysis of the subject matter thre are two ways in which to develop a subject (i) logically and (ii) chronologically. The logical development is made on the basis of mental connections and associations between the one thing and another by means of analysis. It contains materials from the simple possible to the most complex structures. chronological development is based on a connection or sequence in time or occurrence, the directions for doing or making follow the chronological order. b. dressing of the final outcome outlines are the framework upon which long write works are constructed.They are and aid to the logical organisation of the material and a proctor of the points to be stressed in the report c. Preparation of the rough draft the researcher writes down what he has done in the context of his study. He will write down the procedure adopted by him in collecting the material for his study along with limitations faced, the technique of analysis adopted, the broad findings and generalizations and the various suggestions he wants to offer regarding the problem concerned. d. Rewriting and polishing the rough draft while rewriting and polishing, one should check the report for weaknesses in logical development or presentation.He should also see whether the material presented as it is presented , has unity and cohesion. In addition the researcher should give due attention to the fact that in his rough draft if he has been consistent or not. He should check the mechanics of writing-grammar, spelling and usage. e. Preparation of the final bibliography the bibliography , should contain all the works which the researcher has consulte d. f. Writing the final draft while writing the final draft, the researcher must avoid abstract terminology and technical jargon. Illiustrations and examples based on common experiences must be incorporated in the final draft as they happen to be most in communicating the research findings to others.The format suggested below is the same as that used in most published papers as laid down in Guide to Writing Research Reports, (2013). 1) Title The championship should provide a single line description of the study. In many cases, the title will mention the independent and dependent variables. Your title should be a brief, but accurate reflection of the content of the report 2) Abstract The abstract is a short summary of the report. It should contain a brief description of the rationale and of the method, results and discussion sections. It should be a comprehensive but concise summary of the whole report which will enable readers to decide if they wish to read any further.A useful rul e of thumb is to try to write four concise sentences describing (1) Why you did it, (2) What you did, (3) What results you found and (4) What you concluded. Write the abstract after you have written the rest of the report. 3) Introduction (Why you did it) The Introduction should present the reasoning behind the particular study which you are describing. This means that the reader, having read the introduction, should feel able to anticipate what your study will involve and should allow someone who is not an expert to understand why you did this study. For this reason the introduction will begin at a general background level and progress through to the specific reasons for and aims of the study. This will normally include a review of past work in the area and an report of the theoretical or practical reasons for doing the study. 4) Method (How you did it) In the method section, you describe the essentials of how you gathered your data.This section must contain enough information for the reader to be able to repeat the study, but should exclude any irrelevant details. It explains about the (i) research participants, (ii) apparatus used, (iii) materials used, (iv) design and (v) procedure. 5) Results (What you found out) Begin this section with a description of how you treated your data. This means that you should describe what you got from all of the responses that were made by each participant to the scores that were analyzed. Follow the description of the treatment of the data with a clear, concise summary of the data using descriptive statistics. 6) Discussion (What you think it means) This is the section in which you interpret the results of the study and discuss their meaning. It is important that your discussion relates to the issues raised in the introduction, since this presented the reasons for conducting the study and the results should provide more details about these issues.You should link the arguments made in this section with the issues and resea rch hypotheses raised in your introduction section. In particular (i) How do your results compare with your research questions and/or predictions? (ii) How do your results compare with relevant published results? (iii) What are the implications for future research? 7) References Should contain all the works which the researcher has consulted. 8) Appendices You should include here all material that would have been obtrusive or damaging to the flow of the report itself, and not just use it as a bin to contain things you wished to say but could not fit into the main report. Therefore, the contents of the Appendices usually consist of raw data, statistical formulae and computations, lengthy protocols, examples of stimuli and details of remark preparation, etc Bibliography1. Basic Tools for Process Improvement, Data Collection. (1998-2013). Retrieved September 15th, 2013, from Balance Scorecard institute, schema Management Group http// f 2. Eaterby-Smith. (2008). Management Research An Introduction. SAGE publishers Ltd. 3. Eisenhardt, K. (1989). Building Theories from role Study Research. Academy of Management Review , 14 (4) 532-550. 4. Features of Good report. (2013). Retrieved September 15th, 2013, from University of Reading, Malaysia http// 5. Guide to Writing Research Reports. (2013). Retrieved September 15th, 2013, from University of Essex, UK http// go past%20TO%20WRITING%20RESEARCH%20REPORTS.pdf6. Kothari. (2004). Research methodology Methods and Techniques Second Edition. Jaipur,India New Age International Publishers Limited. 7. McGregor, J. A. (2010). Paradigm, Methodology and Method Intellectual Integrity in Consumer Ccholarship. International Journal of Consumer Studies 34 . 8. Sebastian Reiter, G. S. (2011). Strategy for Delayed Research Method Selection Deciding Betwee n Grounded Theory and phenomenology. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods Volume 9 . 9. Slideshare. (2013). Retrieved September 14th, 2013, from Slideshare.Inc http// 10. Slideshare. (2013). Retrieved September 14th, 2013, from Slideshare.Inc http// 11. Statistics and Probability Dictionary. (2013). Retrieved September
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Considerations for Funny Thing Happened
1. A fly-by-night Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum is a musical written by Stephen Sondheim, Burt Shevelove, and Larry Gelbart. The three collaborated on the work, which had a Broadway debut on May 8, 1962. It ran for a total of 964 performances and closed on August 29, 1964. 2. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum is the title of this work. This leads us to believe the play pull up stakes be a comedy and that many funny things will occur. As bingle will soon notice, the play parodies many aspects of Plautus work Pseudolus. 3. The cast list is enclosed with the play. . The play takes two hundred years before the Christian era, on a day in spring. The action occurs on a street in Rome, in front of the houses of Erronius, Senex, and Lycus and is continuous, with only one intermission. The theatregoer knows that the work will be a comedy also, provided one has knowledge with Plautus play, he may apply a general approximation as of the plot of this parody. 5. The major conflict is Pseudolus vs. Miles Gloriosus. Pseudolus, trying to gain his freedom from ace, tries to thwart Miles purchase of mills love interest, Philia.The inciting incident is when Hero informs Pseudolus that he can be free if he arranges them together. Without this happening, the rest of the events of the play would neer have happened. Some complications arise when our protagonists learn of Philias impending sale to Miles. Also, Senex sees the chance for an affair with Philia because she thinks he is Miles he thinks she is a maid. The climactic scene occurs when the watcher discovers that Philia and Miles are the long lost children of Erronius. Thus, Miles voids his purchase arrangement for Philia Philia can marry Hero and Pseudolus gains his freedom. 6.The overall situation in this work is the fact that Hero wants to marry a beautiful perfect(a)al woman. If he did not have this desire, Pseudolous would not have managed to concoct such a great tale, and win his freedom . The point-of-attack is rather early in the play as the conflict begins right away. 7. a. Pseudolus He is a roman type slave, owned by Hero who wants to win his freedom by gaining the heart of Philia. Pseudolus is very witty and clever, although this wit just gets him into a deeper and deeper hole each time. b. Hero He is in love with Philia and does not play an overly major role in the story he is also Senexs son. c.Philia She is a virgin in the house of Marcus Lycus and is the object of Heros affection. She is very beautiful, but perhaps dimwitted, as she believes Senex is her owner. Her name means love in Greek. d. Miles Gloriosus- A professional in the Roman army, Miles has purchased Philia from Marcus and returns to Rome to pick her up. He soon is lead on a literal wild goose chase before he realizes she is actually his sister. e. Hysterium The very name implies someone who is extremely anxious and over emotional. He is the chief slave to Senex and Domina, Heros parents. He p retends to be Philia when Pseudolus says she died from the plague. . The major theme is that everything is not always what it seems and that sometimes interventions happen for a reason. No one knew that Miles and Philia were related or that Erronius actually played an integral part to the story. At least when I read it, I cast Erronius aside as the crazy character who really had no role. If it would have not been for Pseudolus shenanigans their connection would never have been realized. 9. The mood of this play is definitely comic. The audience should come away from watching this play laughing and in improved spirits. The play ends happily and well, as all conflict has been resolved.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Movie Critique revised
One of the most important abridges and concerns facing our country today, and throughout history, is racial discrimination. M whatsoever books and flicks have been written and highly-developed that deal with the harsh and realistic subject of racial discrimination in America today and how it affects American nine and people from each(prenominal) walks of bearing, and no film has do so in such a broad way as Crash. This film follows the stories of multiple characters in Los Angeles, all of whom deal with peerless aspect of racism or another.For example, there is a police officer who is racialist against colors because of his father, a district attorney and his wife that deal with racism after two saturnine men carjack them unrivalled night, and a black man whose brother is involved in gang violence. Each storyline dramatizes one aspect of racism or another, and how incompatible people react to it, and the reasons behind racism in our country. Crash is a well-made film t hat is valuable for our society because it isnt white-lipped to ask very serious and harsh questions well-nigh the way we view each other, the reasons behind racism in American society, and questions how far weve come as a society as it concerns racism.Crash is an interesting look at how Americans view each other based upon race, even when we do not guess to or are not able to truly see our own deeply rooted assumptions about people based upon the way they look. In one scene in the movie, two young black men are walking down the street philosophizing about how wrong it is that people automatically fear them because they perceive their race and not who they really are.We, the audience, immediately agree with their thought processs and begin to witness sorry for them because of the pressures they face in society however, the scene quick turns to violence when they pull out guns and carjack a young politician and his wife, who had been eying them suspiciously because of their ra ce. In this instance, the assumptions of the two white people were correct because these young men were carjackers, throwing a whole new aspect of racism and societys fears into the mix.This scene says a lot about our society and how people make assumptions about each other based upon race, but also is harshly honest about the statistics involving black, inner-city young men in Los Angeles and how many fall into a life of crime. The reasons for this are also delved into in this film, with scenes showing the harshness of ghetto life and the poverty that some live in, with broken families and prejudice. In the film, Detective Graham Waters, and African-American, feels ashamed by his family, who consists of a mother who is addicted to drugs and a brother who is living a life of crime.This film also tackles the issue of why racism develops in our society and how those who has racist beliefs become that way. In one storyline that is developing a police officer is racist, and we see that he has been raised by a racist father, who is now dying of cancer. Throughout the film we find ourselves feeling contempt for these characters because of their personal opinions about race, but at the end the police officer has to go to an insurance company to ask for medical help for his dying father and speaks to an African-American woman at the agency.Knowing about his prejudice, she immediately denies his father any help, leading the son to explain about his how his father had always employed minorities but when minority owned businesses began to get preference, his company could not survive. The sons bitterness about race seems to have stemmed from his fathers problems. We begin to understand the circumstances surrounding the development of racism in these characters, and feel torn between our correspondence and our dislike of racism. Another instance is seen with the young couple that has been carjacked.The woman becomes frightened of African-Americans, and indeed all minorit ies, because of the two men who pointed a gun at her yet, in the end she realizes that the kindest person to her is her Hispanic maid. While we do not believe in racism, this film does not make it so easy to choose who is right and who is wrong because it develops all aspects of the peoples experiences.The main purpose of this film seems to be to raise questions about how far we as a society have come in terms of racism and whether or not weve overcome this issue in our country. The many different storylines that are taking place throughout the film begs us to look deeper into racism and how it affects everyone in America, especially in large diverse cities like Los Angeles where many different races and ethnicities live side by side.We also see racism between and towards other ethnicities the hatred that the Persian storeowner has for the Hispanic locksmith, the bigotry shown by one of the black carjackers towards the Chinamen that are being smuggled in the van he takes, and the pr ojections of the district attorneys wife onto the Hispanic locksmith, Daniel. The one storyline that develops throughout the film that is the finale of the film revolves around a young rookie police officer who picks up an African-American man who is hitchhiking.Throughout the film he has been the one who tries desperately to not be prejudiced and to see everyone equally, but at the end his own inner fears cause him to misinterpret the young man and dart him out of fear. Officer Hanson thinks that the young man is going to pull a gun on him, but instead pulls out a figure of backer Christopher. If the man had not been black, the rookie officer would not have had the instinct to fear him however, both of these characters throughout the film were the least prejudiced of all of the characters.This idea becomes interesting as an important aspect of this film because it is almost a metaphor of the unite States and how we are trying desperately to not admit that racism is a problem but in the end, it really is. This is the most important theme of this film because it is the one that is closest to the reality of life in the United States and how racism plays a role in society.Throughout the film Crash there are many instances where we see racism portrayed in a realistic and harsh way, proving to us that racism is very much an issue that is haunting the American people even today. The magic of this film is that it really brings the issue of racism away from just being black or white, bringing to light the gray area that exists.We as Americans are torn between our understanding of certain reasons for racism versus disappointment that there is still racism existing in our society. This film is very entertaining because of the strong cast and the different storylines that all come together into a very informative, thoughtful way, but also enlightening as it achieves its goal of affecting the audience and their beliefs about racism in our society.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The Accounting Cycle
In the general point of view, an accounting cycle refers to certain procedures that must be established by either business unit to provide the data to be compositioned on the financial statements. The accounting process consists of two interrelated parts the recording stage and the summarizing phase. Although these phases vary in details depending on the nature of the business, the main purpose is just the same to be able to provide an accurate report containing the firms full term and the result of its operation.To clearly illustrate the complete accounting cycle of a finance company, let us take as an example Dann & Berns, Inc. The company is occupied in providing business analysis including credit investigation, a thorough study of the company profile, review of the clients financial statements, and providing an overall rating of the clients, whom we will call as subjects in this example.Among Dann & Berns subjects include big companies who are applying for accreditation as a distri just nowor of another firm applicant verification for banks and other financial institutions offering assorted types of loans, as part of their pre-approval requirements outsourcing companies and other headhunting firms for hire-right purposes and others from different industries. To be able to provide the necessary services, Dann & Berns is hiring very senior financial professionals for these functions.These professionals are required to have a solid background in finance and accounting as well as the ability to communicate with the top management of different financial institutions. A deep knowledge on financial analysis is highly expected from them. The Operations Department is involved in the main process and is consist of report coordinators, field officers, business analysts, and editors, who are all directly reporting to the vice president. Other departments providing support include marketing, human resources, legal, information technology, accounting and audit.The m arketing mass are the ones who have direct contact with the subject. They collect and forward the primary documents and other requirements to the operations department through the report coordinators. The report coordinators will then input necessary data for monitoring and assignment of subjects to the business analysts. The editors are responsible in reviewing the work of the business analysts. Their responsibilities include double-checking of the ratings given to the subject, based on their company profile, the result of background checks, outcome of credit investigations made, and the content of their financial statements.Field officers are the ones who do the personal background-checking and other liaison work including but not limited to gathering of pertinent documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission, IRS, Federal Bank and other banks, and other regulatory bodies to authenticate the validity of the papers submitted by the subject. formerly the accreditation pro cess is done, the editors will forward the reports back to the report coordinators, who will then issue a list of completed reports per subject to the accounting department for rush purposes. This is the starting point of Dann & Berns accounting cycle.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Health and Fitness Essay
For many years there has been a debate between which is better for weight withstand and all around health and fitness, Cardiorespiratory Exercise or Weight Training. Many people tend to focus only on one construction of the physical wellness. For example women, like myself may focus more on cardiorespiratory and flexibility training more so than Weight training. This is tabu of misgiving of injury, or the muscles becoming too bulky. Women tend to want to burn more calories, therefore they focus on puzzle outs such as aerobics, walking, swimming, and jogging. Research shows that working out with weights has health benefits beyond simply bulking up ones muscles and strengthening bones. Studies are finding that more lean muscle mass may surrender kidney dialysis patients to live longer, give older people better cognitive function, reduce depression, boost good cholesterol, lessen the swelling and discomfort of lymphedema after breast crabmeat and help lower the risk of diabetes.A lthough Weight training has its benefits for miscellany of reasons it also has its downside. Weight training promotes short term stiffness of the blood vessels, which could promote gritty Blood Pressure over time and increase the load on the heart. This would not be good for someone who has a history of Hypertension. A variety of studies have shown that the best way to offset the cardiovascular stress caused by strength training is to combine cardiorespiratory endurance exercise such as a brisk walk, bicycling, or elliptical machine, immediately after a weight training exercise.Regular aerobic exercise causes your lungs to process more type O with less effort your heart to pump more blood with fewer beats and the blood supply directed to your muscles to increase. As a result, by acting cardiovascular exercises, you are increasing your bodys endurance and efficiency. Miriam Nelson of the American College of Sports Medicine states, Ideally, you want a combination of moderate to vig orous aerobic exercise and moderate-intensity strength training Bottom line to all of this research is both Resistance training and Cardiorespiratory exercise is good for the body, if done in the skilful order.http// http//
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
English Proficiency Conclusion
Conclusions On the basis of the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn 1. A great majority of the respondents are male, graduates of public broad(prenominal) instills, and prosecute the degree program Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE). 2. When the respondents are grouped according to the variable gender, their overall level of proficiency in the quad English grammar skills is Poorly Proficient.When they are grouped according to the variable type of high school attended, their overall level of proficiency in the four English grammar skills is Poorly Proficient. When the respondents are grouped according to the variable degree program, their overall level of proficiency in the four English grammar skills is Poorly Proficient. 3. The respondents do not differ significantly in their skills in guideing questions and in responding to questions when they are grouped according to the variable gender.In other words, the male respondents ability to ask q uestions and to respond to questions does not differ from that of the female respondents ability to perform the same grammar skills. On the other hand, the respondents differ significantly in their skills in combining sentences and in expanding sentences when they are grouped according to the variable gender. That is, the male respondents ability to combine sentences and to expand sentences differs from that of the female respondents ability to perform utter grammar skills.As to the variable type of high school attended, the respondents do not differ significantly in their skills in asking questions, in responding to questions, in combining sentences, and in expanding sentences. That is, the private high school graduates ability to ask questions, to respond to questions, to combine sentences, and to expand sentences do not differ from that of the public high school graduates ability to perform said grammar skills.When the respondents are grouped according to their respective degree programs/sections, they differ significantly in their skills in asking questions, in combining sentences, and in expanding sentences but there is no significant difference in their skills in responding to questions. In other words, the respondents from each of the three sections differ from each other in their ability to perform said grammar skills.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Dulce Decorum
Taylor 1 Dying for a State through Poetry Wilfred Owens Dulce et Decorum Est uses vivid imagery which removes any amorous ideas that it is new and trusty to die for the fatherland. Randall Jarrells The termination of the Ball Turret Gunner uses ambiguity to compare death for the state and abortion. Both writings catch the horror of dying for a state. The Death of the Ball turret Gunner begins from my mothers sleep, I fell into a state and hunched in its venter until my fur froze. This is saying that the gunner was innate(p) from his mothers warfaremth into a cold state, as he is born in the belly of a high altitude bomber.The State is referred to as cold and less nourishing in Randall Jerrells poem. In Dulce et Decorum Est the poem reveals hidden truths of the root world war, and showed the cruelties the soldiers had to face on a mean solar day to day basis. Dulce et Decorum est begins Bent double, like old beggars (5) All the turmoils that young manpower were put through devising them feel and look older than they really were, breaking them down making them lose their spirit they had as young men. What makes this poem unique is the fact that Wilfred Owen was there to witness the horrors of the first world war.Owen continues An ecstasy of fumbling fitting helmets. As the soldiers ran from the gas bombs their helmets bouncing on their heads, putting them at bigger risk of dying for your country. War is often glorified by others that have not undergo how horrifying war can be and they find that they can be heros, because of stories they heard as a child from a mother or a father that makes war seem romantic and patriotic so they should enlist in the romance of being that hero not realizing that the war is in truth a horrifying experience.Owen states at the end of his poem to children ardent for some desperate glory (25) Children who think it is sweet and upright to die for ones country because someone who has no experience has told them stories of romance and patriotism allowing them to retrieve they will be heros in the perfect dream. Taylor 2 Wilfred Owen and Randall Jerrell both tell the dour truths of the war and ow it really was to be that unsung hero that watched his friends die and be put into a drop behind to be hauled off not really knowing if their families and loved ones knew they had passed on, or how it was to be the product of a war and to not live past your first hour because you were born into the freezing belly of a bomber plane and treated like trash when the plane has finally landed and was being cleaned out. How the war today is any different than what both of these authors are trying to say?There is no expiration because in Dulce et Decorum est the very last words The old lie Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori. It is sweet and honorable to die for the fatherland. The recruitment offices of today still tell their soldiers that they are doing America a opt by fighting for them and that it is an ho norable way to live life however it is not said that it is honorable if you die but if you live you have better opportunities in life to go somewhere and be someone.What happened to those young men who fought in the First World War? Most of them lost their friend because they were told it was honorable to die for their country, wherefore a lot of them came home from the wars crippled and could not participate in the things they did ahead they enlisted, and then some of them came home in a plain pine box to families that only then saw the horrors of the war.
Effective and Ineffective Communication
efficacious and In stiff Communication Lisa Brady Loyola University Effective and Ineffective Communication Where we come from, what weve experienced, our culture, our norms, our circle of friends, and our history completely(prenominal) travel the ways in which we communicate with each other. What constitutes effective and ineffective talk? How do we assess what whole kit and caboodle as opposed to what doesnt? Communication is vital not only to affected role cargon moreover in collaborating as a team to ensure goals are achieved.In Contemporary Nursing, Cherry states that effective colloquy is a foundational component of professional nursing practice. (Cherry & Jacob, 2011, p. 381) When I think of communication in the clinical setting, two examples are always in my fore mind both of which happened in nursing school. I keep these experiences in mind because they curb had a profound effect on the ways in which I communicate with my tolerants daily. My example of ineffe ctive communication stems from a rotation I did in the ICU. I was apprehensive about going to the ICU. Was I ready?The patients were so acute and I was so inexperienced. I was filled with doubts and insecurity. The short version of this story entails an ICU wet-nurse who was not aware she was overhearting a schoolchild and a shortage of computer tablets, so medicinal drugs were pulled via a written cover brought to the pyxis. A patient was upset with medications he didnt understand and the doctor had to be contacted. The doctor utter at the nurse, the nurse ran from the unit crying and when she returned the scene was set for a near fatal accident. The nurse took me and her piece of paper to the pyxis and began to pull her medications.Again for time and space, the shortened version explains that the nurse mistakenly pulled a night medication due at hour of sleep instead of the day medication. The nurse then instructed the nursing student to pass these medications. By the time t he nurse realized she had pulled the wrong dosage and the nursing student had assumption them, the patient had to be intubated stomach pumped and could easily get died. During this emergency treatment the nurse yelled at the nursing student, and this is why you always check the computer prior to giving medication. I cannot articulate to you the fear, anger and confusion I had over what had transpired. I felt thrown under the bus. What had well(p) happened? What happened was a serious disconnect in communication and a hard lesson in patient safety. The patient lived and recovered. I chequered to never completely give up my power and to trust my instinct. I have never since and never will give a medication unless I have pulled it and have all the resources in front of me to verify the information.The nurse later wrote on my evaluation that we both needed to learn our five rights. I was angry but in retrospect she was right. I may not have pulled those medications but she told me to give them and I obeyed. I was utilizing non-assertive communication. I have always thought communication was my reinforced suit. I strive to use the I statements that Cherry suggests. (Cherry & Jacob, 2011) I believe strongly in Jan Hargraves concept that 55% of what we say is non-verbal,38% is in voice reflection and only 7% is in the actual words we say. (Cherry & Jacob, 2011, p. 385) The difficulties that arise in communication it is dependent on a host of factors, including non-verbal communication and interpretation of the information. (Cherry & Jacob, 2011) I have since learned assertive communication techniques and am currently working on responding instead of reacting. It is a lifelong process. My second example is one of effective communication. A young mom with two babies arrived to the ER. She had no insurance, and her baby presented with fever and signs of pneumonia.The ER doctor and the nurses stockpile she was from the city hours away and was most likely attempting to obtain free interest. The doctor discharged the patient and the nurses discussed amongst themselves the patient and the problems with patients abusing the system. Once again my gut instinct told me there was more to this patient and her story. I went to the patient to express concern and to listen and discovered that the patient was not at this particular hospital to avoid payment. She was in a domestic violence shelter with her two young babies and was attempting to change her life.It upset me that she was pre-judged like this, when all it would have taken was a few minutes of building a rapport and trust to get to the truth of the matter. It has truly made a difference in how I work with my patients. I humble to truly listen to what they are not saying. To work with our patients on a holistic level we must actively listen, validate their concerns and their feelings and earn their trust. In conclusion there is so much to take into reflection regarding how we expr ess ourselves and interact with each other as professionals and with our patients.We must always consider cultural differences and be keenly aware of body language. How we communicate with individuals varies greatly and is dependent upon where that person is in their life and at that moment. Physical touch is another form of communication and again must be assessed dependent on the person. Some patients dont mind if we touch their hand or shoulder reassuringly, others are bothered by this. I always make an attempt to ask a patient for example if they are crying can I give you hug?It is so important to maintain open communication but at the same time keep boundaries. It is a gift to be able to care for our patients but it can be difficult to find the right path of communication for each person. In the end we do the best we can, utilizing the tools weve been given and making every effort to be authentic, genuine and in the moment. References Cherry, B. , & Jacob, S. R. (2011). Con temporary nursing issues trends and management (5th ed. ). St. Louis, Missouri Elsevier Mosby.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
African American Outline Essay
It happens to be common k right awayledge that throughout bill African Americans have been oppressed, segregated, and handle as gracious human beings. In the dawn of history Africans were regarded as animals and as such they would do the job of animals, however this paper will look at their sacrifices and fights to be treated as equals. linked States Congress. (1866, April 9). Civil Rights Act. Retrieved from http//www. digitalhistory. uh. edu/exhibits/reconstruction/section4/section4_civrightsact1. html Amendments to the Constitution of the United States (2007) Infoplease.It happens to be common knowledge that throughout history African Americans have been oppressed, segregated, and disregarded as civil human beings. In the dawn of history Africans were regarded as animals and as such they would do the job of animals, however this paper will look at their sacrifices and fights to be treated as equals. United States Congress. (1866, April 9). Civil Rights Act. Retrieved from http //www. digitalhistory. uh. edu/exhibits/reconstruction/section4/section4_civrightsact1. html Amendments to the Constitution of the United States (2007) Infoplease.See to a greater extent argument essay formatcom http//www. infoplease. com/ipa/A0749825. htmlA0749838ixzz2VD3iU0JEhttp//www. infoplease. com/ipa/A0749825. htmlA0749838 Abolishment of slavery The abolishment of slavery brought on a war, not between two countries but a war that divided a country, one and only(a) that is still spoken of forthwith. The southern or rebel states rose against the President of the United States in vengeance of his and many a(prenominal) others view that no man woman or child should be a slave. only people were created equal. Amendments to the Constitution of the United States (2007) http//www. infoplease. com/ipa/A0749825. htmlA0749838ixzz2VD3iU0JEhttp//www. infoplease. com/ipa/A0749825. htmlA0749838 (13th, 14th, and 15th amendments) Africans in politics Although four billion African American slaves were now free they had codes placed against them, the Black Codes restricted the lives and movement of these people. In couch to override the codes the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were drafted and passed. Not only was slavery abolished but all slaves were now citizens and in such race could no longer be used to prevent the vote of a person.Africans now had a voice on who was elected and soon they had African Americans running for government offices. Corbould, C. (2009) Becoming African Americans Black Public Life in Harlem, 1919-1939 Harvard University Press. Cambridge, MA, ground forces Harlem Renaissance African Americans soon were cast out again, during the age of imperialism and leading into World War One Africans were struggling to make a life. Some fought in another war, this time not for their freedom but for the freedom from communism alongside their white counterparts. later on the war ended pitch-darks started to come together, the Harlem R enaissance was born.King, M. L. Jr. (2010) Stride Toward Freedom The Montgomery Story. Beacon Press. Boston, MA, USA Black power movement 1954 to 1963 America saw a strong struggle for the advancement of civil rights, comparability and desegregation. From every day citizens expressing their belief in being equal to their white counterparts to lawyers fighting for the equality all had deserved. These times were pivitol in an unstable America. Not only were there these movements of civil equality and black power but also a war in a far land that many Americans were against at the time. Inventions and impact.From writers, inventors and powerful leaders throughout black history there argon some that are household names and some that may be forgotten. I plan on taking a look back on those who through oppression continued to strive for better for themselves and for all. African Americans today Not long ago segregation was prominent, civil rights were abused, racism and hate were common. Today we have chief operating officers, congressmen and senators, military leaders and the President of the United States who are all African Americans. No longer considered a minority in manys eyes, African Americans have literally built themselves from slaves to leaders and teachers.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Vark Assessment
black-tie Paper VARK Learning Style Baromie F. Koroma Grand Canyon University NRS-429V Family Centered Health Promotion Professor JenniferWood 03/03/13 1. It is known that either individual in a scholastic setting has a different euphonyal mode of comprehending or taking in information, an exercise that is symbolized by their exclusive culture personal manner. With one realizing their own larn style allow not only convey which courses or subjects they are competent at, however will as well as enlighten them of the grea testing active way of training and aiming for the areas of any subject.In 1987, Neil Fleming designed the VARK learning style assessment which is a questionnaire that has questions that which answered by a person will lead to four gain ground that gives up to five study strategies which are Visual, Aural, Reading/ deliver, and Kinesthetic (Fleming,2011). The way in which these scores join on up informs a person where they fall within the five areas of lear ning strategies which is crucial to the education of any individual.This paper will elaborate in enormous fragment multimodal as the beginning took the VARK assessment and established she is a multimodal learner. It will also compare and contrast preferred learning strategies with the VARK learning strategies and appraises any changes postulate to improve study habits. The author use to think that she learn best from reading and writing of every bit of information, but after taking the VARK assessment she realized that she is a multimodal with scores of visual 6 , aural/auditory 4 , reading/write 9 and Kinesthetic 8.This means that the author requires 2 or more(prenominal) methods of learning to be an effective learner. Context woo learners and the whole sense approach learners are the two types of a multimodal learner. The context approach is used if an individual has 0ne, two or more solo preferences to learning and using those independently based on the situation (Learning Styles, 2013). An example of this will be the uthor is a visual and kinesthetic learner and she is learning hair braiding from a friend, she would not dear stand there looking at the friend braiding someone else hair, but she would actually perpetrate by doing one or more braids. The whole sense learner requires receiving information or instructions in a diverse ways in order to convince it all been received and tacit correctly. For the whole sense learner, more time is needed to feel more poise in devising decision.They have a tendency of having VARK scores of more than 30 without ultimate boundaries (Fleming, 2011) which is not the author style of multimodal learning. Even though the author learns in so many different was her learning choice is to read/write followed by work force on experience to know how something really works, in a dexterous manner and the other strategies are used as bonus backing for my better learning. As a multimodal with a preference of read/write and kinesthetic, this author likes to read books including novels and textbook and do some query prior to attending any class.She takes class notes and rewrites them over and over, reread them continually, rewrite them into outline form and leaning them in orderly manner. The author also learn better with a list or describe instructions to follow during a lecture and also like to study by herself in a quiet environment which has been very helpful during the past weeks with her online studies as she is not reliant on fundamentally hearing the lectures which would have permit her to be in a classroom for each and every lecture.The author also likes to practise flashcards of terminology words to be known and a highlighter pen to underline signalise points on a textbook or flashcards. She also learns through corporal comfort, drawing images, sample test and making copies. An example of making copies will be belief out my class syllabus at the beginning of each class to avoid login g in to the classroom every time I spanking information like assignment for the is needed. Nevertheless this author has a preference of read/write and kinesthetic, she also benefits from Aural and Visual learning style.Aural learns the data given when it is used in an audio way. Talking, listening and music are all methods that help an aural learner. They tend to learn better when they can hear instructions and voice the answers. This author uses this learning style by conversing with people about her topics and assignment to acquire a well instinct of it. A visual learner understands information well if they can see it. Their visualisation abilities are tough and like to use charts, graphs and images.The author uses this learning style by underlying and printing out material in different colors that allows desirable data to stand out higher up data that is not relevant to what she is learning. The authors preferred learning strategies and the VARK strategies in read/write and k inesthetic are actually similar. Visual and aural modalities are less often use by the author. The author is more comfortable in writing/studying and practice context using hands on (kinesthetic) technique. However, the author needs to comprehend the big image to have a clear understanding of the topic in place.Changes that would improve study behaviors from aural modality include using a magnetic tape recorder to place notes on and listen to it. From the visual modality, the author will Use materials such as, PowerPoint, Maps or videos to aid in remembering of data given. In conclusion, by knowing a preferred learning style one can use their own strong point to better process data, and rig out their learning and communication and also create a more effective learning environment and make learning more efficient.Reference APA Fleming, N. (2011). VARK, a guide to learning style. Retrieved from http//www. vark-learn. com/english/page. asp? p=multimodal N. A. (2013). Learning styles. Retrieved from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Learning_styles APA character N. A. (2013). Learning Styles, Strategies And Teaching Methods. Anti Essays. Retrieved March 2, 2013, from the World Wide Web http//www. antiessays. com/free-essays/34839. html
Friday, May 17, 2019
Childhood and Young People Essay
Describe ways in which discrimination whitethorn deliberately or unknowingly occur in work? The ways in work that this would occur would be if you have a policy where you will employ anyone with let on discrimination but without having disabled access that would be inadvertently.Describe the sorts of conduct problems that should be referred to other and to whom these should be referred? The sorts of behaviour problems that should be referred are if a problem keeps re-occurring such as hitting, biting, and swearing. This should be referred to your manager and and then thats for the manager to take further or not.Describe the antithetical transitions sisterren and teenaged people may experience? There are different transitions that children and young people may go through can be planned for such as moving to a elemental school but the transitions that you cant plan for will be a sudden death in the family which this could be traumatic for the child.Explain how to give adult suppo rt for each of the transitions? The most(prenominal) important dower of giving adult support to a child when going through these transitions would just letting the child know that there is someone for them to rely on.Explain how a work background signal can bring forward children and young peoples cocksure behaviour? Depending on the age of the child the encouragement doesnt re totallyy change for example 1-2 year old you would distract the child if they arent displaying good behaviour and then praise them while keeping calm and patient and compensate sure you stay be a good role model. For a 3-4 year old you would praise and encourage the child and then next explain while keeping patient and then supervise the child and then make sure that you continue to be a role model.Reflect on consume role in promoting cocksure behaviour? In my role I think promoting positive behaviour is important so you build a bond with that child so when they do go through a set of bad behaviour they respect you and listen to you when you guiding them in the right direction. Also praise is the most important when promoting positive behaviour this would be a case of reverse physiology. surveil effectiveness of make contribution to the assessment of the development subscribes of a child or young soulfulness?Review effectiveness of declare role in supporting the child or young persons development? learn changes that can be made to own practice in supporting child and young person development?Outline own role and responsibilities in the event of a child or young person requiring urgent medical tutelage? When a child needs urgent medical attention the first thing that you should do is find out how bad the injury in to determine what you need to do to help the child then you need to react and provide first aid on the child if more serious ring for an ambulance. Then next monitor the child for further re-occurring effects, this is primarily for a head injury. Then you will ne ed to record the injury and what happened and what first aid you carried out on the child.Outline procedures for transmitting control in own work setting? The procedures that we have in place in the work setting are cleaning charts and professionals that come in and check everyplace the setting to make sure that it is clean. Also we make sure the toys are clean for the children to play with to compress infection and cleaning the nursery every night. Also if there is a spill of any pleasing such as blood or sick, we have different coloured buckets to clean it up to discredit contamination. If you were to be in the kitchen we use different coloured chopping boards to stop the risk of cross contamination which could fade to infection.Explain how the procedures of the work setting protect both children and young people and practitioners? This protects everyone in the setting from infection such as illness for example the common cold. This protects everyone because the cleaner the better, if the rooms were never cleaned or tidied thats how infection would built because when you clean you kill any type of infection.Describe what is meant by a positive environment? A positive environment would be where staff and children are happy at all times, where everyone gets on well and keeps the setting positive. Making sure that the children have enough the play with both interior and outdoor to keep them happy, when there is enough space for the children to play it keeps them positive. Although we need to make sure that the setting is fun and attractive it needs to be safe and secure.Identify regulatory requirements that underpin a positive environment for children and young people? The regulatory requirements that underpin a positive environment for children must be safe to work in, so this is why there are ratios to children to staff. Also yearbook Ofsted will visit the setting to make sure you are sticking to these requirements, a few examples would be the heating , making sure its always at the right temperature which is 15-18 degrees or for babies 20-22. Another would be radiators and pipes to be covered and smoke alarms fitted in the setting and making sure that emergency equipment is always available.Explain how to efficaciously care for children and young peoples grate, teeth and hair? It is always important that childrens skin teeth and hair is looked after. Skin children are encouraged to wash hands after using the whoremaster or before they, also as they get older they should be encouraged to wash their own bodies when they wake up and before they go to bed for example letting the child have their own flannel will encourage this.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
United States History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
United States History - Essay ExampleThe Spanish conquistadors conquered stupendous empires in the New World. The Spanish colonizers had superior military technology and advanced military tactics that enablight-emitting diode them to give alliances with local tribes and carry out surprising attacks to conquer different areas. The Spanish conquistadors would then partition the conquered areas into encomiendas. The encomienda corpse converted Indians into slaves. In the sixteenth century, Spain had emerged as the most successful colonizer. Other colonizers such as England and France matte up threatened by continued success of Spain in colonization. Spain was the first colonize America and had managed to capitalize on spacious regions of America while other rivals such as England and France had not entered America. Spanish colonizers managed to acquire vast natural resources from its colonies and develop the economy in its mother country. Although the Spanish government was operati ng from Madrid it do use of viceroyalties, royal courts of appeal and audencias to manage its colonies in the new world. Megellan started circumnavigating the globe but natives killed him while he was crossing the Pacific. Spaniards then captured Aztec in 1519. In 1507, Waldseemuler named the newly discovered world as America. The terrain was characterized by acrimonious conditions. Moreover, few native laborers had been reduced to slaves. They could not satisfy the growing number of Spanish settlers. Therefore, Spanish started import African slaves. Francisco later invaded and conquered Peru. Later on Jamestown was founded in Virginia for English settlement. In 1680, Pope Rebellion led to end of the encomienda system. 2) Describe the major difficulties that early settlers in Virginia encountered and how these difficulties were overcome. The early settlers in Virginia encountered numerous challenges. One of the challenges was thirst and diseases, which left several of the settler s dead. Most of the settlers were vulnerable to diseases and most could hardly stand diseases. Although most of the settlers died due to famine, a number died from water poisoning. The river water they were using had slime, which caused salt poisoning, typhoid and dysentery. The poisoned water caused an epidemic that killed most of the colonizers. This resulted in disintegration of the leadership. Moreover, most of the remaining settlers were ill and could hardly work. In the early 1608, there was a conjure up that destroyed the fort as well as the colonist dwelling and provisions. This left the colonizers without food and they had to attend on Indians. Around 1609 major hunger had affected Virginia, resulted in instances of malnutrition, and made settlers vulnerable to diseases. Moreover, the local Indians retaliated and would and time attack the settler. The settlers overcome the challenges by carrying out faming to obtain food. Additionally, they would use guns to threaten the Indian attackers. Moreover, the settlers built a wall around their houses to prevent themselves from the attacks. The settlers leaders such kept recruiting new settlers to transpose the dead ones, which helped the colony survive. Moreover, the settlers imported slaves from Africa to help in the faming. 3) Define mercantilism and describe the obligations of the colonies under Englands mercantilist policies. Mercantilism was an economic system adopted by England, which was based on the belief the national wealthiness depended on the contribution of the colonies in supplying resources such as precious metal and purchasing the goods
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Job Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
line of reasoning Analysis - Essay ExampleThe Parking and Transportation constituent Assistant is required to have a strong inclination towards teamwork as he will be working with supervising staff and former(a) administrative staff for technical and functional assistance. One has to be professional in appearance to restrain a good image of the office he represents and to conduct respect from the people he deals with. Moreover, the Office Assistant should have the passion for excellent customer service because it is his basic duty to communicate with them. Therefore, with this demand the job requires, the employee should also have the ability to think creatively and critically as well as work independently. He should have the initiative to oversee the organization of the office and its efficient functioning as needed. Attention to detail is required to keep the office run efficiently and smoothly including details to selective information entered for recording purposes.The Offi ce Assistant should have a good working knowledge of computer computer software especially Word and Excel for the entry of data gathered during the day. He should have gained a genius year experience on general clerical duties. He will be under send supervision while learning work requirements and responsibilities will widen as one learns to perform basic duties and seem to show mastery of which.Examples of specific duties are as follows answer phone calls and inquiries regarding parking and emigration services offered by SCHOOL NAME personally receive customers and attend to their needs and inquiries regarding parking and point of the school type information like inquiries, parking permits sold, permits ordered, parking citations issued and the like enter data on Word and Excel processors for record keeping proofread and process documents like general correspondence, forms, memos, and documents from drafts, notes, verbal operating instructions process applications, approved pa rking permits and licenses collect fees and record
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Essay on a disease ( OBESITY) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
On a disease ( OBESITY) - Essay ExampleHe has been battling this disease since his teens and by mature fifteen he was 23 pounds over weight unit and by thirty he was 45 pounds in nimiety of what his normal weight should have been. Brett was not skinny as a kid but retributory a regular chubby guy and like each(prenominal) kids adored sweets and junk food, and as an barely child he was indulged in both.Not that this may have been the only cause, since both his parents were also on the heavy side, not exactly obese but definitely generously proportioned and quite alien to the pattern of healthy food and exercise. From a chubby kid Brett morphed into a fat pre-teen and soon into an obese teenager. by dint of the years he has tried various diets, exercise regimes and numerous weight loss products that have all guaranteed weight loss, but each time he failed and lost hope. In fact the constant yo-yo diet and weight loss products have contributed to his weight gain and health problem s. Obesity has not only caused him numerous physical problems like diabetes and sleep apnea, but this disease has mentally demolished him as well. Due to his weight stigma he became withdrawn as a teenager unable to deal with the constant ridicule and later a complete recluse, refusing even to attend family gatherings. Doctors again have been more of a encumbrance than help due to their biased perceptions and weight stigma.Disease implies some conformation of physical failure, and is associated with some form of damage to the body, that is usually accompanied by suffering, or by death. Obesity easily fits all of these criterions as it produces malfunctions in umteen organ systems and structures, and leads to inexpressible misery, and results in large number of deaths. Obesity actually is the prodigal accumulation of adipose tissue2 i.e. body fat to such an extent that it causes health difficulties.There are many causes for obesity like genetic and hormonal problems,
Monday, May 13, 2019
Resource Project (Motivation) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7250 words
Resource Project (Motivation) - Assignment ExampleCarrefour is listed as the Europes leading retailer and the second-largest in the world followed by Wal-Mart. It was selected for this study because of its success and achievements in the world retail industry. In fact, more(prenominal) than 10 million customers annu every(prenominal)y visit Carrefour stores and 25,000 suppliers provide fresh food, food product and other items such as small house-hold goods, textiles, home appliances (photo equipment, DVDs, sound and multimedia equipment) to these stores. Annual net gross sales at Carrefour amounts approximately 76,789million Euros of which forty-six percentage, proportion is generated in France and the rest from abroad. Fournier, Badin and Defforey founded Carrefour in France in 1959 with the purpose of creating, acquiring and operating, in France and abroad, stores for the sale of all items, products, food and merchandise and, secondarily, providing within the said stores all ser vices that may be of interest to the customers (Carrefour 2012 p.272). Now Carrefour is a multi-format, multi-channel and multi-local group, comprising of 9,994 stores in thirty tether different countries in the Europe, America, Middle-East and Asia.Employee motivation is viewed traditionally as the struggle to get more for less because more the performance of individual employees, less the cost of salaries for the company (Perry & Porter 1982). Cutting down the number of employees save helped sustain some businesses during the last economic recession. It suggests the importance of improving the workforce productivity rather than hiring new(a) labour.In a study conducted in Germany revealed the economic recession in 2009 affected employment in many companies. Some employers had modified employees working conditions and pay in addition to the employment levels and staffing measures. Example, 67% of respondents in metalworking and electrical industry, 53% of respondents in chemical industry, 47% of respondents in financial
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Malnutrition among people older than 65 years Essay
Malnutrition among nation older than 65 age - Essay ExampleThe study Malnutrition among people older than 65 years investigates the psychological effects of malnutrition among the elderly and their caregivers. Despite the recent attention given to malnutrition among elderly people, politicians have been painfully slow in taking the issue seriously. Finding a way to solve this issue forms the rump for this paper. In medical terms, malnutrition is either effect if illness or a cause of illness. Malnutrition can be a result of another disease like cancer. For instance, people undergoing cancer treatment are usually nauseated and their appetite is usually low. The disinterest in eating can lead to leads to malnourishment if it goes on for a longtime. Malnourishment can lead to exhaustion, confusion, and increases the risk of infections due to a weak immune outline as well as increasing the risk of falling due to muscle weakness. Psychological factors much(prenominal) as depression and social isolation can also lead to under-eating. Health promotion surmise usually helps in in capturing the nature of health promotion in a way that provides a framework for analyzing and describing the processes, activities and contents of health promotion. Health promotion model studies health promotion framework, practice and rule intervention. There are several models of health promotion such as Beatties model, Tannahills model, Holland and Caplans model, Penders model and Tones model. The public is more aware than ever before or so the dangers of malnutrition among the older people.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Martin Luther King The World House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Martin Luther King The World House - Essay ExampleThis paper examines the world house to countenance an analysis of the value and other fundamental assumptions. The article conceptualizes people to live in two realms, the internal, and the external. The inside(a) has spiritual ends characterized by morals and values while outside is characterized by technology. Materialism subjugates the inner earth hindering the growth of the soul. Thoreau, as quoted in School life website, agrees with this in his report to summarise the range life, improved means to an improved end (School life web). It is true that modernization block spiritual growth, which in return nurtures people with a selfish character that do not for their fellow human beings incur to go through each day. A 2007 study on racism shows that racism continues to pervade Americans indian lodge and that law by the state do not play their role in its prevention (ACLU web). Therefore, the view of encouraging countries to fig ht poverty and other problems in maturation countries is pertinent. As Luther presents the problem of poverty that may inhibit people to live in the world house properly, he presents the extent to which poverty is sinking feeling in neighborhoods. Well, it may not be true that two-thirds of the world go to move back hungry every night, but at least a substantial number have no homes and go to bed hungry. The impression he makes by his quest to solve this poverty problem is that every person has the caring heart like him and will work towards ending poverty. The resources available to the rich nations can help developing countries come up with the key to end poverty. However, are they willing to help? Martin appeals to the audience using his creditworthy character, emotions, and logical reasoning.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Organizations going through Change Research Paper
Organizations going through Change - research Paper ExampleThese aspects are presented in Intel Corporation (2011) and Jones, Watson, Gardner, & Gallois (2010).In Intel Corporation (2011), the rationale for vary is advised by the motive to match Intels enterprise architecture with the current market demand for semiconducting material chips. On the other hand, Jones, Watson, Gardner, & Gallois (2010) address change in the light of communication challenges in the21st century. The role of Intel in enhancing the welfare of the communication industry is highlighted. The commonality between the two publications is that they both evaluate the sources and impacts of organizational change. However, charm one is based on the upcountry operations of the corporation, the other focuses on the entire industry.Organizational change for Intel is influenced by technology, operation processes, and architecture subject to the desired level of creativity and innovativeness (Ilozor, Peter, & Graha m, 2012). In this respect, Intel uses diverse rationales for internal change, while the industry rationale for change is communication-based. Therefore, the use of single or multiple rationales in assessing the need for change depends on the specific operations undertaken by the
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Data Collection Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Data Collection Methods - Essay ExampleFocus group Advantages and Dis-advantagesAccording to Morgan (1996) focus group is a research method devoted to data collection to gather data through group watchword. It is an well-fixed way to listen to diverse views of the research issue. Group discussion deals with concrete life issues and helps in crowd real time data. However there argon several disadvantages of focus group. It is quite expensive and long research methodology. In focus group that some of the participants are mistaken by the group discussion and they jump to conclusion. It is hard for the moderator to keep the group of people focused on one topic for a long time. Group discussions are not planned. People can go in wrong military commission and lot of time is wasted to come back to the original topic. In-group discussion, people take sides, and the mentality of preserve the crowd exists.The research reference is defined as a two-person conversation initiated by the questioner for the specific theatrical role to find research relevant information and focusing on the interviewee to gather the essential data (Cohen, 2000). The interview involves gathering data through direct verbal interaction between the individuals. Veal (2000) has described interview as a strategy to find out from people about the things, which cannot be observed directly. The interviews are meant to collect data from each respondent face to face. In the interview, each respondent contributes a contrasting perspective of the same question. Personal interviewing provides face-to-face contact with respondents, which permits audible and visual communication with respondents in real time (Joann, 1990).
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